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Everything posted by Wendysdarwin

  1. Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any ideas about a 'leave on conditioner'? I wonder if mink oil will work with a double coated breed, anyone tried it?
  2. Hi there, I have a little - VERY HAIRY dog. I keep buying brushes for him, I use the principal, if it doesn't hurt my hair to use it, it wont hurt him. My problem is that it doesn't really matter whether I pay $2.00 of $90.00 with in 4 weeks the bloody things start to loose their teeth. I buy bristle brushes. I can't seem to get one without a soft base, so with constant use, the pins sink into the base. I can't use a slicker, (although I am starting to think about it). Any ideas on what to use with him? I am now convinced that a pin brush without bobbles on the end is the way to go, thanks to some one on this chat room, I just really would like a brush that lasted at least 6 months. Appreciate any advise. :D
  3. Thanks Stormy, he has been on antibiotics for as long as 6 weeks, it clears it up, but within about 3 weeks back again. I can almost tell you when it started, it may have been because of stress, when I wasn't around, and he let himself get down. I had placed him with a friend for 2 weeks, and didn't tell him I would be back, since then, when I have placed him I have always told him I was coming back. He actually greets me, the first time, he would not talk to me at all. Anyway, am trying the de-tox and the natural diet, will see what happens. I am so over the shampoos, they all seem to damage his coat, and not do much else. :D
  4. I have to agree with you SparkyTansy, he is really sensitive to chicken. Really cannot tollerate it in any form. I am convinced it is because they are so full of steriods and growth hormones now. Seriously, he does not have fleas, and there are no fleas in our yard. I think he is being bitten by midges. We do have a lot of them around here. They don't stick, they just bite and go away. Sorry, cant isolate him or get rid of the insect, but now have him on Robert McDowell's de-tox treatment and raw meat, veg and bones. (YUK)! I hate the smell of dead meat on him, (I am a veg), he seems much happier with it, quite likes the herbs, and (Whoops) put on weight, in a week, have now cut him down, he seems more relaxed with his food, so have fingers crossed. Suppose to take about 4 months, I am just gunna do it. Week one, not much change on the skin, but a good change on his attitude to food. :D I would like to say to the person who told me to get another brush and some evening primrose oil spray for the man, I have done so, and do so thank them for their advice. The brush is most excellant. :p
  5. I have to agree with you SparkyTansy, he is really sensitive to chicken. Really cannot tollerate it in any form. I am convinced it is because they are so full of steriods and growth hormones now. Seriously, he does not have fleas, and there are no fleas in our yard. I think he is being bitten by midges. We do have a lot of them around here. They don't stick, they just bite and go away. Sorry, cant isolate him or get rid of the insect, but now have him on Robert McDowell's de-tox treatment and raw meat, veg and bones. (YUK)! I hate the smell of dead meat on him, (I am a veg), he seems much happier with it, quite likes the herbs, and (Whoops) put on weight, in a week, have now cut him down, he seems more relaxed with his food, so have fingers crossed. Suppose to take about 4 months, I am just gunna do it. Week one, not much change on the skin, but a good change on his attitude to food. :D
  6. Hi ya Lillysmum, I did get a reply from Robert. What he said made sense, basically that our human dogs eat too much of processed foods so get a toxin build up in their skin that smells nice and insects bite it and it becomes a sore. I have now changed his diet. He is on only raw meat, raw veges and bones, (YUK)! I am a vege, and do so hate the smell on dead meat on him. He is also now on the de-tox herbal treatment that Robert recomended. Been a week, he seems happy with his diet, no longer looking constantly for extras, (although have to be honest, he still expects to share some of my tucker). LOL. I will keep Stephen's name, and try for him next time. I do so miss my vet in Qld who would move heaven and earth to find out about a new breed and happily do a course to find out more about it. On the side, I was the first person to present him with a French Bulldog. He had been practising for 20 years, never seen one, within 6 months, he knew all that he could. He was wonderful.
  7. Thanks Pappylove. Yes it is hard to keep the little man looking good. I don't mind clipping him off, but I really reckon that his hair is protecting most of his body. I can't give him chicken, as he ends up with the s***s. LOL. He may be alergic to grasses, but I have yet to find a vet that will even think of it! There is also a good animal feed store at Coolalinga. I just wish somenone would let me know really what I can do to help him. He is getting most un well. Have emailed this Robert McDowell, hopefully he might be able to give me some help. Sorry, but I am sure I have seen Top Pets with both puppies and kittens for sale.
  8. Thanks for that, but I don't use a flea treatment. I am one of the lucky ones, don't have fleas, so don't need to use something.
  9. Sorry, probably could, but the medication seems to be easing it a bit somewhat, and I have to be honest, it is not really something I would like to put on a web site.
  10. Yes settrlv the biggest difference with a HL and a PP is the teeth. The hl have very little teeth the PP's have a sissor mouth with a full mouth of teeth. You can not hide that, and my man does have the BEST set of teeth around.
