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Everything posted by Abigail
Every second is precious when it comes to such a situation as your daughter's dog. I cannot believe how that practice can be so cold and detached. They may have tried their best after you paid for the treatment but the fact remains that they wasted 5 valuable minutes! I would not allow them to get away with this. I have never heard of a vet. practice that charges before a consultation. That is just plain scandalous. Please, do not let them get away with it. So sorry for you and your daughter. All the best.
Thanks for that Jackie but I must say I have my reservations about those tests. I haven't clicked on the link but have read the bit you copied and pasted, I will do so tomorrow. TO say that the pitbull had the lowest PSI sounds far fetched to me. Can't help but wonder if Dr. Barr is a pitbull aficionado You don't want to believe it because it's not what goes along with your theories. APBT are the smallest dog of the 3 why wouldn't they have the lowest? it's plain physics. Pitbulls are not all that much smaller than a boxer or a german shepherd and they are powerfully built with a jaw that is far larger than that of quite a few breeds. If you saw an APBT the size of a GSD or a boxer you would really shock alot of people. Mabey an amstaff or a pitbull cross. Like i sed most people dont know squat about a real APBT. Some of the pitbulls that are being bred now in the US are bloody huge.
You have owned soooo many dogs, how old are you? i'm inclined to feel that you may be telling porkies. we get that you don't like staffies and apbt's, maybe you should change your name to BSL. You are sounding rather narky, don't you think? Not telling porkies at all, that would be a complete waste of time and just too boring for me. I like to say it as it very well is. My hubby and I have always owned 2 to 3 breeds at a time and given that we have been married for a little over 20 years adds up to a fair few breeds. The two staffies that we owned did not stay with us till old age; one was rehomed and the other was put to sleep. The boxer was a rescue and would have been roughly 4-5 years of age (just a guess as they were not too sure) when we adopted him from the RSPCA and he lived with us till the age of 14. Don't call me a Liar, hate liars. Ok i believe you, but don't you think you have an issue with these breeds? you're entitled to your opinion but you're sounding like a broken record and no matter how many times the majority of people say, 'ownership, responsibilty" , you seem to want to keep breed bashing. I'm not saying that all bullies are innocent, but neither is any breed. Yes you are right, no breed is innocent.
In random order: German shepherd Japanese Spitz Cavalier King Charles Boxer West Highland White Terrier Chihuahua American Bulldog Golden Retriever Australian Sheepdog Border collie - show type with long coat and did I say BOXER ?
Thanks for that Jackie but I must say I have my reservations about those tests. I haven't clicked on the link but have read the bit you copied and pasted, I will do so tomorrow. TO say that the pitbull had the lowest PSI sounds far fetched to me. Can't help but wonder if Dr. Barr is a pitbull aficionado You don't want to believe it because it's not what goes along with your theories. APBT are the smallest dog of the 3 why wouldn't they have the lowest? it's plain physics. Pitbulls are not all that much smaller than a boxer or a german shepherd and they are powerfully built with a jaw that is far larger than that of quite a few breeds.
You have owned soooo many dogs, how old are you? i'm inclined to feel that you may be telling porkies. we get that you don't like staffies and apbt's, maybe you should change your name to BSL. And for your information, I have never implied that I don't like staffies or APBT. I have always maintained that they require a responsible owner, a secure fence and to be on a leash when out in public. If I didn't like them I would have said, in no uncertain term, that they should cease to exist. I am not a shrinking violet and if something needs to be said I will say it, as it is.
You have owned soooo many dogs, how old are you? i'm inclined to feel that you may be telling porkies. we get that you don't like staffies and apbt's, maybe you should change your name to BSL. You are sounding rather narky, don't you think? Not telling porkies at all, that would be a complete waste of time and just too boring for me. I like to say it as it very well is. My hubby and I have always owned 2 to 3 breeds at a time and given that we have been married for a little over 20 years adds up to a fair few breeds. The two staffies that we owned did not stay with us till old age; one was rehomed and the other was put to sleep. The boxer was a rescue and would have been roughly 4-5 years of age (just a guess as they were not too sure) when we adopted him from the RSPCA and he lived with us till the age of 14. Don't call me a Liar, hate liars.
