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Everything posted by CrazyCresties

  1. Glad to hear Trixie's glands are ok Silly woman with the staffy, just move it out of the way - it's not that hard Welcome Josie, Pudding is too adorable ;) I look forward to seeing lots of pics of her :D
  2. These are all too cute, but OMG Frenchie butts ;)
  3. An attempt at rain here BOM says humidity 87% - boy does it feel like it! Poor Daisy really struggled on a walk this morning, so they only had a short one - even at 7am it was waaay too sticky. Whoever told me Perth isn't humid in summer lied ;) Come on heavens - open up and bloody rain properly
  4. Awww, that is just gorgeous emery - what a beautiful girl
  5. Loving all the photos so far Same here, I have one that I think is my fav so far for this week, but I'm always hoping for better......and there's 3 more days to achieve 'better' :D
  6. lol, great pics Love the second one :D Are these with the new lens
  7. He's gorgeous I love Brittanys, we had a couple on a stable yard I worked at 20yrs ago - the owner did shooting so had several working gundogs I love the second pic :D
  8. Uh Oh Tiggy, nothing is safe in your house What rain? We didn't get any yesterday :D Yup my dopey spaniel used to eat the all them time - they were safe Scottish spiders though
  9. Same here, all mine do is sleep all day :D What an adorable little sweetie Wow, you can feel the power in that one! Love the expression on his face, gorgeous Another dragonfly entry, just turned around and spotted this one and managed to get 3 quick shots in before he flew off again - I was at f/2 as didn't have time to change any settings, but luckily this one was just about in focus ;) Day 4
  10. Happy Birthday Rommi What a gorgeous girl :D
  11. Must be the day for anal glands, I had the pleasure of expressing Daisy's today - and hers are always a finger up the bum job :D Hope Trixies heart is ok :D
  12. Awwww so sweet, love his face in the second one
  13. How gorgeous :D she is such a photogenic girl and you're capturing her very well
  14. Great to see all these fab pics from everyone Day 3 - City Gulls
  15. Really pretty colours LuvLottie Day 2 A weed
  16. I have no advice regarding the itchy side of things I'm afraid, but I used to be on a large cocker forum, and so many of the pups would 'turn fussy' at around 5 -6 months of age. This is when they also start teething I believe - maybe try offering him a frozen stuffed kong, he may find that soothing. But whatever you feed, you need to be firm and stick with one thing until he eats it, don't swap and changed his food around a lot in the hope he'll like something. Have you tried him on lamb ribs at all? Good luck with his itchiness
  17. As someone who has a FA dog I can understand exactly how much that means to you I would have tears in my eyes if I saw Louis play with another dog. I hope this is the start of a new found confidence for Acheron with other dogs ;)
  18. Awww what a little sweetie - have fun with her She is a gorgeous colour
  19. HaHa, she looks like she's about to get up to mischief What beautiful heads they have but for adsl soon :D So gorgeous I was snapping flies today too
  20. Hi Bonnie, I take mine to the groomer at my vets (Claremont) and he is so good with my nervous Daisy - they charge $60 there.
  21. I agree - Thank you Shell for organizing and keeping up with us changing our minds all over the place Her face is priceless I'm not seeing this as a competition, but a challenge to keep us motivated and/or improve our skills - whatever level we are at I know I have a LOT of learning to do so am looking forward to the challenge :D
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