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Everything posted by cookierhys

  1. I completely agree with everything that Animal Liberation lady said, there are enough beautiful dogs being put down each week at shelters because they can't be rehomed, we dnt need puppy farmers producing even more that will ultimately be put down before they should be. Why can't they see that wat they're doing is wrong. and as for the guy saying that the animals he sells are microchipped so he'll knoew if any go to shelters, they are microchipped in the owners name, not the pet shop, and wat if they arent reclaimed or rehoused, then they die because they were bred and not bought because there were probably 10 of that breed of puppy sold at the same time, and not all puppies from one litter get adopted. It just makes me so mad, not to mention in the end, some of the poor dogs from the puppy farm they saved, had to get put down. The poor things dont desrve that after everything they've been through, i mean, i get why they would have to be put down, on temperament or health issues, but they shouldn't hav been in that kind of situation in the first place. It's so unfair on all the animals.
  2. That is absolutely disgusting, but i'm glad Indy is doing better now, and away from those stupid people. People make u sick sometimes.
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