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Everything posted by Shaar

  1. Wow, mainland Royals sound crazy. The Launnie one is just huge white tents set up (like the ones people use for weddings) and you park your trolley and gear wherever you please. You can walk the dogs around outside the area and there's plenty of grass for them to go on. No nasty fake stuff either. Downside... Launnie has no indoor facilities so if it rains, it rains, and you get wet. This year will be my first Hobart Royal for years so it will be interesting, I know Hobart has benches and you can't leave before a certain time, toilets are nice and close though which is a bonus. I can barely remember what the bench set-up is like though. whippets - powdered glass? Some people really have something wrong with them to do something like that, thank goodness the dog didn't eat it!
  2. Agreed... I have no problem with a dog barking when it is being judged alone, it doesn't bother anyone and yes, it does make some dogs more animated. When you run back to the judge and free stand your dog it always looks good if you can really get their attention and make them look at outgoing and showy as possible (although tilting the head or tensing up always looks better than a drooly mouth barking at you) For the group line up that part has already been done, the judge has already checked your dogs expression and alertness, they don't forget things instantly you know. Doesn't it state somewhere in the rules that exhibitors must not behave in a way that will distract other exhibitors and/or dogs?
  3. Don't forget the fake testes in the bulldog right at the beginning, he lost me there Then there was the morning show incident where he promoted pet store puppies. Then there is the fact they mention designer dogs every episode just about. Plus he does unnecessary surgery (seen 2 this month where he cut them open and didn't need to, one was a bikini strap that was swallowed and was going to be passed on its own anyway!) Plus last nights debarkle! Yep... I'd go to him if my pets were sick... not!
  4. Yes, at the end of the little segment Chris Brown piped up and urged anyone with information to call crime stoppers. A photo was shown along with the number and reward being offered. Any publicity is good publicity in the end, but I was just in shock about how cruel they were being about it.
  5. Major fail on the 7PM Projects part, they had a good laugh about it, made horrible comments, that stupid woman said he might be better off and Charlie said he'd be happy being used for breeding. At least Chris Brown (as much as I'm not a fan of his) made it sound more serious and it did get the word out. Good luck, I hope he is found.
  6. Don't know why a slicker isn't working. I groom a friend of mines Husky on a regular basis and I get garbage bags full of hair out with just a slicker. How are you using it? You need to really part the hair and flick it out from the skin not just brush it over the dog on the outside. Doesn't take long once you are used to it, just use one hand to part the hair and the other to brush really fast in the opposite direction of your 'holding hand', with every stroke try and grab a bit more hair from under your hand until you have worked your way along the dogs body. Rubber brushes work quite well too you might want to try on of those. Look just like a regular brush only instead of metal pins they have soft rubber bristles. The rubber grabs the hair really well.
  7. It's not just the safety (although that is a huge factor) I have seen some rather nasty incidents with children, fairy floss and coated breeds. I like the idea of more passes, I only take one dog so only get one pass, but rarely go to a show by myself, I need someone to watch my dog while I duck off to the toilet or to get a drink. Better facilities for the public to be able to watch would be a good idea at a lot of shows. I know at Launnie they provide a couple of bench seats but otherwise you just have to sit on the grass. Also like the idea of meet and greet sections. Those who CHOOSE to go into a certain area can have their dogs interact with the general public and answer questions. Perhaps a certain row of benches or a tent (depending on how your show is set up) designated for meet and greets, and exhibitors can come and go out of this area as they choose.
  8. Angelsun... terriers baiting off other terriers and enjoying it is different than say a Chihuahua being used as bait for a Kerry Blue. Although nervousness is not a desirable trait in any breed, I think it's reasonable for a tiny dog to be more than a little wary of a larger dog looking at it as if it were lunch. And no, it's not just the younger ones who think it's unreasonable, don't know why you would think that, I think it's just being courteous. I asked my mum about it (without telling her what I thought) and her response was the same as mine. Any of her dogs would try and have a look at a dog barking right behind them, although I'm sure if one of her Danes was doing it and upsetting other peoples dogs everyone would be in an uproar. But then again, I also think bitches in season should stay at home, not just because it DOES upset males (don't care how well trained your dog is, a seasoned stud dog would not ignore the scent) but they are more susceptible to infections. I guess I'm just one of those whingers though... maybe there's a group for that somewhere 'dog show bitches anonymous' In relation to the yappers being ringside, one day I was at a show and my number was being called to line up in the race... well we could even get to the race! Some unnamed people had completely blocked it off trying to get to the shade of the gazeebo there, their dogs weren't on for quite some time either. And yes, they were asked to move by the steward.
  9. Well said poodlefan and readysetgo, I'm not so good at stringing the words together eloquently, I just type and it comes out a big confusing mess (which is probably why I get myself in trouble on here a lot) I agree with both your statements.
  10. LizT - Problem is more and more people genuinely believe they are a new breed. No matter how many times you tell them they are just mixes. I have been borderline abused by a lady in a shop because I had my puppies ears taped... I put up with it and just answered with a lot of "yes, right, ok, yes Yet as soon as I just mentioned to her that her "Maltipoo" wasn't a real breed she stormed off.
