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Everything posted by ratta

  1. She could come and meet my staffy!!! Couldnt get a better example of how the breed really is when treated properly Sorry about the double post im still on my "Ls" and dont know how to delete the other one! Whoops!
  2. Good point... I didnt even think of the whole muzzling thing. I wish there was some way we could try and repair their tattered repuation.
  3. Not my idea and maybe too late now anyway, but how awesome would it be if we could get someone (preferably well-known/famous) with a Pitbull (or Am Staff) along to the million paws walk and help bring attention to the problems with Bsl etc and promote the good points about these dogs? try and attract some good media attention? Perhaps this is something that should be organised in detail for next years walk? Just throwing ideas around, would love to know what everyone thinks...
  4. I wonder if we could get a respected celebrity such as Cesar Milan from the dog whisperer series, who is very pro- pitt bull and anti- bad owners to help get something out there in the media somehow?? I dont know how you would go about it? Just an idea..what does everyone think?
  5. I have only just seen this post and was too late to sign the petition! Congrats on reaching your target and being proactive...i hope it helps make a diffreence.
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