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Everything posted by ~Anne~

  1. Hi, I hope you find somewhere and am sending you a few good luck vibes. You are probably already aware of how difficult the rental market is at the moment in Sydney. When do you need to move by?
  2. I think puppy farms should be banned. I think pet shops should be allowed to go about their business, with regulations in place, about the care and sale of animals they sell. Pet shops have sold animals for many, many years. It is the puppy farmers who have sprung up that are the issue, not the petshops. Many petshops are supporting puppy farmers by sourcing their pups through them, but if pet shops stop selling pups, do you really think that is going to stop the misery of the dogs in cages being bred from over and over? The internet is the biggest selling tool they have now. The internet is not going away. They will still breed and sell and they will do it without the pet shops. If the farms were outlawed, the problem would cease to be in existance. If petshops are banned from selling puppies, the breeding will not cease, they'll just be sold in a different way. Think about it. Puppy farmers make much higher profits selling the dogs direct than what they do selling to a petshop. The idea that puppy farms just breed to sell to petshops is wrong in my opinion. They have now realised the value of setting up websites and shipping dogs all over Australia themselves. Put your energies and passion behind the call to ban puppy farms, not pet shops.
  3. Wooohoo Dizeee! Now that I am based at Miranda, we can do lunch when and if you have a day off.
  4. I have never heard of vomitting before with epilepsy. To me it sounds like it could be vetisbular. She may be sufferíng 'sea sickness or travel sickness' because of it.
  5. If anyone else wants it, feel free to ask for it. It is just sitting collecting dust so to speak. I can't even donate it to a rescue as I doubt it would be needed. Now promised to someone.
  6. It's this one (blue medium). I used it once, for about 2 seconds, when I realised how stupid I was in thinking that a flat face dog could eat with a bowl like this
  7. I have one that I can send to you if you like. Just pay postage.
  8. There is no oversupply of dogs. Dog populations continue to fall whilst the Australian population continues to grow. The want and need for dogs is still there in sufficient numbers for supply. It is the consumer society issues, and a general lack of responsibility, that is the cause of dogs in rescue and shelters.
  9. Possibly an irritant up the schnozz.... maybe agrass seed or similar?
  10. There is a mandatory holding period in NSW. 7 days if they are not microchipped and 14 days if they are. However, many pounds in NSW will hold them much longer than this. So the very bare minimum is 7 days.
  11. Yes, I'll second this. I have used it before and it works well. It is costly though.
  12. Moisture and winter strangely go hand in hand, although cold air in Winter is actually physically dryer. Ventilation is the key. I had a very similar conversation with my eldest step daughter only the other day. She was asking what she could do to dry out her unit that she lives in with her gorgeous little boy and partner. Since she has started using a heater regularly with Winter, and not opening windows and doors becuase it is cold, her walls and the galss on her windows has started to literally drip with water.
  13. A puppy farmer is someone who breeds large scale purely for business gain. An operation that would be considered to be a 'commercial' operation/business.
  14. Post ictal. ;) Post ictal though does not neccessarily mean they are not conscious of their surroundings. lynda, it sounds like your dog is still in either post ictal or is actually still experiencing seizure activity. How long has she been diagnosed with epilepsy? It has been shown through studies that with every seizure, the pathway for seizures become more open and so seizures occur more easily as time goes on. I also believe that brain cells are killed with each seizure. I have a dog who has suffered in excess of 300 seizures over his life so far and I believe it has possibly altered his brain capacity too. I think she needs to be re-assesed. Is she on pheno, bromide or keppra? If so, when were her last levels done?
  15. hmm good point. how would i check? An animal that has an issue that needs to be looked at will have any or all of the following; *constant seepage from the sac *swelling or pain around the anus *continual but dragging These signs can also indicate other things as well however such as worm burden, allergy and yeast or bacterial infections.
  16. The anal sacs, as stated by many (I am ECSTATIC to see) should be left alone unless they become impacted. The more you squeeze, the more fluid is produced. Anal sacs do not only express naturally when a dog (or cat) defecates, but also when frightened, excited and sometimes just "becuase". It is an action they can not control and it is a normal bodily function of canines and felines (and other animals I'll bet). This trend of squeezing them as part of a grooming routine is a really worrying modern trend.
  17. I know one of our DOLers, who is a Vet (and a fabulous one) works at a hospital on the Gt Western Highway in Wentworthville. I have only been there a couple of times and I cant recall any steps. There is loads of parking right at the door (literally). I am not sure about the appointments and insurance but maybe message Rappie for further info.
  18. Lavendar will work for a lot pf dogs and cats amd I have used this often inside my home with rescues. Wash the area with an enzyme based cleaner to remove the odour and then place a few drops of lavendar around. You will need to use the lavendar daily i have found until they have totally stopped. With some, it works immediately and with others it takes a few days. With others still it doesn't work at all. Lavendar wont harm them and they don't hate it, they just have an aversion to toileting over it.
  19. I put vinegar in with the detergent and I use a disenfectant in the rinse for all dog things.
  20. I once took in a Pug, that was surrendered to SCDH for the same reason (he was 8 years of age). Jazz as he was called then, and later became Nugget, was adopted by a fellow DOLer (Thrine) and he has since subsequently passed away. He got to live his last few years in luxury though. Some people think of dogs as commodities with a use by date sadly. :D
  21. That's really sad. It must have been heartbreaking.
  22. We've had that happen to us too , our bitch (not from the same kennels as ur's though) died at 6mths , we were absolutely shattered had brief thoughts of walking away from the breed, but could never see ourselves without one. Is it appropriate to ask what they died from?
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