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Everything posted by Tiddles

  1. Thanks everyone I hadn't thought of them competing with each other to be in front - I'm sure that's part of it! I'll start walking them seperately. Also thanks for the trainer info. I'm sure that will help. These are intelligent dogs; it's just me that needs help handling them.
  2. Hi, I have two Tenterfield Terriers, 8 and 10 years old. I used to live on 1 acre and they got plenty of exercise. I have since moved into a house in "town" with a smaller yard and I've tried to walk the dogs but they are too hard to handle. They pull so much they hurt my hands and arms. Yes, they are only small dogs but I'm a small person and they're quite strong. A lot of people walk their dogs around here and if we have to pass one in the street my dogs strain even harder than usual at their leashes. Then they start to get tangled up and trip me up too. I have fallen over more than once and I'm not game to walk them anymore. They have even attacked each other when I wouldn't let them closer to another dog. I took one to obedience training when she was younger and she will do all sorts of tricks but she won't come when called. I was told that check chains are not used anymore. The other one got asked to leave puppy school because he was too protective of me. I feel that, if I could walk them successfully, I could wear them out but walking them is a nightmare. The two main problems are: straining on their leashes and not liking other dogs. I feel that I may have the classic "working dog in the city" syndrome. If anyone thinks I would benefit from a dog trainer, could you recommend one on the west side of Brisbane? Cheers.
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