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Everything posted by ~Anne~

  1. One more thing I feel I should say; Pb MUST be given 12 hours apart. The timing is vital as the pheno only remains affective for 12 hours. After 12 hours the effect it has on the neurons that stop the siezures drops rapidly. It is VITAL to ensure it is always given every 12 hours (or as close as possible to this) to maintain seizure control. Also, you should routinely check your dogs liver as the long-term effect of Pb is scarring of the liver. Have your dog's liver tested yearly whilst on Pb. I hope this info helps.
  2. Phenobarbital has, as a side effect, ataxia (hind leg weakness). I am very surprised that your Vet didn't explain this to you when you mentioned your concerns about this. Other side effects are lethargy, restlessness, excessive hunger, urination and thirst. I have a Pug, and as you may or may not know, Pugs have curled tails. Due to the Pb, Monte's tail is rarely curled as the hind leg weakness and lack of coordination extends obviously to the tail. I have to have a bed on the floor for him as well as his lounge as sometimes he simply does not have the strength in his hind legs to jump up on the lounge. We also have found that his lack of coordination and general weakness causes him to drag his feet and this wears down his nails on his front feet to the degree that they bleed after taking him for a walk if there is a lot of ashphalt or concrete walked on. PB takes up to 3 months to stabilise in a dog's system so be patient and do not expect anything to change overnight. Your dog's system will adjust itself over this time and the side effects will be far less noticeable as the weeks go on. A word of advice on the CT scan. Epilepsy can only be diagnosed by elimination. Unless your dog actually has a neurological disorder that is causing the seizures (ie like a growth on the brain or head trauma) then the scan will not show epilepsy. The only time a scan is advisable or worth the cost is if a disease or other disorder is suspected. A specialist will perform a basic neuro exam before suggesting a scan. They will test for any other neurological conditions present such as a lack of symmetry in the face, lack of coordination (not caused by medication) and other simple physical tests. Epilepsy is diagnosed when there is no know cause of seizures. Many other conditions however cause seizures. Blood tests are usually the first tests and are by far the most common tests performed to determine the cause of a seizure. How old is your dog? What breed of dog is it?
  3. The risk of surgery would be no different to any other and I would think he'd be a little sore for a few days but otherwise ok.
  4. Are they going to operate for sure Thrine? Let us know what it was if they do? Perhpas it is some kind of cancer or maybe just an infection cause by something that has gotten caught under the skin and worked its way into the skin of the penis?
  5. Ahhok, I thought you meant that you had read specifically that eucalyptus was a trigger. Monte doesn't appear to have any triggers. I have only been using the euclyptus for the last 2 years and he has been having siezures for over 4 years now. He was a rescue dog originally and was surrendered due to his epilepsy, so if there was a trigger then his original owenrs and I would have to have a trigger in commmon. We have thoroughly researched and watched him though and at one time we thought we could pin point it to weather, and then it would change, and then food, and then that would change and amny other things. There is no rhyme or reason to his siezures and I keep detailed notes on every single seizure he has ever had over the last 4 years, and there have been a lot I can tell you!
  6. Eucalyptus a trigger? Please tell me it isn't??? I have never heard of it. I use eucalyptus on my wood laminate floors almost every day, mixed with windex. I love the smell of it.
  7. Hi Stari, Your boy is in the right age group to develop epilpsy. The growling bit was whilst he was in a post ictal stage and they all have different behaviours at this point. My boy becomes dazed and blind-like but his post ictal literally only last minutes. It can last for up to 24 hours though! I am surprised that your Vet has taken it so casually. I would have thought that they would at least want to check him out in ncase the siezure was caused by a toxicity or something else. Admittedly, there is nothing that they can test for to show epilpesy but they can rule out everything else by testing. It could very well have been environmental as you have asked. I tcould also be caused by disease or trauma.