Poor little Cav. A couple of times over the years we have set up a charging DA dog with a security patrol dog and funnily enough on both occassions the charging dog put the brakes on and didn't attack Did it not attack knowing that it was going to get a flogging if it tried, could perhaps it sense that the patrol dog was good for a fight and wouldn't surrender to bullying tactics or the patrol dog was too big and meaningful and the charging dog re-evaluted it's decision???. These dog's generally attacked smaller defenceless dogs but seemed to know they had met their match???. I am thinking perhaps does dog aggression apply when the DA dog is confident that the other dog is unlikely to defend it's self??? There is no denying that dogs do have a sense of size; some dogs do like to pick on the 'underdog'. Yet, other dogs would take anything on as they are too pigheaded and their prey drive is far too acute for them to stop. Obviously that DA dog's common sense was very well developed and would only pick on those weaker than himself.
Thanks for that Jackie but I must say I have my reservations about those tests. I haven't clicked on the link but have read the bit you copied and pasted, I will do so tomorrow. TO say that the pitbull had the lowest PSI sounds far fetched to me. Can't help but wonder if Dr. Barr is a pitbull aficionado
Oh shucks! Short of boiling water there is always the option of pulling it out but you say that it grows back at alarming speed. I have the same dilemma.
Me too - I'm have a rottiexdobe and the swfs going crazy at the fenceline also keep me very alert and cautious - what if they got out and attacked my pretty well behaved girl and she went back - would my dog be held responsible because she was on a lead and the swfs got out of their property and attacked? I also had the same thing happen to me on the weekend, where I had taken my girl for a 1.5 hr leash walk and she didn't put a foot wrong, an absolute joy to walk on lead, however when passing this one particular house, there is a very dog aggressive dog that lives there and it has been out several times recently. As I was getting close to the house, I could see the front gates were open slightly, but enough to let the dog out. I stopped and could see the owners in the yard and yelled out to them to quickly shut the gate, which they promptly did just before their dog got out. It of course went balistic behind the gates, but you no what gets me, my dog probably would have a chance, but the old lady walking her old little mini foxie about 50m behind me, her dog probably would have been killed or very badly injured. I am also going to report this owner as they should no better. They have a da dog and should ensure 100% of the time that their dog will never get out of their yard without being on lead. It's pretty simple, but something a lot of owners can't seem to grasp. Would you be willing to name the breed of dog that almost got out? Farking people yet again with their heads buried deeply in their arses! I tend to get just as annoyed at people who dont take responsibility for their small dogs getting out and possibly run the risk of getting run over, lost, stolen or attacked!
I would be cautious in using any weed killer. Even if they don't kill immediately there is a high likelihood that they could prove to be carcinogenic. If you only have a small area to treat just pour some boiling water over it, it would have helped on a particularly hot day.
My parents bred boxers and i grew up with them sleeping in my bed, great dogs. However mine were extremely DA, both bitches and more hardwork than the bull breeds i've had. my sister currently has a 4 year old boxer 34kgs, bad tempered, DA, HA.. no never to be bred, and only started these traits about a year ago.. so actually in my experience the boxers have been more DA than apbt's. And as for inflicting more injuries, no more than any other dog of it's weight and size. My neighbours rotti who was absolutely enormous and would chew through a cow leg in under a minute could do way more damage than any pit i've met, but i'm not on here giving rottis a hard time. Don't believe all the hype, they're just a dog, albeit one that needs a committed responsible owner, as every dog deserves. If it is true that boxers can be extremely DA then why is it that one never really hears of boxers mauling people or other dogs in comparison to pitties? I am just trying to understand.
never really noticed till now, yes they are yellow around the black pupil. Why do you ask? Is the photo of the APBT on your avatar your own? The pitbull I saw at the vet looks very much like the one on your avatar and hence I wanted to know if it had the same coloured eyes.
what do you mean by amber eyes? like red around the eye? or actual eye colour I mean the actual colour of the iris. This particular pitbull had yellowish eyes. When I looked at its eyes they were basically yellowish with the black pupil.
Every dog is capable of serious injury, you must really hate bull breeds, do you have some vendetta against them? 'cause all you seem to post is negative, bigoted, one sided comments. All dogs need training, it's that thing that most owners seem to negate, especially owners of dogs that think their dog is a little person. There's a hundred breeds that can do as much harm as any bull breed could but i don't see you slagging them off? No, I do not hate them. I just am of the belief that APBT are more capable of causing serious injuries than any other breed. And I don't have any vendetta against them. As I said before, I have owned boxers (amongst other large breeds) before and will do so again, the boxer is a treat of a dog with a sense of humour and not as prone as a pibull to be DA. And im sure a boxer could inflict the same amount of damage if not more then an APBT, there more then double the size of an APBT. But im sure you rasied your boxer lovingly as we do out APBT's, therefore usually without a problem. I saw a red nosed pitbull at the vet and he was far more solid than any boxer I have seen and almost the same height. The APBT was an awesome looking dog, very muscly with a well developed head. Looked very similar to the photo you have on your avatar, APBT. Does your pitbull have amber eyes?
