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Everything posted by quickbrownfox

  1. I did not meet my puppy until he landed at the airport too. The breeder sent me photos beforehand for me to choose. I chose from two boys, both with good temperaments (which was the only thing I cared about.) In the end I picked the one with less white on the chest.
  2. Congrats Golden Rules! Aww they're so gorgeous!! I hope you get the little boy you want
  3. Doesn't he! However contrary to popular belief, he has been (mostly) a good boy so far. He sleeps through the night from 10PM to 7AM, licks my hand after I tell him off for biting, can sit and drop, will go outside by himself to the toilet, stays still in the bath & is friendly when meeting new people. My only grudges are that he drags the bath mat outside to chew on, and also destroying my plants (which isn't a problem until he figures out how to walk down steps.) The joys of having a puppy :p I have no intention to compete (Stanley was supposed to be a pet only), but I'm thinking of doing agility when he is a bit older just for fun. Stanley's parents are both show/obedience dogs.
  4. Whoa, I was getting worried for a moment...wasn't able to upload pictures. (Sorry to those with slow internet connections, resizing and compressing photos is a PITA) OK this is a picture from Stanley's first week, but thought it was funny to add: The rest were taken this week: He is pretty awesome getting used to carriers and crates. He fell asleep in the new travel carrier on the day it was delivered:
  5. I did send a PM to amypie when I first brought Stanley home, but not sure if she got it. Oh well, I can always post more piccys if she asks ;) I was told he was a great vet too (by DOL). Maybe I took his humour the wrong way. But the lady receptionist wasn't nice at all. Guess I'll put it down as a bad experience.
  6. Yes Stanley is my first Airedale and pet since moving to Perth this year. He went in for his 10 week vaccination today.
  7. Not to be picky, but your first link says that puppies begin teething between 14-18 weeks old, which suggests earlier than 5 months. But I do agree that loveisashihtzu's puppy isn't teething yet (in fact should have all 28 baby teeth by now.)
  8. Hey that sounds a lot like my flight! Except I live about 40 minutes (in good traffic) from the airport. I took Stanley home asap since he had done a few poops and wees in his plane crate. He held on just fine until I got him home. Word of advice: Bring a water bottle and give him a drink, it is a long flight for a little puppy.
  9. Hi, sorry I know this was from a few pages ago, but I went to South Street vet a couple of weeks ago to sign up for their puppy classes. They seem friendly. Don't go to Riseley in Applecross - I have been there twice for my puppy now and the receptionist is very rude. The vet is great with dogs but he seems to have bit of an elitist streak (he had the nerve to call country people 'rednecks' (I'm from the SW, ha ha.)
  10. Aww isn't he a cutie! I have spent over $100 on toys for my puppy so far. Stanley has squeaky toys, tug toys, treat dispenser toys, soft toys BUT since he is a big chewer he prefers ripping apart cardboard boxes, toilet rolls and newspaper, playing tug with a sock, chasing around an empty coke bottle, etc. There was a recent thread where everyone had some great ideas of cheap, dispensable dog toys (link). I also have heard people here give frozen carrots to their puppies when they are teething too.
  11. Yes. I did it to my puppy last week and he got constipated. He gets a bone every few days now (he is quite younger than your pup - only 10 weeks old.)
  12. Don't stop crate training. If anyone thinks it's cruel to crate their dog, think of it this way: We have cots for babies so they can't get out, or hurt themselves. Crates serve the same function. I know it's hard to ignore your puppy, but it is really the solution. Here are some threads of crate training to help get you started: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=crate+training http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=crate+training http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=crate+training Aww :D Is it cold outside? Puppies generally don't like going out in the rain. Quick edit: Have you heard of SnugglePuppies? I have heard they are great for puppies with anxiety. There is a seller on eBay that will send one to you faster, as he gets them from the US. Here's the link.
  13. Here is a quick cut & paste from that thread: Good luck with finding a name. It's tough to narrow down to one! Let us know what you have decided
  14. My family has only had dogs from registered breeders (with show lines or working lines.) My first pup also came from a breeder too with show lines. In the future I want my next dog to be adopted.
  15. Head over to the DOL Boy's Name Thread. There are some great names in the list.
  16. I've only had Stanley for 2 weeks and already having those thoughts He has hyper zoomies at 6AM and after dinner at 9PM which drives me nuts as I want to go to bed! I believe it will be all worth it in the end, plus I love him too much to return him. He is a great pup when he's not so mischievous. ;)
  17. And also Introductions section too. I think her username is Vaders mum. This is tragic for everyone involved, I'm so sorry. RIP little Vader
  18. Aww lovely photos jazawayaya and BlueStaff! dogluva101 - Have you chosen your puppy from the litter yet?
  19. I have an 8 week old Airedale terrier and he loves chicken necks. The most important thing is to mash the chicken neck first with a meat mallet so they can't choke on it.
  20. Thank you for the compliments Stanley was one of the two names I could get my boyfriend to agree with. The other name was Achilles but thought it would be too hard for his younger sisters to pronounce. Stanley suits him much better anyway Thanks Cat Everything went fine at the vets today. The hernia is nothing to worry about, I can choose to have it surgically removed when Stanley is desexed. The breeder did not notice he had one and was very apologetic. She even offered to pay for the surgery.
  21. Thanks everyone Well today it looks like he's starting to get used to the new environment. He can be a little devil when he is hyper, but otherwise great. He is already used to his crate at night but during the day he prefers sleeping on the kitchen floor. Also occasionally the couch too Some quick photos of Stanley He will be going to his first check-up tomorrow as I suspect the poor little guy has an umbilical hernia.
  22. It is very hard to get a photo until now as puppy has been hyper ever since I got him home! His name is Stanley. (sorry for the crap quality, it's a phone camera) Will get some better photos of him tomorrow Don't worry I was actually late picking him up as my brother is on holidays and had to check out his house on the way to the airport. Everyone thought he was gorgeous when I left with him out of the building.
  23. Today's the big day!! He should be landing at 2:40PM. I hope everything goes according to plan.
  24. Have you checked out the breed list page from this site? Here is the link. Breed list
  25. I got an old IKEA one on ebay for $40. Bunnings also sells gates too.
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