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Everything posted by Leema

  1. Trisven - it seems like you have the right idea to get things in writing. At the end of the day, if the writing is something that you both agree to, then good. Your list is more extensive than mine, and I actually haven't had a written agreement regarding stud use - only verbal. I guess I'm a bit risky. There are some people I'd certainly have a written agreement with... !
  2. Here is a report on early age desexing: http://www.uq.edu.au/ccah/docs/15309finalreport.pdf Basically, it does not recommend early age desexing for puppies. Perhaps you can ask for your dog to have a vasectomy / tubal ligation instead of the removal of its gonads. This way, the dog is not breedable, but is allowed to develop in a natural way.
  3. You've received some good advice. Mine are all crated for food, including bones. Any food they don't want is removed after 10 minutes, including bones. I'm sure Spider will learn to eat his bones 'ASAP' if he knows they're only available for a limited time.
  4. I just look out for specials in my junk mail, and go and buy a tonne when I can. Most of my dog food comes from the deli section of Foodland and IGA. They do get a lot of chicken, but they also get plenty of lamb. Sometimes even fish is on special! I have only recently upped my spending limit to $5kg, as it was $4kg until recently. There is also a butcher in my local area that is very fresh. It took a bit of looking around to find him, but I'm going to be getting all my carcass mince from him from now on. (I only really use carcass mince for 10% of puppy diets, but it's still a good filler if I get low). I've recently discovered that two pet stores near me are preservative free. This is cool, though I haven't needed to get anything from them yet. I think it's just a matter of shopping around and seeing what you can find. I've been living here 4 years, and it was only a year ago that I discovered that my local Foodland has chicken necks for $1.60 always! Most other shops charge $3.30.
  5. Thank-you for the ongoing comments and thoughts. I am appreciating the feedback. Very much hoping that the x ray shows two skulls! But feeling better suited to deal with a singleton, delivery wise, by this thread.
  6. With enquiries like these, I normally skim over the breeding bit, at least initially. I answer any relevant questions. I get a lot of email enquiries, to which I reply, and then I hardly ever hear back. For someone who did reply, and did want to breed, I would enquiry about their interests and objectives. In some cases, it may be convenient for me to have a bitch on 'breeders terms' in a pet home, and I could communicate this with them. If they were interested in showing/breeding, I could mentor them in this. I do not think your reply was overly judgemental or harsh. It's not the way that I answer enquiries like it, but that doesn't mean I'm right or you're wrong.
  7. The semen is not irreplacable. Dog is alive and well. We only did an AI as I was having trouble coordinating my bitch in Adelaide, with the dog in Melbourne, while I was in Darwin on a holiday. My bitch left 10 months between her last season and this one, and I didn't want to wait another 10 months for the next one. I have booked my bitch in for an x-ray, so that will at least give me a better idea of what is happening. I am feeling a little better about things, and I think the x-ray is a nice strategy to at least make me feel like I'm doing -something-. In the meantime, I am still enjoying hearing your stories and observing the poll.
  8. Thank-you for the suggestion. An x-ray may be an option. If that shows just one too, then I'll have a better idea what I'm in for. What is the typical time that an x-ray is done for establishing numbers?
  9. I perhaps should also add that this litter is by AI, and so we know that she is due on the 23rd of October. Thank-you, MissMaddy, for your experience.
  10. I was re-aquatinted with "Bolly", the pup from my photos, the other day at 9 months old. He is doing great. Excuse the nasty photos, but they do show that his legs are now correct and he stands up all by himself, now!
  11. If this is the situation/individuals I think it was, I believed that all puppies passed away by Tuesday night. Very tragic story. ETA: I don't know if a surrogate was found.
  12. Clover has been confirmed pregnant, due the 23rd of October, but only one puppy by the looks!
  13. Obviously, this poll is in relation to bitches in your care - not yourself. Yesterday, my bitch was confirmed pregnant by ultrasound, but there is seemingly only one puppy. The vet advocated a caesarean as many bitches have trouble coming into labour with only one puppy. I wanted to know DOLers experiences in regard to this. Initially, I thought I'd rather wait and see if she does deliver naturally. However, I have become concerned that this may not be the best option. I could never forgive myself if something happened to my bitch when I could've had a caesarean. Any advice is much appreciated. For the specifics of my case: My bitch is 4 years old, and this is her second litter. She delivered the first litter of 3 pups naturally and with no issues. She comes from lines of natural whelpers with large litters.
