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Everything posted by Fleuri

  1. don't say that! You know there are people on here who get their jollies believing the worst of people - how upset will they be if this is true?
  2. The BIGGEST problem is people making impulse and uninformed choices, choosing the wrong animal for their circumstances. Be it exercise, training, or grooming requirements you have to choose the dog that fits the bill for your abilities, and circumstances, choose a high maintenance breed when you would be suited better to an easy care low activity breed and you are inviting either heartache or simply dissatisfaction. All too hard, dog ends up in the pound or shelter. People also need to realise that not everyone including themselves will be a suitable and succesful dog owner so they may need to forget the cute puppy in the yard vision. Well here's 6 of them http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=211031 and this infuriates me i cannot believe any ethical rescue would allow bitches to whelp I think even in rescues emotions overides common sense and logic where baby pups are concerned
  3. OP- what if in the future you are wanting to track that breeder (for another pup or some other reason) and can't find them because you lost your pedigree certificate? It might be wise to get your pedigree certificate under your name.
  4. I don't think you need to be a member of DogsNSW to be granted your dogs pedigree certificate. They may need to be a member once they decide to show or compete in some way.
  5. I'd ignore it. When He is quiet then go to him and do some training.... Come, sit, stay whatever you are teaching him. I have a black&silver and yes he can be very vocal but not loud and annoying. More than anything he sometimes sounds like his trying to speak. That cute little puppy might be trying to train you first. They are so clever... too clever sometimes
  6. My boy swollows more than chew his food I think he could eat non-stop all day if I let him.
  7. Sounds really good. I hope it all works out, having a family pet as part of the family is very special
  8. I don't mean any offence in anyway - Yes, it can be hard but not impossible.
  9. My dog that is missing/stolen was chipped and - Once i called my local police to enquire what I could do to get my dog back if I knew say.... a neighbour had it. He said that I had to be absolutley sure it was mine (able to identify scar or tatoo, something), then I can call them to come by with me to check it out.
  10. This is my understanding also. This working party is about purebred dogs - there has been enough already for promotion of cross breds and we are working on most every other area of dog ownership to help all dog owners. This one is about purebreds only so if anyone who has said they are interested is not passionate about this - promoting purebreds - then it would be best if you looked at one of the other working parties. Hello Steve, Just wondering - is this working party working yet ? If so I can't seem to find it. Thanks.
  11. Thats what I was told when my dog went missing so whoever has her now has "stolen" and if a vet does any type of surgery without my permission I can sue them ......so I have been told.
  12. You cant just keep a dog like that you need to go through the pound system - you can ask for her to come to you if the owners are not found. What you are doing is against the law. She may belong to someone that is still missing her.
  13. You might want to take her to the vet and see how far along she is. If it's very early I think the vet can desex her.
  14. Some will tell you that and blame the bitch I'm not sure how those that have them explain it when they've been the one's to cut to cord or the pups have been born via c-section. I knew one where the father had a huge one (i mentioned in my other post about the size of a walnut with shell) and all the pups that he sired had them too. one pup had a big one like the dad.
  15. My dog has an umbilical hernia it was very small. The breeder gave a $50 discount at the time I picked him up. We waited until he was six months and had it fixed when he got desexed. The vet charged $50 extra on top of the desexing fee to fix the hernia. This was almost 9 years ago. Good luck, if its a big one I would get it fixed as soon as possible. I have heard that sometimes there can be complications. I have seen one about the size of a walnut with shell.
  16. I found this one http://members.ncats.net/jdselby/breeding%...ur%20bitch.html
  17. ALL breeds are dogs first. He is behaving like a DOG. Get it out of your head that because he is a certain breed he isn't a dog first and foremost. yes i know he is a dog he is not my first dog and this is really his only issue but this breed is supose to be kiddy lovers. so that is why my comment is said. its hard i dont expect a purfect dog. thanks i will try with not letting the kids leave food (very hard Lol) but how to do i get him to repect them? if i say leave it and i did test it by leaveing food he just left it. but if the kids leave it he just takes it. ahh dogs and kids who would have them You won't. They aren't big enough or old enough to rate above him in his eyes. You can only supervise and manage them to prevent conflict over food. Loving your kids and being willing to take issue with them for a valued resource aren't mutually exclusive. Family dogs are made, not born. No breed is bombproof with kids I'm afraid despite what some people might try to have you believe. I agree with this. I had a similar problem with my dog and my youngest child who is one year younger than our dog. Even though I never allowed the children to eat around the him so he wouldn't get use to taking things from them and to prevent the a problem in the first place. One day when my son was siting at the BBQ table eating our dog jumped up and wanted sons food (dog didn't just take it) but when my son said "shoo go away" my dog growled at him (real nasty growl) son was four at the time and we had our dog since a pup. I had to teach my child to give the dog commands like sit, come and to say NO! I had to teach my son to be more assertive with the dog. So that the dog will respect him also. I think Mambo saw himself as above the youngest in the pack or was trying to compete for it. They are all fine now everyone knows their place. :p corrected spelling.
  18. Poor darling, I hope she recovers well.
  19. Erny- Thank you I will look for the AVA site and have a read.
  20. I just joind this site in April didn't know about this 3 yearly vaccine. My dog use to take the chewables for the first 3 or so years of his life then about 6 or so year years ago he started on the vaccine for heart worm. This area that we live in has a river very close by just stepping outside in the summer is scary with all the mozzies ready to attack.
  21. My dog is due for his yearly vaccinations, I have always vaccinated my dog yearly with C5 and Pro- heart injections. He will be 9 years old soon. I would prefer to vaccinate every 3 years if it's better for him. Would it be nessasary to do the tt test first just to double check that he has immunity ? what do you think? I'm not sure how to approch my vet about this.
  22. I would love to buy at a pet shop like this too. All of the above especially + knowledgeable staff.
  23. It's funny how with time they can't resist to fall in love.
  24. I think when we feel that someone is adamant about something (especially when in a partnership) we could interpret it as not being allowed. There are things I’m adamant about and my hubby may see it as him not being allowed because he wouldn’t have my approval. And vice versa. I wouldn’t call that being controlling. There is always something. You may get divorced and find a partner that loves all 7 dogs indoors but he has something else that you don’t like. It’s up to the individuals whether they can live with their differences or not.
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