Really? So if a breeder sells a puppy with entropian on all four lids, cherry eye, skin allergies, etc the puppy owner should wear those costs??? Sorry, but that is not fair. If someone forks out for a pedigree puppy, they should get something healthy!!
If they dont want to send the pup back,and get a full refund,then yes,that is fair.If they wish to keep the pup,why should the breeder then have to keep paying for vet bills past the purchase price when they do have the option to send it back and get a refund.
Dogs can get sick,develop problems same as a human can,despite being from healthy parents and i think to refund/replace or in this case pay for op,is fair.
I know someone who has spent thousands on their dog who developed allergies to pretty much everything environmental-he requires weekly injections,sometimes twice a week of the specialist allergy injection,they have chosen to pay for it rather than send the dog back -their choice,they have to wear the cost.
Flame suit firmly in place.
The entropian is a hereditary? condition, the dermatitis, and the mites are environmental? The toys should not even be on the bill. Make sure the bill os on the vets own letterhead paper, and then get it all itemised. Mites, and fleas well any dog can get that in its enviroment, the dermatitis, well maybe that is environmental and even dietary too.
Are we talking all these conditions picked up in the first week of the pup being taken home? If this all happened within the first week ( eg buyers first vet check and they can say the pup came with these things reasonably then maybe they can argue costs of mites etc, but not if after all this, and it sounds like a 1st check was not done by the buyer.