I saw that on TV & Lexy looked as proud as punch to be alongside the 'dad' she'd saved.
Good dog, Lexy! I hope there's a Doggie Hero Award coming up.
Awwww that's so cute!! What a great dog ;)
I love "dog saves person" stories.
BTW ........ GARDENING???? She was going to go outside and do 2 or more hours of GARDENING........... in the middle of the night!!!??? Huh?
Belated reply from Lexy's Dad ( Just home from Hospital)
Well First thank you all for the kind thought and words. ;)
I don't quite know how "night-time BBQ" came about, It was a 12:30 or lunchtime as we call it. I was about to have a afternoon nap,my wife likes gardening but definitley not in the darkbut it was an amusing thought ;) picked up by Spottychick. Obviously a tongue in cheek comment that had me in great pain laughing, ;) so keep up the good work guys, Loved all the comments .
As they say different dog for different jobs, Cross-breeds are usualy selected for hearing dogs ,believed to be more sound receptive, True or False ? ;).Ill leave that to the experts to argue about Hear is a Quote from a "seeing eye dog owner " that I believe is true of all dogs that are loved. Quote " It's the bond of friendship that develops between the dog and person that even allows the dog dog to do things far beyond what it is trained to do." Unquote: Regards to you all Herodog.