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Everything posted by iheartmorrison

  1. Thanks guys. I'm feeling a little better. I hope he pulls through. Morrison is very persistent, and determined little bugger.
  2. They put him on an iv drip to get his heart rate going, and wait till he is stabalised to do x- rays and anything else.
  3. They put him on an iv drip to get his heart rate going, and wait till he is stabalised to do x- rays and anything else.
  4. No it was in a park, along the foot path. I should have done more and I feel so guilty, it might have minimised his injuires. I was so scared, for his life. I need to calm down. I saw him before I left the vet, he tried to get up when I said hi.
  5. I took Morrison for a walk, everything was going fine, until an off leash dog came up to us and attacked Morrison, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to grab Morrison but I was scared that the dog would attack me - and I was in shock. Thank god the dog wasnt interested in me. Called my dad, who carried Morrison back to the house, I called the vet as soon as we got home. Morrison was bitten near his groin area, and there was blood in his mouth. He was in so much shock, I didn't know whether he was alive or dead. The good thing was that he was alert, once we were on the way to the vet. I was afraid of this happening, and I still can't believe it did. We were having such a nice time too. I was a wrek at the vet, dad wasn't helping, by telling to stop crying; I couldn't help it. I know I need to call the council, I just need to calm down - I'm still so shocked that it happened.
  6. Sims 2 has a Pets expansion pack Creating a dog/cat is a lot like when you create a Sim, so you can play around with how your pet looks, and it's temprement. There is actually a pretty decent list of breeds you can chose from, but I whish there were more toy breeds. There are cross breeds in the list you can chose from. Gameplay: the pets can't interact with the sims much, only beg for attention/food, it's one of the things I dont like about it. Their owners have to housebreak the pets, teach them commands and tricks, manage their pets behaviour. From what I remember, if the pets aren't taken care of they are taken to the shelter. I hope that EA releases a pets expansion pack for sims 3, with some improvements.
  7. Morrison is 17 weeks, and doesn't seem to have an off switch. He only knows sit and down and stay. His recall isn't that great, but when he does come, he rushes up to me. ( sounds like a galloping pony) Morrison will wait for his food, most of the time. He is really good in the car - just sleeps. I used to have trouble getting him in and out of the car, I had to carry him. Two weeks ago he decided to get in the car himself, makes our life easier. Behaves better at the vets. His adult teeth are starting to come in. Yay. He loves playing fetch, has figured out that He has to bring the ball back to me. I'm on mid year break, so I have plenty of time to work with him properly.
  8. My pup is (apparently) a Pomeranian x Shih Tzu, and I do not call him a Shiranian. Whe I'm asked what breed he is I tell people that he is a cross, placing emphasis on the word cross. I'm still not that great at identifying certain breeds, but I can usualy tell when a dog isn't purebred.
  9. Thanks guys. Yeah the rest of my fam aren't really dog people, but they have grown to love him. Morrison has two plush toys, bear & dog - I'm surprised he hasn't ripped them to shredds, two tennis balls (he de-fuzzed his first one). A squeaky bone thing, and a rope like thing. I would like to at least try some toys out with the pup - it would make me feel better, or I have to get creative.
  10. A few weeks ago I was in Coles and was looking at a kong, was seriously about to get one but my family told me not to waste money on Morrison. They said he's just happy chewing on cardboard, but even that gets boring after a while. I'd love to give him things to stimulate his mind, however my fam doesn't think these toys are worth having, I'd rather he have toys that will last for a long time Are these toys worth having, or is my fam right?
  11. Picture are from when he was 14 weeks old. In his crate. he wanted to cuddle on the couch, which was so nice since he doesn't stay still for long. Morrison even stole my spot when i got up to get myself a drink, till i told him to move over. His cuddly nature lasted an hor and a half, he was starting to tickle me wit his nose and paws.
  12. Morrison stole some rice off my plate, I turned around and next thing I know he's got rice on the floor. We made him go downstaries but we should have just let him clean up his mess.
  13. That is good news. They make such a cute little pair.
  14. Little update. We bought him a crate, things are going well (bought it a few hours ago). Right now he's sleeping in it with the door open.
  15. My boy is 14 weeks old, so how old would he be in terms of months? So sorry, needed to ask. Okay now I feel silly asking this question as the answer is obvious. goes off to hide in the corner.
  16. Some of these I wouldn't be able to own, purely because of size and reputation that are associated with certain breeds, but if I could l, then I'd want... a Pomeranian German Spitz Japanese Spitz Siberian Husky - Brought Morrison to the vet on Monday, in walks this husky with beautiful pericing eyes. Me and my sister kept looking at him/her, husky was being quite vocal the entier time we were there - scared Morrison for a bit. Alaskan Malamute (okay I think I've fallen in love with the spitz breed) Chinese Crested Golden Retreiver - Saw one at the vet clinic, so sweet he/she came and said hello to Morrison, who was happy to greet the dog. Labradore - a guy that went to my highscool, his surname was labradore, so many dog jokes Boston Terrier Begal Italian Greyhound English Bulldog Cocker Spaniel - I blame watching Lady and the Tramp for this. Dalmatian - After watching 101 Dalmations, I wanted one, also came to the conclusion that I needed to have a dog (at some point in my life) I don't know hoe many that is and there's probably more, but I guess that's all for now.
  17. tlc:My dad's friend gave him to us - the other 8 pups had been given to my dads work mates. Morrison's original owners probably didn't want the pups anymore, I can't say chase I don't really know the facts, I asked my dad to ask his friend, who didn't really have answers; he's just related to the original owners. Had I known that pups shouldn't be away from their mum that early, should/would I have said no? Well he's grown up nicely. One day when Morrison is older I might want another dog, maybe a real pomeranian and I'll probably go through a breeder.
  18. Morrison's first bath didn't go down that well, my dad bathed him while I kept an eye on him. Dad poured water over him, to Morrison it probably felt like he was being drowned. Should have taken things slowly and calmly. I'll get him to realise bathtime isn't so bad.
  19. Hey all. Here are a few pictures of what Morrison looks like now, I don't think I'll be able to carry him soon. The first picture I posted. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=193093 At 10 weeks. http://iheartturtles.tumblr.com/post/54228...on-the-20-4-201 And just last week, he was 12 weeks. http://iheartturtles.tumblr.com/post/57817...old-being-nutty
  20. My dad suggested filling up the bath a little bit (up to his feet/ankles) and just let him play around in the water. I guess we'll use a shower spray attached to the taps, it will probably make him feel less like he's drowning.
  21. Hi all. Morrison had a bath about an hour ago, it wasn't his first time but it sure felt like it. We usualy need two people to get the job done; one to keep an eye on him and another to bath him, cause he's an escape artist. I have given him a bath by myself, it was a bit of a struggle because he'd try to jump out of the tub - had to keep a close eye on him. Does anyone have any tips for making bath time less stressful and fearful for your pup because I don't want to take him to the groomers every time he needs a bath.
  22. I had to explain it to my parents, they agreed to it.
  23. Oh okay, I'll go and have a look, soon.
  24. What kind of crate would you recomend? I'm thinking of having it upstaires most of the time, and be able to bring it downstaires if we needed to. Last weekend the family came over for dinner, we left him outside. He was overwhelmed (excited) by presence of other people, and could have been inside with us (in a crate), so he could see everyone but feel safe at the same time. A crate would be great especialy when he wants to get away from my cousins, who like to play with him - they over excite him/he's had enough of them. Where can I get a clicker and a knog from?
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