Every dog is capable of serious injury, you must really hate bull breeds, do you have some vendetta against them? 'cause all you seem to post is negative, bigoted, one sided comments. All dogs need training, it's that thing that most owners seem to negate, especially owners of dogs that think their dog is a little person. There's a hundred breeds that can do as much harm as any bull breed could but i don't see you slagging them off? No, I do not hate them. I just am of the belief that APBT are more capable of causing serious injuries than any other breed. And I don't have any vendetta against them. As I said before, I have owned boxers (amongst other large breeds) before and will do so again, the boxer is a treat of a dog with a sense of humour and not as prone as a pibull to be DA.
My OH and myself have recently acquired a cavalier pup along with a westie. The cavalier play growls sometimes when I am playing with her but that is about all; it is her way of éxpressing herself and is not meant to be aggression. When she plays with the westie there is no growling going on whatsoever. I have never had a more affectionate pet, she is just so smoochy.
I do have full admiration for some of the posters on the thread titled "is the APBT a lost cause?". A few posters on that thread openly admit to the APBT being DA and yet they are actually lovers of the breed. Good for you! As for other other posters that continue to deny this fact
Thank you grumpette. I do agree in alot of what you have said; so true that it is the inactions of a few that ruin it for the others. It is basically what I have been trying to say all along. If people are aware and prepared to admit to themselves that certain breeds of dogs are capable of greater damage we would not be having this discussion. I disagree in that I still believe that some people are indeed in denial as so many are showing here in continuously denying the fact that this breed is DA but that through careful 'management' can be great pets!
Here here. What is a troll? Never heard that word before.
I can see why you were guarded in disclosing the breed. Good for you for disclosing it ! Not surprised at the outcome. Poor Cavalier! I would have loved to have had a stick in tow and hit that mongrel between the eyes! How many more dogs have to be victimised at the jaws of these animals? are you really trying to say what your words are saying, or am I interpreting that you have it in for Staffords? Chewbacca, I have owned staffies before, two of them and both were unbelievably affectionate pets towards both my hubby and I. God only knows I can still see my male staffy whinging when I was applying my lipstick shortly before going out, he just knew and showed his sadness each and every time. Purebred english staffies are great little family members but they are DA (before people start jumping up and down I do concede that not all are DA, there is always the exception to every rule). The DA bit is the only thing I dislike about the breed. Yours were DA, the ones I know withing my circle are MY dogs playmates. All bitches. In their yard, at the park, or mine. Our dogs were raised as part of the family and as indoor dogs. They were heavily socialised, went to puppy school and continued to be trained long after they outgrew their puppyhood and I must also add they were not of poor breeding either. As I have said countless times before, there is always the exception and I guess yours are it.
I am sure you were cautious long before I came to the fore, tianakaesha What you have to remember is that if there is an attitute towards certain breeds it is only because there is an attitude to be had in the first place whatever the reason, whether due to incompetent owners or due to the breed. The sooner people accept the fact that certain breeds of dogs are more prone to being DA the sooner the problem will be resolved but unfortunately to be biased is deeply ingrained in so many people that this will never be.
I can see why you were guarded in disclosing the breed. Good for you for disclosing it ! Not surprised at the outcome. Poor Cavalier! I would have loved to have had a stick in tow and hit that mongrel between the eyes! How many more dogs have to be victimised at the jaws of these animals? are you really trying to say what your words are saying, or am I interpreting that you have it in for Staffords? Chewbacca, I have owned staffies before, two of them and both were unbelievably affectionate pets towards both my hubby and I. God only knows I can still see my male staffy whinging when I was applying my lipstick shortly before going out, he just knew and showed his sadness each and every time. Purebred english staffies are great little family members but they are DA (before people start jumping up and down I do concede that not all are DA, there is always the exception to every rule). The DA bit is the only thing I dislike about the breed and the potential for damage, which as far as I am concerned, exceeds any other breed.
I guess it isn't just a case of the dogs being well behaved but also of the children involved Good for you for instilling good manners on those cute kids Confidence and training on both parts Abigail Good for you Chewbacca. If there were more parents like you around perhaps there would not be as many kids being bitten by the family dog. God knows I have had to be in the know of 3 dogs belonging to a family (at different times) and all being shot because they 'supposedly' became aggressive at the kids; personally knowing what those kids are like is no surprise that the dogs decided that enough was enough. I know those dogs started off being absolutely terrific; one could pat them and their tail would be wagging slowly (not the breed that wags its tail at incredible speeds); so sad that their ending came with a barrel pointed between their eyes.