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Damo & Jaws

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Everything posted by Damo & Jaws

  1. where is a good online store to get Advocate from? ive had a bad experience with www.petsplus.com.au so would prefer to go elsewhere. Thanks.
  2. we are feeding him a small mix of wet pedigree pal puppy chicken and turkey to a large mix of Purina ProPlan dry food - which is what the breeder was feeding him before we picked him up. thing is also, out of the litter, he had the best coat. we also gave him a bath on sunday too
  3. Sleeping like a human #1! Sleeping like a human #2! Sleeping like a pug! Being a hoover! My food! Hands off! I sees you human! Argh! Camera! Im not my sunday best! What you talkin bout willis?! You're still here????? Finally, im asleep!
  4. here is our beautiful new pug puppy, Jaws! we got him a week ago, and we are slowly getting the toilet outside business down. he still pees sometimes on his newspaper, but we are getting the #2's outside which is good scaled photo for future camparison to when he gets fat and spoilt!
  5. we picked up Jaws today, got him home about 3:30pm he is so adorable, and he is fitting in perfectly! our 2 cats are a little unsure - 1 has become quite comfortable in a short period of time, although a little while to go yet, but a lot more than we anticipated for the first day/night. the second cat however is a little unsure, but both are in the house and atleast not panicking around. we got a lot of photos already, however have had a long day and are pooped ourselves, so will post them up tomorrow but we are extremely happy overall, and we have one happy family ;)
  6. i know! such an exciting feeling! cant wait to get Jaws home, and get lots of photos of him to add to our collection around the house :D me and my OH are so happy to get Jaws, hes so gorgeous! and having a puppy/dog around the house is so different to a cat, too, as much as i love my OH's cats. 7 days to go!
  7. yeah we have a pen for Jaws (thanks bunnings!), we are a young couple so dont have to worry about kids etc as its just us as for the car, we were thinking of just getting the seatbelt attachment with harness, its just that we both sit in the front, so theres noone to sit in the back and mind Jaws (just in case) so a carrier for the car may be the option. its only a small car too (toyota corolla hatch), so again, not sure. a week to go!
  8. well.. did pretty much the last of the shopping today for Jaws. Bought toothpaste and toothbrush, a lead, a couple of grooming brushes, and puppy shampoo. just need to buy some flea/worming stuff for a few months, and we are complete although we will probably pick up a crate/carrier for having Jaws in the car, and taking him places with us, like parks etc, and probably a few more toys from $2/bargain shops. its just over a week away now, starting to get very exciting!
  9. we go visit our pug pup Jaws this Sunday, the 6 week mark cant wait to meet him and play with him and take lots of photos! then the remainder 2 weeks will be killer! but will be so nice to finally bring him home! getting nearer! time is going fast!
  10. she is so cute! and its so nice to hear she is even better than before the surgery! cant wait to get our little pug
  11. with picking up our first puppy (first for my OH, first for me in 13 years), we have been going through shops like the reject shop, $2 shop, and all those other bargain stores. we even found a really nice dog bed for $18 instead of the overpriced $60 some stores were asking. we bought a bunch of toys for $2 each, perfect for the little puppy great way to buy the stuff that wont last, so much cheaper.
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