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  1. Thanks heaps! She really doesn't like these biscuits she ate a small amount on the third day when we persisted with them but went back to not eating ;) We are now trying her on a lot more raw fatty meats and just using a small amount of the Hills kibble to mix through until it's all gone. i'm hearing good things about the Great Barko kibble I'm pretty sure our local produce stocks this so might give that a go?
  2. Hi there Dianed - what are 4.2 biscuits?
  3. The two GSD I had before her used to live off the smell of an oily rag so to speak and were always well conditioned on a lot less food then what this current girl gets - but having said that they always ate there bikkies up. She is due for her immunization this month so will see what vet says about her.
  4. She gets two cups of the Hills Science Diet Active Dog bikkies daily, 400g of Loaf Meat daily (have been upping it to twice a day so up to 800g of loaf) 1.5kg of woolworths chicken necks (spread out over a week) plus eggs and sardines. She also gets a weekly bag of bones.
  5. Thank you for your replies - she wasn't keen on the last lot of bikkies either but mainly ate them because our other shephard did. The other shephard is no longer with us so she has chucked the towel in altogether with the bikkies. I will try to persist with them as it a brand new big bag = quite $$$, I might try different types of soft meats that will mix/stick to the biscuits better to try and disguise them.
  6. My 1yo German Shephard has been refusing to eat her bikkies, she eats all of her fresh/loaf meat but always leaves her biscuits. She is quite thin and really needs to fatten up. She is currently on Hills Science Diet for active dogs as she's always on the go (we have just put her onto this in the last 2 days) - is it normal for some dogs not to want bikkies or is their some type of appetite stimulant I can give her to improve her appetite? She gets approx 400g of loaf meat a day plus sardines & eggs a couple of times through the week. She will eat the bikkies if they are mixed in with the sardines but she gets sick of the sardines pretty quickly if fed to her continually. Any advice would be much appreciated! Cheers Cheeka
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