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Everything posted by ~Anne~

  1. Hi everyone, I need to find temporary carer or a rescue who can take in a moggy, med haired, as soon as possible. The cat is located on the central coast, Nsw. Long story short, the cat belongs to a friend’s mother. My friend passed away several years ago from cancer and her husband has contacted me asking if I can help. Kath’s mum is elderly and has recently gone into care unexpectantly. The family have been feeding her cat but it’s now confirmed that mum will not be returning home. I am currently waitng on more info re: age, gender and desexing status etc. If anyone thinks they can help, please message me or respond here.
  2. Wow, looks great. I didn’t notice any social media links? Are you broadcasting across multiple channels? I’ve been out of rescue for a few years now but I like to keep up with new things where I can. I also try to help where I can but now that I’m not based in Sydney it’s a bit harder. If you think I can help in any way with your social channels, let me know. I have a fair bit of experience proefessionally in this area.
  3. Why can’t we just feed dogs what they’re meant to eat? The whole crazy dog feeding fad has been going on for years and just keeps on getting more crazy. I’ve since realised that it also invades the cat world. I thought the human diet thing was crazy enough, but now we also have to stress about feeding pets as well as ourselves. We’ve made it all far too complicated.
  4. I'd say it occurred before take-off, perhaps? Im not sure you can even get down into the hold from the internal areas of the plane?
  5. Definitely Kelpie in there. The second breed is a little harder to pick. Like Juice said above, it could be Pitbul/Amstaff. She looks stumpy though so it could also be a smaller breed, like mini foxie.
  6. It isn't logical. Imagine the cost of employing someone to sit in an aircraft going back and forth, and not being able to do anything anyway because the animals are in the cargo hold with your suitcases and cargo? I say bullshit.
  7. It stated it was correcting the misinformation circulating. The boys were not trespassing; the gate was not locked; the dog was stabbed in self defence during the attack; the children and their families were unjustly being vilified. They were the main points I took from it. Others may have gleaned more.
  8. I'd just send an email perhaps, and keep it light. They may not care or they may think you're a busy body, but then they might be thankful for the heads up.
  9. There's a mobile number and email address for the breeder, in the ad. If anyone was concerned they could call, text or email.
  10. The gumtree seller is selling the pup with a big mark up... if they are really selling it....
  11. A reverse image search reveals this ad with one pic which is the same as one in the gumtree ad: http://www.petlink.com.au/Classifieds/sale/2631887.html This ad is supposedly the breeder and it says they're from Newcastle.
  12. Teekay, I would think the Police would be pretty confident of the facts to post so publicly about it.
  13. Thanks Peres and RuralPug. That does surprise me. PTSD in humans is used to describe a range of mental health associated problems experienced after trauma. I'll head off to do some research. All I can think is that it is describing a very different set of symptoms and causes, given a canine's brain does not function in the same way as a human's.
  14. Thanks RuralPug. I can understand the dog may have been affected by the episode and this would have lead to potential behavioural changes, but PTSD? Seriously? It's a dog, not a human. PTSD is a serious health issue for humans and it's not, to my knowledge, a condition recognised in veterinary science and attributed to canines. Just how do they measure it, in dogs? The fact that the dog didn't cope with the change in its freedom is understandable, and even changes in behaviour after anything traumatic for the dog are also understandable, but you don't think there's a serious case of anthropomorphism here? Its sad that a dog is now dead but I've got to wonder when words like PTSD are thrown around to describe the condition of the dog and the reason why it was euthanised. Either way, it seems an awful situation for the dog, it's owners and the boys and their families.
  15. I don't understand why the dog was euthanised for 'depression'. How big was the pen it was contained to? Thousands of dogs, every day in Australia, live some of their time confined to crates, kennels, yards and runs. I'm sure I'm missing something.
  16. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-09/animal-cruelty-charges-gunnedah/8790136
  17. I'm not a fan of any dog of any size, breed or age, living outside by itself. I don't subscribe to the pack animal concept, but dogs do like companionship of the human or animal variety. In having said that, I don't believe that all dogs are totally miserable living like that. I think some adapt to their solitary lifestyle. What you need need to do is see the situation from your dog's viewpoint. Visually - what's does your dog see? Get down on your hands and knees and take a look at the view from your dog's perspective. What are they looking at from that angle? Can you improve it? How much energy do they have? Are you giving them enough physical exercise? What about mental stimulation? In what kind of ways are they stimulated mentally? Do they play by themselves? Are there things you can do to make life interesting for them when you're not there? Things like working for their treats with kongs, or a tug rope tied securely that they can pull.
  18. If you click on the pic itself, not the post, you'll see down the bottom left when it was uploaded - which was 14 July 2017. I didnt bother checking the geocache info of the images but I'm willing to bet they're from all different places....
  19. A tip for people to help spot fakes. See in this pic there is a little clock icon. The picture says it was from 3rd April 2012 and it was posted on 4th April 2012? The clock icon icon shows that they have set a different date to when the pic was actually posted.
  20. I've reported the profile as a fake profile. Facebook will remove it if it is shown to be fake - which it will be given the images that appear to be from multiple sources and the time clock used to pretend the images were posted on dates they weren't. If you don't report the profile, these scammers just keep scamming.
  21. I know what you think the intent is, but its not. For example, POCTA does not include or cover vaccination. As I said, the document by DPI is not well written. It appears to be aimed at commercial establishments and the legislative instrument that they are using is not specific to procedures such as vaccinating puppies or kittens, but to ensuring that animals in breeding establishments will not suffer cruelty. When you have large numbers of animals, the risk of disease is far greater. Hence why vaccinations are included in the code. I can breed a litter of puppies tomorrow, and not vaccinate them, and I will not be breaking any laws.
  22. A code of practice is not a law. There is no law in NSW that states a dog has to be vaccinated. Edited: I just had a look at the code of practice you have referred to. It's not very clear but it seems to be aimed at commercial breeding establishments and not hobby breeders.
  23. Definitely not illegal in NSW. The dog must be microchipped before sale by law however. And at that age, it should also be registered. It is the sellers responsibility to also ensure the microchip details are transferred.
  24. There were a couple of images and the dog didn't look any better in either image. Its not just disturbing, it's a living and current example of the issue that has enabled the sometimes dangerous distortion of breeds over time. In my view, this is "extreme" leanness. I would go as far as to say it's not a lean dog, but an emaciated one.
  25. I'm not sure if this has been posted. Along the lines of your comments above. Exhibit A - this dog, in an overseas competition, won (hence the ribbons and proud look on the handler/owner).
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