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Everything posted by Skitch

  1. Maybe she did exaggerate the pups aggressiveness to Danielle? Who knows really.. either way I dont think gumtree is the best place for this dog to be rehomed. Just out of curiosity Danielle, did your interactions with the owner of the puppy occur online? I find that often people tend to exaggerate things online without even meaning too. I was under the impression that Danielle had met the dog.. revising the thread I can now see that she didn't and doesn't even live in the same state as where its located. Everyone who commented was only commenting based on what was written here, which is fair enough.. it's not as though anyone should take advice from strangers on a forum and put into action without even consulting higher help or other opinions. From what was written.. the conclusion can easily be drawn the pup is very human aggressive and in need of help. I only hope that someone who knows what their doing ends up with this dog..
  2. really? I can. And seen a lot worst from people who supposedly should know better too. Yes, but I think you know what I meant.. when I said "I cant believe" I was expressing how ridiculous it is that someone would lie about something so serious. Whoever reads that ad is just going to think the dog is a bit timid and shy of being handled.. completely different to the actual story going by whats written in this thread.
  3. Oh my god.. please, someone take the dog before it falls into the wrong hands via gumtree! If I was closer I'd be in the car right now.. this can only end badly. Given what has been said here, I cant believe how badly she's lied in the ad..
  4. I live in Port Pirie in SA and I think there is a staffy breeder (not sure if they are a reputable breeder, have never paid much attention) up here that breeds blues as I see them advertised often on the message board where I work. I had no idea there were problems behind the colour.. kind of OT but blue coloration has similar problems in the rat world, too!
  5. I'd have the dog put to sleep. By the sounds of it, it is extremely aggressive and even if it was to be rehabilitated to an extent where it could be handled I'd never trust it and would not want to put that responsibility on someone else.
  6. That sucks . If this was me.. I'd consider that behavior extremely intolerable and my dog would be straight in a metal crate and put in a room away from my bedroom. May seem a bit harsh but sleep is important and getting your dog into a routine is important too. Are you exercising her enough? My partner and I walk our dogs for about 40 minutes a few hours before bedtime.. seems to tire them out and they have no problems sleeping through the night at all!
  7. I think if you're not willing to study you probably wouldn't have had much hope getting a job working with animals anyway. Animal Studies cert 2 (completely different to vet nursing - prepares you for work in places like kennels) is pretty much the minimum that most shelters, boarding kennels, etc would take someone on with. They can afford to be picky because there are just SO MANY people wanting to do these jobs! And yep.. pay is absolute crap unless you're lucky enough to work for someone who will pay you above the norm. I'm working as a checkout chick through my pregnancy and get paid more per hour than I ever did as a vet nurse in most clinics.. sucky but true!
  8. All very true! But for me the positives far out weigh the negatives.. cant wait to get this baby out of me and get back into it. It's a very hard (and severely underpaid) career but is super rewarding and I would do it over anything else. But just because you complete the vet nursing course doesn't mean you HAVE to be a vet nurse.. a few girls I know ended up in doggy day care, at kennels/boarding kennels, and other similar places. Even Cert 2 in Animal Care/studies would be a good place to start!
  9. Do Vet Nursing through tafe . You wont regret it.. opened up SO MANY doors for me! It's a two year course with a six month work placement.. you learn so much and people are really willing to take you seriously when you've got your cert 4! It can just be a stepping stone to other things too, alot of the vet nurses I studied with have gone on to do Animal Science at Uni..I was considering that until I got pregnant . But yeah, since completing vet nursing I've worked at clinics, shelters, pet shops, done a ton of volunteering and it was all well worth it. What everyone here says is right though, it's hard to get your foot in the door but once you've got some experience under your belt it's much easier to find something to do in the animal industry .