  14. Click to Calm is easier to read. It is more focussed on a calm dog. Control Unleashed is harder to read, but once you get through the introductionary chapters, it does get better. It is more focussed on getting a dog to work with you in stressful situations. Both have merit and could be used to compliment one another.
  15. Here's another video, in addition to those suggested, that I really like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgEwiH8CeUE It's clicker training the dog to accept nail clipping.
  16. http://macarthur-chronicle-campbelltown.whereilive.com.au/news/story/woman-injured-in-macquarie-fields-dog-attack/
  17. As promised, here are my thoughts. My major concerns about the Queensland breeders permit scheme: 1) Doing away with hobby breeders This legislation is clearly trying to ‘clean up’ the acts of puppy-mill like facilities. Sadly, this has also meant disallowing hobby breeders to raise animals in their home. In sections of the permit scheme, the housing and hygiene sections describe environments which would only be achievable in kennels. Though this may be hygienic, many behaviourist would argue that a home environment (with TVs, pots and pans, beepers and slamming doors) is a far more psychologically-sound place to raise puppies than a kennel block. Furthermore, this scheme impacts on the finances of breeders. For those breeding responsibly, financial rewards are few to nil. For irresponsible breeders, financial rewards are their motivation for breeding. Responsible breeders are expected to pay for an expensive permit, when they are unlikely to be making a profit in the first place. The problem establishments, breeding a large number of puppies in an unethical way, will have a significant income that would cover the costs of the permit. So, firstly, these scheme ultimately ‘does away with’ the hobby breeders, by creating hygiene and housing standards beyond their scope, and introducing a permit scheme that is likely to drive them from their responsible breeding practice. 2) Enforcement issues not addressed As many legislative policies, they sound nice in theory, but the proof is in enforcement. The permit scheme raises many questions to me: • How will the scheme be enforced? • Who will enforce it? • How will enforcement be funded? • What are the penalties for non compliance? Importantly, what can be gained from the permit scheme that cannot be gained from enforcement of existing microchipping and welfare standards? 3) Advocacy of early age desexing This permit scheme seems to advocate early age desexing of dogs. As the Report on the Validity and Usefulness of Early Age Desexing in Dogs and Cats (http://www.uq.edu.au/ccah/docs/15309finalreport.pdf) links urinary incontinence and hip dysplasia to early age desexing in puppies, it seems like a potential welfare problem. On a lesser note, I do not support notions regarding restricting owner choice in keeping an animal entire and the number of litters that that animal should have. These are lesser concerns in the grand scheme of the plan.
  18. I use 'puggly' as a descriptive term. Like 'oodley'. A puggle is a pug x beagle. By 'puggly', I meant something that is like a pug x beagle. (I.e. 'puggle like') ETA: This is irrelevant now, but ah well.
  19. I have been to both Bernard and Matthew. Both are good, but Bernard is about half the price.
  20. Glad you guys like my letter. I've been getting lots of puppy enquiries lately, so I'm a bit 'in the zone'. However, never had a request for a crossbreed. I think this person is trying to do the right thing, and we should encourage them to do the right thing. She obviously already knows a bit about puppy farms and stuff, so no point in lecturing Hopefully she can find a grotesque puggly thing in a pound and remove a dog from the rescue system, while also getting the dog of her desires. Win win.
  21. Hi Lisa, Thank-you for your enquiry. You have obviously already done some research on what breed may be suitable, and I am very glad to hear that you want to discourage individuals who breed their dogs in unsavoury conditions (such as BYBs and puppy farmers). Unfortunately, as the 'puggle' crossbreed is hugely popular, many people breed these dogs only for profit, with little or no investment into the physical or psychological health of their pets. I do not know of any people who are responsibly and ethically breeding 'puggles'. If you really have your heart set on a crossbreed, perhaps you could look at your local pound or on PetRescue.com.au. Because of this crossbreed's rise in popularity, there are many dogs that make their way into the rescue system. Alternatively, I would suggest you perhaps do consider a pure bred pug or beagle if you believe they may suit your needs. I am not planning to breed a litter until 2012, but if you would like any breeder suggestions, please just get in touch. My phone number is XXX. Best wishes, *your name*
  22. Bernard Nadolny. Christies Beach. http://www.avca.com.au/member_detail.php?id=121
  23. I believe this document has a) Standards, that are to be enforced and, b) Guidelines, which are more like suggestions that are encouraged. (From my understanding.)
  24. http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/t_standard2.aspx?pid=9027 What are your thoughts about this scheme? I have my own ideas but would like to see thoughts here before I comment. Is there anyone in the Gold Coast that can comment about this scheme through first hand experience?
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