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Posts posted by Firestone

  1. I fibbed! :D

    Was lovely to catch up with my bonded friend Rajacadoo-doo-doo, the Misses Rajacadoo-doo-doo and the wonderful Mr Rajacadoo-doo-doo!

    And Mrs Firestone needs to get her peepers checked! :cheer::champagne:

    I nearly fell out of the car when I realised it was you there. Thats terrible to that to me :p

    I think I was so shell shocked from all the lies I overheard from outside ring 2, thats why I was temporarily unfocused

    ;) What I did to you was no worse than what Mrs Rajacadoo-doo-doo did to me!!! I think it is fairly safe to say that pretty much everybody who was at the Specials Ring knows who Roger is now! :eek:

    ROIGHT!! Methinks you need to spill!!!! Enquiring minds wanna know who is telling lies now and what they are!!!! :rofl:

    Editing to add: Bad Alice had a bath, blow dry and clip/trim today. I was moving her out on the lead and somebody who shall remain nameless but who wouldn't be hard to identify commented "she almost looks classy". :thumbsup:

    What ALMOST CLASSY .......................................... ALL CLASS

    Lies - well infact giant whoppers. Certain dog they bought in had never been shown before and was completely untrained :eek: BS the dog was shown specialty all his life and kept in peak condition.

    Their bitch is a multi in show specialty winner ........... Huh!!! Where??? Sick of all the bull that falls out of their mouths.

    Almost as good as last week at Ulverstone ball face lies :mad Certainly set the judge straight after.

  2. I fibbed! :dancingelephant:

    Was lovely to catch up with my bonded friend Rajacadoo-doo-doo, the Misses Rajacadoo-doo-doo and the wonderful Mr Rajacadoo-doo-doo!

    And Mrs Firestone needs to get her peepers checked! :(:)

    I nearly fell out of the car when I realised it was you there. Thats terrible to that to me :champagne:

    I think I was so shell shocked from all the lies I overheard from outside ring 2, thats why I was temporarily unfocused

  3. Anglesun - Do you compete in the GSD Specialty ring?

    Yes I have competed in the specialty rings in North America quite a bit. I gave it up a few years back when my back began to act up as I simply can't do the marathon running that these specialty judges seem to feel is needed. (which is another bugaboo of mine as if they can't see in one go round how a dog moves, they aren't going to see it after six go rounds!!)

    I also don't have the patience for the antics seen at the specialty rings...perhaps I'm getting too old and cranky! I also have never agreed with the condition of some of the dogs often highly rewarded at specialties which included roached toplines, sickle hocks and questionable temperaments.....yes, I am getting too old and cranky!

    There it is again thats your opinion on toplines and not always right. Questionable are those that are excused at all breeds shows for presenting animals with disqualifying faults like missing teeth. No amount of baiting or double handling will cover bad temp or disqualifying faults no matter what ring you compete in.

    Double handling is not allowed in the all breeds ring and its only a matter of speaking to the steward and it can be stopped.

    Throwing bait around the ring is also against the rules as you are not allowed to do anything that impedes or restricts another exhibits chance in the ring.

    ETA: All our GSDs that are of age have ET titles and passed very easily and they are all well on the way to gaining their HTs in herding.

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