  11. Sadly, we don't have any pet stores that a) don't sell pups b) carry genuine super premium foods The best I've found is Royal Canin and Nutrience. No EP... Oh, PP has Innova EVO (when I last checked, the small bag was six months out of date, the large bag over a year out of date). And California Natural of course, also by Innova. Wendy, I'd suggest stopping the processed foods altogether. Try a bland raw diet. Andy's skin must be very sore ATM poor lad. If you can, source human grade meat and bones rather than pet grade. I'd suggest lamb neck rosettes and other lamb parts and only lamb to see if he improves at all. Try contacting Robert McDowell Robert McDowell for his assistance. I swear by his skin allergy and blood purifying treatments for Ruby who has severe airborne allergies (well, they're not diet-related so we can only assume that she reacts to air-borne and/or substances she comes into contact with)...she's a different dog! To the DOLer who suggested showing him as a hairless, the Darwin dog show world is VERY small and everyone knows everyone and their dogs. It's not possible to 'cheat' in such a way. edit b/c I originally suggested chicken but that causes Andy digestive upsets... Hi ya Lillysmum. I have tried ALL OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF DIET for my man. Yes you are right, his skin is really touchy at the moment. I am convinced it is not diet related. If it was, it would be all over his body, but it is only on the parts of his body that do not have lots of hair. This last vet, (NOW - the fourth) Has agreed with me it is an air borne. I am totally sick of him being on anti biotics and steriods. He is now CONSTANTLY PANTING. It is only 32??? I reckon the steriods have increased his body temp. Who and what is Robert McDowell? Almost at the giving up stage. He is still ok, but no longer the fully attentive man I know and love. I spect he is getting sicker by the day. I agree about the change of PP to Hairless, really can't be done in Darwin. I still think that something is biting him and he is allergic to whatever it is. Sorry, I hit the underlined name, and sent an email to it????? Hopefully I will get a reply. Thanks muchly.
  12. Sadly, we don't have any pet stores that a) don't sell pups b) carry genuine super premium foods The best I've found is Royal Canin and Nutrience. No EP... Oh, PP has Innova EVO (when I last checked, the small bag was six months out of date, the large bag over a year out of date). And California Natural of course, also by Innova. Wendy, I'd suggest stopping the processed foods altogether. Try a bland raw diet. Andy's skin must be very sore ATM poor lad. If you can, source human grade meat and bones rather than pet grade. I'd suggest lamb neck rosettes and other lamb parts and only lamb to see if he improves at all. Try contacting Robert McDowell Robert McDowell for his assistance. I swear by his skin allergy and blood purifying treatments for Ruby who has severe airborne allergies (well, they're not diet-related so we can only assume that she reacts to air-borne and/or substances she comes into contact with)...she's a different dog! To the DOLer who suggested showing him as a hairless, the Darwin dog show world is VERY small and everyone knows everyone and their dogs. It's not possible to 'cheat' in such a way. edit b/c I originally suggested chicken but that causes Andy digestive upsets... Hi ya Lillysmum. I have tried ALL OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF DIET for my man. Yes you are right, his skin is really touchy at the moment. I am convinced it is not diet related. If it was, it would be all over his body, but it is only on the parts of his body that do not have lots of hair. This last vet, (NOW - the fourth) Has agreed with me it is an air borne. I am totally sick of him being on anti biotics and steriods. He is now CONSTANTLY PANTING. It is only 32??? I reckon the steriods have increased his body temp. Who and what is Robert McDowell? Almost at the giving up stage. He is still ok, but no longer the fully attentive man I know and love. I spect he is getting sicker by the day. I agree about the change of PP to Hairless, really can't be done in Darwin. I still think that something is biting him and he is allergic to whatever it is.
  13. OK! I am convinced that my dog is allergic to something. I suspect that it is something that bites him. He is constantly on anti biotics and steriods. He is VERY hairy, and only has the problem where the hair is not totally covering him. I have used Melasab, I have changed his diet, nothing seems to work apart from the a's (anti biotics) and s's.(Steriods) I would love a natural remedy. He is only almost 3. Both of us are having a hard time living with his problem. Have tried human anti histomines. They don't seem to work. Is there out there a doggie anti histomine? We have a lot of little ants here, and they are constantly on his coat, so I spect they have bitten him. (The little buggers hurt like crazy). Would love some solid advice.
  14. Thank you, I will give it a try. I am not sure what you mean by probiotics or yakult. But I always used to give my babies natural yougurt. Is that the same?
  15. Thank you, I will do that, I would just so love for my man to be comfortabel ALL the time.
  16. Thankyou. I will do that, he cannot tollerate chicken. (Diahorea), but lamb maybe the go.
  17. I would love to give you a pic of my man. He is not only a PP but one of the hairiest ones I have ever seen. His coat is equal to a mini afghan. I don't mind clipping him off, I don't mind not showing him, but I sort of feel that his hair is keeping the worst of his sores away. I keep wondering about the air/sun, but keep thinking that at least he is protected. Where the most hair is, there are no sores.
  18. Not that I am aware of. I am not sure what you mean by a natural diet.
  19. Thank you, I will contact Lynda, hopefully she can help me. I don't understand what you mean about the food. Sorry in Darwin, we don't get much choice. Could you 'Please explain"? Where do I get a pin brush from?
  20. Sorry, you are right, He has a 'staff' infection. (for the last 12 months). Can't pin point were it is coming from. I maintain, that he is being bitten and the sores become infected. The changes in diet have made no difference. I usually keep him on the change for about 4 months. Have to beg to differ, he does LOVE to show, but that is not really an important thing to me. I just want him to be healthly. Can you please give me some natural remidies? I really don't want my man on drugs for the rest of his life. I know that it would be a very short one.
  21. Yes the worm eggs live on the grass and on the soil. Dogs eat grass and dig in the soil. The best treatment is to worm all dogs regularly. Another option, that I do myself is make sure that the area where the dogs run is washed down at least twice a day. That may seem extreme, but when you have visitors, it dosen't pay not to be too careful.
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