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Everything posted by ~Anne~

  1. Just don't fill them up to much as the water expands when frozen and, if your guys are like mine, they don't like them when they are hard and round... they prefer them a little flat.
  2. There is a differecne though between off label and a drug actually being labelled 'not for use....' hence why I was trying to clarify this point.
  3. Probably a self created one form something like MS Publisher
  4. I have brachys but I don't turn the air-con on for them during the day unless it is above about 36-37 degrees. For the most part, they sleep and this helps keep their temp down. They also lie in the garage where it is cooler than outside. They have access to water and I will place frozen water bottles around for them to lie on and around if they feel the heat too much. I am actually surprised by the number of people who put the air con on for dogs that are not predisposed to breathing problems. Most dogs are able to handle the heat without too many problems providing they have shade and water. They're dogs. They are no more, and no less, affected by the heat than huamns and a human can bare much higher temperatures as long as they have water. Why are we suddenly thinking they can't? The elderly and infirm, sick, very young and brachy breeds should have obvious special consideration though.
  5. I am a little confused because of this statement. Can you clarify - is the drug labelled 'not for use in animals' or is it that the use in animals is omitted or not shown?
  6. Out of curiosity, what was the drug your dog was put on that was banned?
  7. It is no different to those I see holding their dogs in shopping centres and other areas where dogs are prohibited. I am not sure what part of the regulation these people fail to understand. Idiots.
  8. Boofy doesn't do it because of over heating though Mita. He does it even in the dead of Winter and he won't even be panting. He's just a little weird... but we love him anyway.
  9. How can anyone say the Huskies owners were 'irresponsible' or have I missed some vital info? Responsible owners also have their dogs escape from yards. It only takes some egghead to open a gate after you've left for work, or wind to blow down a fence or blow open a gate. Trial by forum is always interesting.
  10. My Boofy does this on every walk and always has. We have never quite worked out why. One minute he is trotting along and then he stops dead suddenly and will not move. He's not sniffing or wanting to toilet, he doesn't sit, he just stops dead and looks at you. You usually have to give a bit of a hard tug and he'll start walking again... sometimes I think he is a little autistic.
  11. You can buy a puppy with genetic health issues from a registered breeder. You can buy a puppy and receive zero or poor after sales care from a registered breeder. You can buy a puppy with genetic health issues from a byb. You can buy a puppy and receive zero or poor after sales care from a registered breeder. You can buy a puppy that is healthy and has no health issues from a registered breeder. You can buy a puppy that is healthy and has no health issues from a byb. You can buy a puppy and receive fabulous after sales care and support from a registered breeder. You can buy a puppy and receive fabulous after sales care and support from a byb. You have a higher chance of buying a genetically healthy pup, and receiving fabulous after sales care and support if you purchase a pup from a registered breeder. You have a higher chance of buying a puppy that has genetic health issues and receiving poor or zero after-sales care and support if you purchase a pup from a byb. End of story.
  12. And adding to Aziah's comments, I know some bitches that have never been bred from but have saggy under-carriages. The other thing that people look out for when trying to determine if they have been bred from is the colour. I can also say that I have had bitches in with black teats, pink teats and teats that are totally discoloured compared to the skin around them and it still doesn;t confirm if they have had pups or how many litters they have had. Like humans, they are all different.
  13. Mine usally always toilet on walk. Strangely, Olivia never has. She won't even urinate. I assume it is something to do with her past but as she is a rescue, I have no clues as to what her past was.
  14. Wow, what a dilemma. I think I would be more forceful in objecting to the fact that the dog will be at great risk without vaccinations. Also, the fact that having a dog will limit their potential choice of rental home as many will not rent to people with pets. If they have no money, how are they able to buy the pup anyway?
  15. Yes, the issue always confuses me too. Perhaps it is related to the type of baceria that develops on certain products and meats?? I mean, a dog can bury a meaty bone and then dig it up some time later and eat it without ill effect it seems.
  16. By the way - nothing you put on his skin or feed him will stop his misery. If he is lucky, he will get a couple of hours or a couple of days relief at best from topical solutions.