  8. How awful. I feel for you. RIP Maggie-Moo
  9. I have used Dog Rocks with great success in the past.
  10. Thanks jemappelle and good point about picking up the distress in the household. I had overlooked this.
  11. How? They seem the same to me just different brands?? I am a real novice at this though. Can you tell me what the differences are.
  12. Thanks, his current owners have apparently already tried this option without success. He won't be sleeping with me either Ewww, I like my sheets hair free! I have other Pugs though and I also have rescues that come and go so he will have a minimum of 2 other Pugs to share a bed with. He currently doesn't sleep with any other dog or person and is on his own to sleep which I think could have an affect on him but I am not sure.
  13. Thanks everyone for your responses. There is certianly some food for thought there. I have the option of hiring a collar and I may take this up. It could be just that this guy needs company. Being deaf and without company maybe making him anxious and he could have just developed a pattern of behaviour. I will wait and see when he arrives. He is due in this weekend and so the next few weeks I will work with him and see what develops. If wnayone could confirm the collars legal status I'b be very grateful. The last thing I want to do is break the law. If they have been declared legal - why? Are they painful for the dog??? I am not sure I would want to use one if it was going to hurt. Thanks again.
  14. I agree. The family have gone through a very traumatic period with the loss of a child. They are at breaking point and I don't think that they could even listen to more ideas. I also would think it may have already been discussed perhaps as they have comsulted with thier vet quite extensively, although I didn't bring this up with them at the time as I hadn't even thought of it. it is a sad story all round from go to whoa.
  15. Thanks, that makes sense. I have never had a dog debarked before. I'll look into that as well. Until I get him in I can't be sure what it is all about. I only know that he current family is at breaking point although there have been other extenuating circumstances involved that may have contributed to the breaking point bwing reached.
  16. Here's another model... haven't quite decided what the differcne is between the two yet;
  17. I am looking into the possible purchase of an anti-barking aid for a Pug that I am about to take on that has an apparent behavioural issue. The behaviour that needs modifying is early morning howling and or barking. This apparently commence at around 2am each day. The dog is around 5- 6 years, in good health as far as I am aware, but is totally deaf. This behaviour has been non-stop for the last 6 months and most avenues have apparently been exhausted. So far I am of the understanding that he has undergone training, dosed up on relaxants (not sure which), walked back and forth at 2am on a lead, fed, the startle technique tried, closing all access to light, having a human sleep with him (he doesn't howl and perhaps this is one answer although he still wakes and becomes restless at this time) and he still persists. It may be something like he wants company, in which case, being with me and the other Pugs may resolve the issue. If not though I am looking at what other methods I can try to get this guy under control so that he can be re-homed to a forever home. Hence my query on this collar. Does it work? Has anyone actually used it successfully? What of snoring - if the collar works on vibrations in the throat, will a Pug snoring set it off?? Amy help and advice would be apprecitated.
  18. RIP Angus. I am sure Rainbow Bridge's feline club is richer for having you there.
  19. I administer valium rectally every time Monte has a seizure as he clusters.. but he still will have another 3 or more seizures. There isn't enough time in bewteen Monte's seizures to get the cluster adequately under control. I would assume that if I didn't give the valium he might have double the amount of seizures in his cluster. Monte has only ever had a single seizure twice now I think, the others are all clusters. He currently is on a monthly cycle of clusters.
  20. When did they satrt to cough? Usually they will only cough for around 5, 10 at the most if it is a bad case, and they are then over the worst of it. It is only Sat today so you may be ok. They'll be picking up by Thursday.
  21. I am so sorry Get Whippet. RIP Emma.
  22. Good to hear he is back on the mend. How old is Harvey and how long has he been experiencing seizures?? I would think if it was fluid on the brain his long term prognosis wouldn't be good at all and you would also see other symptoms. Have they considered adding bromide to his drug regime?
  23. I have found the opposite, those who are vaccinated pick up only light symptoms. Those who are not get incredibly sick from it. In my view, it is best to vaccinate against it.
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