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Posts posted by Firestone

  1. Wouldn't be with out ours. They are the best brushes. We know someone who just got one and it was over a $100.00.

    Norskgra Posted 7th Mar 2006 - 09:50 AM

    .................................................I guard it with my life at shows!

    We took ours to the specialist engineering place near our home and they drilled a hole in the handle of our Mason Pearson and we put a loop through it and a coiled line and attached it to the grooming table. Stays safe then
  2. We have used Vets All Natural now for just over 2 years and it is fantastic. We add meaty bones and good quality beef chunks.

    The coats are shiny, the eyes sparkle and the energy levels are good. Flame lost a little weight when she first went on to it but after about 1.5 kg loss she stablised and has been 28kg since. She lives with my brother and it is easy for him to feed to her.

    JencolsmoothsandGSD Posted on 9th Nov 2005 - 01:07 PM

      Hi I have a friend interested in trying the vets all natural product, can anyone tell me if there is anywhere around Templestowe in Melbourne that you can get these products instead of buying online?



    If you send me an email Jen I can give you the email for a distributor who will let you know exactly where it is available.



  3. Ellz that is great. We had a horse who would inhale and we used put rocks in his food bin to slow him down. We could hear him pushing the stones aorund in the bin as we fed the others

    The rocks in the food bowls are excellent for slowing fast eaters down. You can also divide the main meal into 2 meals and still put the rocks in the bowl.

    Also the other thing that works well is the cake tins called ring tins. They are forced to eat around the raised centre of the tin.



  4. Yes COPRICE is now producing a dog food, it comes in two varieties.

    Coprice Working Dog & Coprice Family Dog

    Coprice is all Australian company as well and a full description of the what is in it and how it all came to be is on their website :)


  5. After many, many dog foods, some suited and some didn't.

    We are currently feeding coprice on some of our furkids and have had wonderful results. Their coats are shiney and full (when in full coat) their eyes are clear and have that special sparkle.

    Not all premium foods are all that they are cracked up to be. We have one on Royal Canin and yes this works for her. We feed what works for our kids.

    We only change foods when something isn't working and that is why we have changed to Coprice and it is working.

    If you are happy with the way your dog/s are looking stick with what you have them on.

    That's just my personal experience with Coprice.


    EDITED: for spelling :)

  6. One of ours is on Royal Canin Medium Adult & GSD24 all the others are now on COPRICE and Vet's All Natural. We find that all of these suit our dogs at the moment. We used to feed Supercoat but as other people have said they have changed it in some way and our dogs stools became loose and smelly :kissbetter::thumbsup: We had a very sick dog on a particular "very well known" dog food

    Jess & Gail

  7. I cannot begin the to fathom the great loss this lady and her family are feeling.

    Was in the same boat in May last year so I can understand the anger and the sheer disbelief. Dog food companies need to be held accountable. :)

    Who the hell do they think they are :D :)

    Crying again now just thinking of it. :o


    Rest easy dear fur friends :)

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