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Marion 01

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Everything posted by Marion 01

  1. When the phone rings and I am trying to hurry to get to it, they get in the way. They always think they know exactly where I am going, and think they can beat me there.
  2. Mine all sleep on the bed with me, one in particular allows me to have a share of my pillow and is actually the girl in my avatar.
  3. Some dogs take forever to adjust to their new home. Years ago I got a 6 months old Papillon she was a beautiful girl, but took months to actually call us her own. Just go about your daily routine and try not to overcompensate her with too much attention, but talk to her and include her in everything like you would your other dog, just let her come around in her own time. I know she is not what you were expecting, but given time she could be a beaut addition to your household. Hope it all goes well for you and her. I have also had a 7 month old who was kept in a kennel away from the house and household noises, her first trip was by plane from NSW to Qld. She handled that well, but did not understand household noises at all, and was frightened of everything. It took her 12 months to accept my OH as I think her only contact had been with a male who might not have always been kind. She is now 13 and is a real sweetheart.
  4. So gorgeous Rach, and so happy. Love their names. Be interesting to see them in a couple of weeks.
  5. A Tangle of Tibetan Terriers or a Tribe of Tibetan Terriers
  6. A 6 or 8 berth dog trailer, would eliminate the need for stacking the car with crates, and that would also be their home while it was needed. Nice and comfy, weather proof whereas crates are totally open. Would run into a bit of expense, but would be worth it with less hassles.
  7. I think you did the right thing PS, that little girl definately needed someone with her, just hope her parents were there for her afterwards. Our vets are really good when we have had to give our oldies their wings, as soon as OH arrives at the surgery he rings them and the vet comes out to the car.
  8. Our dogs have pre-anaesthetic bloods done.
  9. Be awful if someone thought it was a dangerous lion, and shot it, only to find out it was a harmless dog.
  10. How terribly sad. Cazstaff I am so so sorry for your loss of Buddy.
  11. I also followed Ellie from the start to rehome. She looks so happy now, thanks to all the people who helped with her. Wish all dogs could find their forever homes.
  12. So sorry for your loss Sheridan, I also have followed Grumpy's story. It is really hard when they get old and you know the inevitable will come, but we make the most of our time. RIP Grumpy you are now free to run and have fun at the bridge.
  13. Mine get a few bikkies in the morning so that they don't bile out, but get their main meal, chicken mince and dry at 11.30 am then either a dentastix or something after we have finished our evening meal.
  14. Very nice, and isn't Ziggy just enjoying modelling it too.
  15. Dementia can take on a lot of those complaints you listed. aggression, licking incessantly,even self mutilation, restlessness and ability to get around, could you try for medication for dementia, I have had 4 dogs who have had dementia over the years and all presented in a different way, but one of them was like you have described (without the agression), he was put on vivitonin for the pacing and it did make him more settled, but over time he just couldn't stay upright, and we had to give him his wings. But have a talk to your vet and see what is best for Sally, you have done a good thing for her by getting her out of the pound and at least giving her a chance, if that chance is not meant to be for long, don't feel awful, at least you tried.
  16. Frodo's mum, you have an awesome lot of pics there. They are shots that will never happen again, will be so lovely to look back at them when he grows up.
  17. I remember years ago when we had all of our Tibetan Terriers, OH was in the toilet facing the toilet trying to pee in peace, when a TT head appeared between his legs, and wanted to know what he was doing. Nothing is sacred to dogs. Have not shut the door to the toilet for many years, the dogs like to supervise.
  18. Purina wasn't listed either. Because I have 6 senior dogs, I use Purina One Senior Protection which they love and they have never looked better.
  19. What a fantastic looking property. Heaven on earth for people and doggies. Huckleberry looks like he loves every acre of it.
  20. My daughter is getting a BC pup from Townsville on Monday, and she was just as concerned as you are Llante. I have had many pups over the years come by plane, they all seem to take it in their stride, mind you they are very happy to get out of the crate at the end of their journey though. Enjoy your new pup.
  21. Gorgeous boy, and I love his name. Looks like he has heaps of land to explore.
  22. He's a very photogenic ball of business, gorgeous shots Frodo's mum.
  23. I wouldn't trade my home made dog bath for a hydrobath ever. Years ago when we first started showing Tibetan Terriers, I was bathing them in our bath and down on my knees and it was totally uncomfortable, so we came up with a solution that has done me for nearly 20 years. We bought a 5ft pressed steel people bath, and my husband made a frame up for it to sit in, and then closed it in. It was at waist height, no bending now, and so easy to bath the dogs in. We hooked the hose(two joined shower hoses) up to the laundry taps and set about looking for a nozzle that was a small one and all I have to do is turn the taps on and get the water temp right, and we are in business, quick and easy and it already has the drain hole so that the water goes out automatically, or you can use a plug to keep the water in there. He did build it slightly sloped so that water never sits in the bottom of the bath. It is right at the end of my laundry and is not in anyones way. The best investment ever and I doubt if it even went near $100. Oh and forgot to add that he put a door in the front and shelves inside so that I could store their shampoos etc. in there out of the way. At least these pics will give you some idea of what I mean. Our house is very old and hence the rustic look. .
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