  11. Someone else might take a HUGE offense with what you don't have an issue with....remember my question about asking everyone in the ring what is considered 'fair'. We'd never get an answer and we'd never finish a dog show. What is excessive in your opinion may not be in someone elses mind. It's not that easy, is it? I guess I must just be too sensitive. It's hard being at the front of the line for specials, I can't use someone squeeking toys or dogs barking to my advantage because they are all behind me. I agree that everyone has a different definition of 'fair' I was just giving mine. In my opinion barking is not on. Obviously many disagree with that, but if I give you a death stare in the ring now you know why
  12. And what is your definition of a fair go? I"m sure if you asked all others in the ring, they would give a totally different answer. I know that I would not want to be told that to be 'fair' I must put my dog in the exact position indicated and not permit anything other than that. I know I would not want to be told that if my dog wanted to turn to face the moving dogs in the middle of the ring, it should not be permitted because that might be a distraction to the others. I certainly would not want to be told that I can't speak to my dog, because some people may find my voice distracts their dogs (yes it's happened) Is everyone willing to forgo the use of food and toys in the ring? Those that need them, would consider having them taken away to not be considered 'fair'. Dogs turning around, people speaking etc I have no problem with. I talk to my dog in the ring, I even stack him facing forwards a little sometimes if he is being a pain. If a dog is barking or a person is yelling or squeeling at their dog, yes, I do find that an unfair distraction. Maybe I should have said "excessive noise". If I was standing infront of your dog in the ring doing the hokey pokey and singing to get my dog to be animated and it scared your dog, would you ask me to stop, or put up with it?
  13. I agree with the comments about men not wanting to own poodles. My OH wasn't too keen on them when we first started going out, however, then my mum bred a litter and he got to see them as tiny cute little babies and got to see them grow up. Now I have Prada, my baby (well, 3 year old baby) out of that litter and he couldn't imagine life without her. He still doesn't like admitting to his mates we own poodles, and if he does tell people they are always "the missus dogs" but I know deep down he really likes them. Poodles don't have to be in show trims, they don't even have to have clipped faces, you can keep them looking like shaggy mutts if you really want, I just prefer to clip them for hygene reasons. Google unclipped poodle photos, then google labradoodle photos... you would swear they are the same breed, which is why I don't understand peoples obsession with them. I know of one place that does do health testing on their "mutts" which is a credit to them, but they are still advertising 2-3 different coat types which gets me.
  14. Honestly... I would be annoyed. Someone mentioned about a dog not being a robot? Well that goes both ways, I know my dog wouldn't stand there like a rock if there was a dog barking up his bum, being at the front of the line is the hardest because every noise made by both dogs and exhibitors is (according to my little bugger) an invitation to try and spin your head around. Mine also couldn't give a rats about food in the ring, or toys but I still manage to keep him animated. So what is fairer... allow the dog to be barking and win an award? Or stop the dog barking and give the other 6 finalists a fair go?
  15. Beat me to it Quoll, I was going to cheat and ask mum who the reputable ones here are If you can find out the kennel name I bet the breeder would want to know one of their puppies is being advertised in the local paper... they might not have even bothered to let them know! (unless it's a byb in which case they probably wouldn't care)
  16. Ooh didn't realise that was today, glad I didn't enter the way the weather is looking! Good luck everyone! and I hope Neo is feeling better soon Allerzeit!
  17. Ummm I hate to be a negative nancy but forget about the bad mouth, this breeder is breeding mixed breed dogs... surely that says a lot about her. The dog might not be show quality even if the mouth was good (no offense towards you at all cupcake) If she really wants to show her then that's your decision but make sure you prepare her for the worst, make sure she knows about the dogs mouth and what could happen if the judge picks up on it. Junior Handlers is so much fun for the kids, it's also a great confidence builder. I used to love it and it was great ptrep for when I started showing dogs in the actual competition. Give the club a call and see if they are offering handlers competitions at the show.
  18. It's not just the bacteria but if it's an open wound a dogs rough tongue could open it up more and make it worse, plus wounds should be kept dry to heal faster. I have really bad eczema on the palms of my hands and one of my boys goes crazy trying to get at them, doesn't mean it's a good idea though.
  19. We have one of those aluminium ones, but a 2 berth version (we took the centre board out though) It's great, nice and tall for grooming. The doors have latches both top and you have to press a button to open them. Trolley lid has snap clips to keep it shut as well. Plus, my parents are usually the o9nes to lug it to shows so it's nice and light and goes on the roof racks easily. The other trolley is a rather old heavy clunky thing. It's very solid, but just weighs too much to be pulling on and off roof racks.
  20. Poor bunnies, can't imagine a more horrible death than being chased by a dog then killed. Can you tell I have had a pet rabbit killed by a neighbors dog before? My dogs achievements are only in how fast they can destroy toys. About 15 seconds for a tennis ball to be in pieces.
  21. Maybe a purebred dog forum isn't for you then? Prada's nickanme is bitch-face... do you think she cares that I call her that? I'm sorry but that dog is not attractive, at all.
  22. Well done Katelyn, very well deserved!
  23. When I first put Brodys on, he though he couldn't move his head at all, he spent the first hour sitting bolt upright not moving!
  24. How did this go from Ellz spotted a fox, to needing hard evidence about a taskforce? It was all over the Tassie news when it first happened, people were out searching for them and setting traps. Sorry, I don't tape the news though :p I hope they catch the little bugger Ellz, we have quite a few critters that would be devastated if they were allowed to get out of control.
  25. I contacted the Vic KC and got my pups number well before they sent back his papers. Give them a call and see if it has been processed yet. I also contacted the show sec before I got the number and asked permission to send an entry in without it. I was given the OK as long as I could get the number to them before they started typing up the catalog.
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