  10. Being that I used to be a veterinary nurse at a clinic heavily used by breeders, the 12 weeks age is my personal preference developed from my own experience. Should have made that clearer. I understand that most puppies will do fine at 8 weeks but I prefer 12 weeks due to the added socialization benefits (again, this is my own opinion.. I'm not saying it's what should or shouldn't be done!). I understand about health checks and different parameters for different breeds and the things I listed were just an example of what I considered acceptable.. hence the 'etc'! Anyway, we're on the right track now.. looking for pups that are atleast on limited register. Thanks for all your help
  11. Oh I completely understand that a breeder might choose to put a pup on limited or main for different reasons.. but the way the breeders we've spoken to put it, it seems that we could have any pup from the litter and it would cost $200 extra for papers regardless. I think we're on the right track now.. we'll be looking for a pup on limited register!
  12. Cripes..$400 extra just for papers?! Insane.. :/.
  13. Wow really!? We found that most people seem to charge an extra $200 for papers when we ask them how much.. huge rip off considering it costs so little to register a litter, thanks for the insight
  14. Ah.. so is what they're offering us maybe limited vs. main papers? That's not how they explain it though! I guess we'll ask more questions..
  15. Ah really? So they dont carry parasites or harbor poison? I never realized that.. I've just always been extra careful with pests ever since a family members dog ate a poisoned rat and died.
  16. Hey A friend of mine is purchasing a new puppy for her family and I've been helping her out where I can. Originally she was going to buy from a petstop that happened to have her chosen breed but I talked her into buying from a breeder and promised her the extra money would be worth it! She has agreed and we've been doing a bit of inquiring.. I've found that alot of people offer pups both with and without papers? Like, we'll ask how much for a puppy and they'll say "$700 with papers or $500 without". I was wondering if this was a mark of a bad breeder? I dont understand how the papering system works but I always thought you had to register the litter as a whole.. how are these people offering puppies with or without papers? These breeders seem to do everything else right by my standards (vaccinate, worm and microchip puppies before rehoming, dont let them go until after 12 weeks, etc) but this papering thing is making me wonder.. should we steer clear of people who say things like this? My friend doesn't want the puppy for breeding or showing purposes so would be happy to have an unpapered puppy but at the same time she doesn't want to give her money to a dodgy breeder. Dont bother suggesting a rescue dog either, we've explored that avenue.. she wants a puppy and wants it to be purebred. That's her right and Im happy for her especially because she's chosen to buy from a breeder!
  17. Dont think I'd be too proud if any of mine did this! What if the rabbit had consumed poison?
  18. Eeeee! Your big dog looks like a gigantic pug! That's kind of adorable to see them together like that . What sort of dog is it?
  19. Yup! Our big dog was never much of a snuggler until the iggy came along.. but he doesn't really give her much of choice.. he just jumps right on her and curls up and goes to sleep. She doesn't seem to mind, specially not in the cold weather .
  20. Cool, it sounds like all of our dogs would probably be suited to this sport! Now we just need to find somewhere to take them.. Hmm I dont live in Adelaide but I'll try to make some inquiries through the greyhound club and maybe make a visit next time I'm down
  21. Wow.. I'd definitely be steering clear. Will you lose your deposit if you back out now? Perhaps you could wait for another litter from the same breeder and hope they are healthier and maybe she would let you use the deposit for that puppy.
  22. I hate retractable leashes for many reasons.. I think they are very dangerous. Our big is walked on a flat collar and normal leash and the little one is walked on a regular harness and leash. When our big dog was younger she was walked on a head collar because she pulled so much it was almost impossible to walk her.. but with a bit of training aided by the head collar she now walks beautifully .
  23. The Greyhound Owners, Trainers and Breeders Coursing club of SA has a straight track at Virginia that they do greyhound coursing at and apparently other breeds are welcome to try out, on non race days..I was going to investigate this a while ago but never got around to it. I'd love to check this out! What breeds of dogs do you guys have out of curiosity? Mine is an Italian Greyhound.. we've been training him agility but he's just too bloody fast and wont let me keep up.. I think he'd be much better at lure coursing seeing as he loves to chase things! lol
  24. Wow I was literally just googling away trying to find somewhere in Adelaide to take my dog to try lure coursing too! Will be watching this thread with interest..
  25. Wow that dog has awesomely good balance! No way in hell could either of mine do that.. I know they'd topple over for sure .
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