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Everything posted by skunk
Hey guys, was wondering if any rotty owners here have had any dealings with meisterhunde kennels ? im currently doing some research & would like to know if anyone has bought pups from this breeder? so many breeders to sus out/speak to! thanks in advanced. :)
Hi all, i was wondering if anyone on here could recommend a GOOD boarding kennel around the cranbourne or surrounding area ? my kennel of choice is fully booked out (all breeds), so i was wondering if anyone had any feedback of any others that are good. oh & my dogs a 2 year old dobie whos pretty social around other dogs & people. thanks in advanced !
Hey all, was wondering how many of you have puppies/young dogs that get car sick & how u guys deal with it besides cleaning up after them once they have spewed allover the seats in the car lol. thanks !
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
im guessing its not the vac, the vet didnt make any mention of that when i saw him, & he was the same vet that gave her her vac. he did say it had abit of fluid in it but wasn't worried. he even said hed seen them floppy n soft lol but told me not to stress about it. the fact that he was so adamant bout it being fine makes me believe he knows what hes talking about. as long as shes acting normal & eating like a mini horse, i dont think ill have to worry. rest assure ill be off to the vets straight away IF anything changes ! -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
hi enry, he said its her skull plates or something along the lines of that. he did say he had seen heaps some worst than others & theres nothing to worry about as long as there wasnt any "heat & pain". i will obviously be keeping an eye on this, hopefully it goes away soon. she looks pretty weird lol.. -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
lol when u see this on sunday morning u wont think its normal..its so big it looks far from normal but the vet has assured me not to worry about it & it will go away. main thing is its not causing her any pain or discomfort. no change in her behavior whatsoever either lol still naughty n playful as ever. -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh ! hmmm i dont remember ! lol next time say hi & say its you so i know which u are ! haha. went to the vets today as sundae grew a huge lump at the back of her head. vet said its totally normal & nothing to be worried about. (joint capsule) he did say everyone will be asking whats wrong with ur dog tho ! lol so ill be expecting some of that next training day. lol -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
hi murve, awesome ! i might pop by tuesday night. i wouldnt have a clue which one u are but i think ud spot me fairly easily.. sundae is the only dobe pup there i think ! lol -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
ended up going to the western port obedience dog club for puppy classes. had the first lesson today. wasnt too bad but i didnt really expect anything full on as its for puppies. i guess its mainly for them to socialize with other dogs etc. we did go thru the basics like sit, touch, stand & drop, also some loose leash walking. very happy with sundae as even the instructor commented on how calm & responsive she was. apparently puppies are allover the place especially on their first day during puppy school due to all the different smells & sights etc. sundae did abit of that but overall was responsive to the commands. (think she loved the treats lol) once we have finished with puppy school ill most likely go to pro k9 for further training. -
Good Dog Traninng School Around Cranbourne Vic ?
skunk replied to skunk's topic in General Dog Discussion
Just wanted to say a big thank you to Erny for taking the time to speak with me the other day regarding training! iv managed to find a puppy school for now, so sundaes off to school on sunday. lol -
Hey all, i was wondering if anyone knew of any good dog/puppy training schools in the cranbourne area ? iv gone past the Victorian state dog center on the western port freeway before & have contacted them regarding obedience classes however the person wasnt very helpful & the number she gave me has always rung out whenever iv called it. any help would be much appreciated ! regards, Skunk
been a few days since iv had sundae & all i can say is that shes improving day by day. last night was awesome, the initial 5min whinge from being put into her crate before bed but then after she realized it was "sleep" time, she went to bed & didnt wake up till the next morning. didnt carry on all night or anything either ! cain the older dog seems to love playing with her, im so glad they are best friends. he still can be a lil too fullon when he really gets into it tho..but sundae doesnt seem to mind too much. she may yelp at times but the next min shes right back into it & jumping allover cain, biting his ears n ankles lol.. iv started training sundae using kikopups methods on youtube & they seem to be working very well. she no longer tries to steal the treats out of my hand but will patiently sit & wait, & give eye contact. will be working on more stuff with her ! she can sit but doesnt really do "down" well yet.
