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Everything posted by Ryza1

  1. Over the past 2-3 weeks i have been undecided as to whether to post about my experience with this place. I placed an order close to 4 weeks ago and i still have not received the goods. I have sent numerous emails without response and have called the contact number but have not had any answer to my calls. I wait in hope that the goods will arrive but am not holding my breath . I would not recommend or use this place again. Lesson learnt is go with somewhere that is reputable, and is tried and proven by other DOLers.
  2. I'm sure this has been covered numerous times in other threads so sorry in advance.... I have a 2 years old female (desexed) Stafforshire Bull Terrier and my partner and I are looking at getting another, however, in doing some research and reading on DOL and other sites over the net i have come across information about concerns for 2 males, 2 littermates and having pups of similar age. I need some advice on what i need to be aware of. Do female/female go better together, or female/male? We do not have provisions to keep the dogs seperate so would they be ok to leave together. Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, I am new to DOL but have been browsing through threads the past few days. I have a few questions to ask about Staffy's: I currently have a 2 yr old desexed female staffy and my partner and i are looking to get another staffy however, i need some advice. I have read some concerns on DOL and on the net about having 2 males together, or having 2 littermates together, and also having 2 puppy's at the same time of similar age. What things should i be aware of with getting another staffy? Is my current staffy at an appropriate age to introduce another one? Do female/female go better together or female/male? The last thing i want is to make a decision to get another staffy and in the end need to re-home it. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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