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Everything posted by Firestone

  1. So happy for Ange and all the connections. Mr Thor is a real looker. What a lovely critique.
  2. Can hardly wait till Aziah sees that its lovely
  3. I just love your photos, these are lovely
  4. Bloody hell its about you put it up I was so wanting to know how it went
  5. Congrats on the new camera and great pics
  6. He is so happy and they are great photos
  7. I found this on Ebay and thought there might be interest here http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Canon-EF-50mm-1-1-4...=item414f8ef8ac
  8. Got the secondhand lenses at Photographic Wholesalers on Hutt St, Adelaide Do they have a website??
  9. Thats right I saw Kirislins photos taken with her nifty fifty and I just wanted one.
  10. umm...me for one! Me as well and lens wishes from what I have seen here
  11. Congratulations. I love it when you post your photos here
  12. Congratulations. All the best for the future
  13. Sheesh poor girl. Speedy recovery wishes.
  14. I have decided to save the extra and get the 1.4
  15. I got the 450D in the middle of March and I am loving it. Complete SLR novice Will watch out for you pics
  16. And we had a lovely chat in the area at that show. Lots of visitors at that one if I remember rightlyWith all this support being bandied about it looks like th motion will get big support when it gets to the TCA
  17. Love the pics. They get so high off the ground Hope the makes a full and speedy recovery
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