lol jacqui, yeah ill get some soon..iv got a ton on my phone which ill have to put on computer... shes a lil terror... chases the older dog around n doesnt stop annoying him ! like a lil fly buzzing around ones face constantly.. she even bites his ankles n tail lol.. he just walks off most of the time but sumtimes u can see that hes getting annoyed. i just hope he doesnt suddenly bite her !! hes pretty well natured tho..doesnt mind her eating out of his bowl either. will put more pics up soon
thanks everyone, yeah shes a sweet pup. likes to be carried around like a baby lol.. i only do it coz i dont wanna let her run allvoer the place esp in public untill all her shots are complete. so far shes kept me up from 2-4am last night. first night in her crate was great, 2nd not so good.. lol.. i only gave in n let her out because i didnt want the neighbors to hate me which i think they will do very soon !! alot of noise comes out of that tiny body lol.. in the end she ended up sleeping outside in the living room where my older dog sleeps. iv put up a few barriers so she cant get to certain areas. lets see what tonite brings.
hey all, yeah im very excited haha. iv named her sundae. here are a few pics
hi everyone, so iv finally woken up after my long long drive to rural NSW from melb over the weekend. picked up a lovely doberman pup & i couldn't be happier with her! the breeder was awesome & i was very pleased to finally beable to meet & speak to her in person. last night was the first night away from her brothers n sisters & she didnt do too bad. woke me up at 2 & 5 am for a wee n feed & that was about it. initially i was slightly worried as to how my older dog would react to having a new buddy but he seems to love her alot ! play bows n jumps over her LOL which makes her freak out a little bit at times. so far they seem to love each others company. i can soon see that this lil girl will be the boss over the bigger dog ! will post some pics up later on !
hi noisymina yeah my dogs dandruff is in the similar areas to yours. he doesn't have it everywhere.
hi, yeah hes got hmm longer hairs than ur standard staffy id say, but i wouldnt call his coat long or anything ! actually i get jims dog wash to wash him lol but coz he has dandruff they use this special shampoo ? i try n do it once every 2 weeks. apart from hills, he gets lamb necks & chicken necks as well.
Hey all, so my staffy x lab has abit of dandruff, noting tooo serious altho id like to take care of it. what sorta shampoo can i get to cure it ? or diet ? hes currently on science diet adult dog blend. hes an indoor/outdoor dog & whenever he comes inside he leaves ALOT of hair behind ! surely its semi normal for them to drop hair daily, but he even still drops hair after iv given him a brush! petshop sold me a brush that strips the outer/top coat hairs only (so i was told). is this normal ? or he shouldnt be dropping hair that much ? thanks guys
hey guys, thanks for the replies ! nushie, yeah its been fairly dry lately ! mrs rusty, lol i have to admit i did leave it for a while at one stage n when i went around cleaning up there was a whole bag full lol. iv since been cleaning up pretty much once every 2 days or so ! but yeah it could be due to the dryness etc that smell may linger causing him not to want to go into the backyard. i have washed n scrubbed the concrete but he still went on it lol. ill keep washing n see how he goes. was just curious as to if others had dogs that did this as i know they naturally prefer to do it on grass.
HI aussie, yeah my dogs 2 yrs old tho ! lol initially i was worried he may toilet indoors as hes an indoor/outdoor dog. no issue with him going indoors eventho he hasnt had any training so to speak! he holds it in all night (doesnt whine or anything to wake me up) n goes when he is let outside. used to be fine doing it in the garden untill now ! must agree its probably alot cleaner but it is pretty unsightly lol esp when u come home n u see big turds allover the concrete !!! iv hosed down the spot n given it a good scrub hopefully so there is less of a poo smell there n hopefully he goes back to the garden. well c !!
hey guys just a question, why do dogs suddenly change toileting spots? lol sounds weird but iv got a fairly large back yard & he used to go toileting there without being told (grassy area etc) & was fine. however recently he has started to go on the concrete driveway ? also he seems to not want to go into the back yard much these days even to play ! could it be because he thinks its yuk to play in his "toilet" ?
hey everyone, quick update on the whole rescue dog situation, everythings been going really well so far, havent had any accidents whatsoever inside the house & he seems to be pretty happy these days! here are some quick pics of him looking happy at the park.
hey everyone, thanks heaps for the replies once again. cains been really good so far but iv really noticed now that he must have been abused in the past. he cowers as soon as i bring him his dinner which is really sad but im slowly trying to teach him its ok to eat from his bowl. past few nights have been fine as hes now willing to go into his bed n sleep. havent had any issues with him peeing or pooping at night as yet as iv been taking him for walks b4 bed & first thing in the morning. as soon as i see him poop or pee i praise him. hopefully he will catch on soon ! hes alrady learnt to sit & to "leave it" when wer playing ball/tug. amazing what they can do when they WANT to lol. hes has some kennel cough which iv got meds for now so we will see how he goes ! as for pics, my cameras broken so once i get another i will post some up! thanks guys !