  17. Yes, I agree. Poor Leroy because he is itching like crazy or poor Leroy because he sleeps outside and we won't get him allergy tested? The vet didn't recommend having him tested and simply said it was a spring contact allergy. And poor Leroy is a fully trained flyball dog who travels around everywhere with us and chooses himself to sleep outside. I can bring him inside and he will toilet everywhere over night. Put him in a crate and he will cock his leg and pee out the side of the crate. Put him in the large enclosed cat crate and he will pee all over the bottom of it and then lay in it. When I go to bring the others in they run to the gate, he bails to the kennel and stays there. I'm not going to force him to sleep in if he doesn't like it. And we are doing everything for Poor Leroy taking into consideration that neither of us are even sure if keeping him is a good idea. We have taken full responsibility for him because it's not his fault that we decided to rescue him and nor is it his fault he doesnt really fit it. It's also not his fault that we have 6 other dogs and are expecting our first baby and simply can not afford to have him allergy tested. Regardless of what he is allergic to it won't change anything. I can't pull all of the grass out of the pen and make the others suffer for his sake and nor will I have him inside constantly toileting everywhere. Poor Leroy spent the first 6 months, yes a full 6 months, of his life in a pet store. No one wanted to buy him and the glass box he was in, seperated from his only sibling has left a lasting effect on his personality. When a friend bought him and it didn't work with their dog we took him on in the hopes of giving him a better life and quiet frankly we have done exactly that for the past year. I don't need to be berated for trying to do the right thing by him. Wow, thanks for the life story, but it wasn't neccessary. My comment was in direct relation to the fact that he hasn't been tested and is obviously in a lot of discomfort and pain. Determining the allergy will enable you to improve his life. Without knowing what it is that sets him off he has no chance of ever having a comfortable life unless luck has it his way. I don't think much of a Vet that doesn't try to determine what the allergen is either when a dog is that itchy he is causing skin lesions and develops subsequent infections. I would change Vets. Re-homing him will simply pass on the problem to someone else. On a last note, you didn't 'rescue' him, you got him from a friend.
  18. No, they haven't been ignored or forgotten 'apparently' by anyone anymore than the animals that are saved and assisted by the RSCPA are ignored or forgotten. It is a case of balancing the facts. Looking at the world with one eye won't help anyone.
  19. Has he been tested to show what he is allergic to exactly?
  20. Have You Ever Got It Right 100%, Ever brought up a dog with zero bad habits? No. I have never given birth to, or mothered, a perfect human child either. I like children and dogs with a touch of attitude though, I find them more interesting and easier to love. :D
  21. I hear you, I really do. We must also recognise that they do also do a lot of good. There are problems, and we need to stand up and be heard when it comes to these problems (and pray we are not too late) but we can do this in a united and sensible manner. Scaremongering campaigns should be left to the likes of PETA as I said.
  22. Why, because we are not gullible enough to watch and believe some seriously prejudiced garbage on youtube? :D The youtube clip is seriously redneck. http://www.sosnews.org/newsfront/?p=532Hey Anne just for you seeing your in NSW.. http://www.sosnews.org/newsfront/?p=532 You're not serious are you? This is the reverse end of PETA.
  23. Why, because we are not gullible enough to watch and believe some seriously prejudiced garbage on youtube? The youtube clip is seriously redneck. Do you truely belive its redneck stuff :D Did you watch the other videos most likely not l just dont like the thought of the RSPCA being given extra powers, when this type of thing is there easy solution :D Hey, I'm with you when it comes to the issues associated with the power of the RSPCA and the fact that they are answerable to no-one. However, running riot with factless videos is not conducive to the debate. There are issues, most will agree with that. By the way, I have no need to watch more idiotic videos about the issue. I am more for sensible, logical and intelligent debate. Those videos remind me of PETA tactics to be honest.
  24. Why, because we are not gullible enough to watch and believe some seriously prejudiced garbage on youtube? :D The youtube clip is seriously redneck.
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