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Everything posted by Skitch

  1. Never too late . My girl who is now 11 was clicker trained at 8 years old! She took to it very well and I bet your pup will too.
  2. Absolutely amazing. That man must have an amazing bond with his dogs to be able to make them do the things in that clip! It looks like they all enjoy it so much too
  3. Ours is at the foot of our bed with a piece of ply wood cable tied to the top of it so it doubles as a shoe rack.. yeah we're pretty classy LOL.
  4. I bought mine home for the very long drive in my lap too..
  5. I need lots of practice with my new tablet so thought I'd take a shot at this! Didn't turn out quite the way I planned.. but still figured I'd submit ;) This one is with my hand writing instead of a font.. I sort of wanted it to look messy but cool but it didn't really work LOL! And this one is just with a font :D. They're both supposed to be transparent where the white is if that makes sense.. photoshop was misbehaving and wouldn't save them like that! :/ Will do a kitten version tommorrow and will also clean up the lineart on the 'identa-pup' ones too! Great concept by the way, love the name too ;) .. Couldn't sleep! So here are my kitten ones too ;). A bit scratchy due to drawing it with a baby strapped to my chest.. but I'll smooth them out a bit if I get the time ;). Still not quite what I envisioned.. but they match the puppy ones! Woo lol Thanks for giving me something productive to do tonight Lol!
  6. I've known 9 people who have been busted by sniffer dogs. All of them were at music festivals (Big Day Out and Soundwave).. going by that, they cant be a COMPLETE failure!
  7. That is just the most horrible situation.. I am so freaking sorry for your loss, especially under such shocking circumstances. Is there anyone at all you could call? You really shouldn't be alone to deal with this if you dont want to be . I'm sure a close friend or family member would understand the situation and not take offence to be awoken so late/early given what has just happened RIP Brock :(
  8. I'm up.. I dont know you or Brock but I'm really sorry all the same <3 :(
  9. Gee - how much ice cream would they need to consume for that to be a problem? Considering my dogs eat a raw diet ( + Black Hawk a couple of times a week) they are getting plenty of good nutritional value. :D Yes, considering my dogs eat a raw diet, have beautiful healthy mouths and have never needed teeth cleaning I don't think the odd bit of ice cream is going to hurt one bit Each to their own - it's just not something I would do . There are much more appropriate things that can be used for treats IMO.
  10. I'd never give my dogs icecream. I dont fancy a massive dental bill later down the track! Each to their own though.. if someone wants to feed their dog something that is full of sugar and fat with no nutritional value that's no business of mine so long as they dont share it with my dogs!
  11. I find corgis and frenchies to be the cutest of the cute! Something about little stumpy puppies I just cannot resist.. I'm a complete sucker for my breed as pups though. Iggies! So lanky and awkward with knobbly knees, big feet and gigantic eyes.. omgsh <3. here is my Boomer as a baby (about 12 weeks, I think) Who could resist!?
  12. Not anymore, sadly.. now that we have a baby our dogs are crated for the night. I miss snuggling with them
  13. It's not bad advice really - in a sense it's very true.. a dog does act as a deterrent for criminals, even small ones. The police found a map at the scene of a break in down our street that someone had made up of who had dogs and who didn't on our street! However.. delivering the message this way is going to have idiots rushing out and buying 'scary' dogs for sure. Not good.. I'm glad to have my cattle dog X.. she's an amazing guard dog, we're very lucky.
  14. What did it look like MEH, because I know the Shih tzu x Aussie looked weird. :D ... o___O. I just randomly remembered seeing this puppy and had to go back through a selling community on facebook to find it for you guys! Lol It's.. kind of cute I guess? lol. No telling what other breeds could be in it, though.. where I used to live (which is the selling page is for) should have been renamed "BYB central" haha. It may be cute there because every puppy is cute but id hate to see what it looks like when its older O.o Yes very true.. it doesn't look a pretty sight in my mind. All the same, that puppy isn't at all what I would have envisioned a staffy X shitzu to look like if I'd never seen a picture! it's nose looks a little out of joint, literally.. lol.
  15. That's an awesome response. I would definitely be willing to give them another go after that!
  16. What did it look like MEH, because I know the Shih tzu x Aussie looked weird. ... o___O. I just randomly remembered seeing this puppy and had to go back through a selling community on facebook to find it for you guys! Lol It's.. kind of cute I guess? lol. No telling what other breeds could be in it, though.. where I used to live (which is the selling page is for) should have been renamed "BYB central" haha.
  17. I have an iggy who unfortunately fits the breed standard he is very wary of strangers and it takes him quite a while to warm up to people! However I've met plenty that are quite the opposite
  18. I just liked it too! Come on guys.. 11 to go! I'm excited too now
  19. No idea here, either.. but both of mine do it too! Zoomies all over the house and backyard for atleast 30 mins afterward.. very odd Lol
  20. Yes, I'd never leave a dog unsupervised in my car on a hot day. Or any day really.. Boomer would definitely have a chew on something if we left him unattended LOL! I've seen way too many heat stroked dogs to want to risk either of my two suffering the same fate. Sometimes when my OH and are out together and we have the dogs one of us will stay in the car with them while the other goes into the shops, though.
  21. I'm surpirsed the people in bunnings didn't do more. I work for a supermarket and this happens all the time in our carpark.. people are forever coming in to to tell us that there are distressed looking dogs locked in cars on hot days! A few times it's even happened with children but that's a story for another day.. anyway, when this happens a staff member always goes out to the car and checks out the situation.. more often than not they just wait with the car and offer the dog water through the window if possible but I can recall two instances where our store manager has actually broken windows to get dogs out.. one of those times he was too late and the small elderly dog had died!
  22. Both of the dogs we have at the moment are our dogs.. one of the dogs we have is the dog that I grew up with but my partner loves her so much and she loves him so much that it's impossible not to include him in her ownership! She spends way more time with him these days than me anyway, she just loves to go down to the shed and sit with him while he works away! The second dog we have is one we bought together.. so he's definitely 'ours' by default . I couldn't be with anyone who wasn't a dog person! How horrible lol
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