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Everything posted by Firestone

  1. According to the canine control its 1000 ks
  2. Thats so funny expecially falling out of the sandpit
  3. Yep, sorry I hate it when people abbreviate and assume everyone will know what they're talking about. Thanks for that I have a little notebook I am noting all this in and did not have that one
  4. Well in some cases no they are not connected and the State bodies are supposed to notify the clubs and in this case Combined Breeds was not notified. Some states have differing rules to what the ANKC set out and an example of this is Queensland not going with Neuters classes or something similar.Yes we do your thoughts on our breed and if your friend was not there yesterday she would have only seen youngsters in varying stages of growth etc, and I doubt they would have seen anyone in a bikini it was to cold and wet. There was a lighter moment in sires progeny when a green suited gentleman led the group in. I will ask on the shepherd forum though who was wearing bikini at the national Thats right no challenges or best of breed and therefore no shepherd in the group line up. They were still eligible for class in group if not knocked by best in group or runner up in group which can happen even when there are points on offer
  5. Is the AF you talk about the Auto Focus???
  6. Its a case of either go or not and the choice is that of the individual exhibitor. I think is a great rule and yes we were one of the ones penalised - not able to travel for health reasons (Doctors orders). The reason I think its a good rule it stops those point chasers running to another little show a few hundred k's away to get points because the competition is at a national event. All these things get printed in gazettes and K9 Journals and exhibitors need to read. The GSD National is in Sydney in 2011 and any shows in Northern Tassie will be not be able offer challenges for GSDs. It happened a few weeks ago with the dally national in Sydney and the ABKA held their shows at Westbury in northern Tasmania. No Dally challenge points. Just out of interest there were some 20+ exhibitors from WA who attended the GSDCA National and they took home a class (Junior Bitch), Silver and Bronze medals with a 2nd and a 3rd in open bitch classes. These are special events held once a year for GSDs and financially we budget very carefully to ensure we can attend and I know there are others who do the same. Just for the record the club hosting this event did not know the national was on and were not informed by the State canine body. The Weimaraner National was on in Adelaide as well
  7. Love those shots wow. I hope that one day I can get shots that clear and so well coloured
  8. http://www.flickr.com/groups/nrsp/ That is just one sample. It's taking your camera to public places and shooting and hoping you don't get bashed. Just kidding. It's shooting in public. To avoid getting in trouble, make sure if you take a photo of someone and they have noticed you take a photo, you go over and introduce yourself, tell them what you're doing, show them the photo and ask if you are okay to use it. Most people will say yes, some people will ask you to delete it, a minority of people will be rude about it. Thanks I am off tomorrow to see what I can capture for this challenge. Fiddling with settings and playing now so I do get lots of disasters
  9. Can I ask what is Street Photography please???
  10. I'm with you there. I am enjoying learning so much from these challenges and the feedback from them, as well as looking at all the beautiful photos posted
  11. Must not look, must not look, lol My only saving grace is at the moment everything I can is being put into getting a new lens. Phew thank goodness for that or I would be bag hunting in that link
  12. I am looking forward to the May challenge as well. I am learning a lot. Took the camera to Targa Tasmania (car rally) today. Disappointed in some of the photos but its all part of the learning process.
  13. You spelt wooo hooo wrong? ;) Show us some photos woman COngrats on the new camera and photos are a must
  14. Cannot believe the judge with the GSD experience is not doing GSDs.
  15. Could they give you the policy number and you use the number to insure your camera and then they just re-issue you the paper work?? Or is that too simple for them??
  16. Here are some examples of the type of artifacts that can be caused by a UV filter on the end of the lens: http://forums.steves-digicams.com/attachme...ilter-flare.jpg http://toothwalker.org/optics/filterflare.html http://www.riseofx.com/flare1.jpg It's particularly bad when shooting into lights at night time. Once you've had a photo ruined by a cheap filter, you give up on them pretty quickly. So does this apply to all filters or just cheap ones?? If its cheap ones what are good ones???
  17. Hmmm... I wish I knew that about 12 years ago when I worked for a camera wholesaler and people would bring in their scratched lenses. I could have told them all they were making it up and sent them on their way. I don't know who told you that. Obviously it takes a bit of a whack or some sort of pressure to scratch them but it's not as uncommon as you seem to think. (but personally, I don't use filters either.) I'm not saying it's not possible, but it takes a fair whack as you said and some carelessness or accident such as dropping it, which will often cause bigger problems than a filter can prevent anyway. I just think when you are weighing up the risk of scratching your lens against the horrid artifacts etc caused by crappy filters, I'd rather take the risk of scratching and just make sure I am careful with my lenses. maybe I need to rethink my strategy then cause I was told to put filters on everything to help protect it So was I
  18. I like it. It also has a eerie look to it.
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