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Everything posted by Shaar

  1. Wow... way to turn an update thread into a "bash yellowgirl for rehoming a dog" thread. I'm glad she's back home, and I do believe that the toileting was the only issue, some people just don't understand what taking on a new dog involves and some expect them to be perfect which is hardly the case with ANY dog. If they didn't have time for toilet training it makes you wonder if they really did have time for a dog in general. When I took on one of the poodles from my mothers place I fully expected toileting issues to begin with... entire male in a new house with new smells, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he's going to try and pull a swifty and mark 'his' new territory.
  2. Yes apparently we have very 'strange' summers compared to the rest of Aus. A friend of a friend just came down from Brisbane to stay and he nearly died in 18c heat just because there was no humidity to go with it! Huonville... not me! Too far to drive on my lonesome!
  3. If they are the ones that zip together I would wash them very gently in the bath. Mum and dads is only fairly new and the stitching is already coming undone around the zippers.
  4. Vacyvi (var-si-vee) Last 2 letters of each name
  5. Sorry this is a little off topic but there used to be a lady here (haven't seen her for a while) Who showed her dogs while using one of those mobility scooters. Granted she only had small dogs but geez they went well along side the scooter. I think situations like in the one yarracully mentioned above it should be at the judges discretion only, if they ask you to swap dogs then great, but if they don't ask then leave it alone. Usually if someone has a 'big winner' who usually gets both challenges they will already have a handler lined up that the dog shows well for.
  6. Yes! Well done, I thought that was going to be harder than it was
  7. I tend to avoid names that can backfire on you. Some names are funny in the way YOU intend them to be taken... but the 'competition' can easily turn the name into an insult... sad really when that's all people have to pick on, but nevertheless, it happens.
  8. Chinese Crested: DCC: Mohawk Room To Zoom BCC: Ch Sunami Shugarpuff Fairy BoB: Ch Sumani Shugarpuff Fairy r/u BoB: Wumoa Bella and Whistles
  9. Completely agree. Some people do tend to assume the dogs will be guaranteed, especially if they are new to the show world, but unless the breeder is selling an adult dog you never know exactly how they will turn out. I had an agreement that if something drastic happened then there would be a heavy discount on the next dog, not a complete refund, as although the dog didn't work out as a show dog, you still get a wonderful pet, but it was a refund that equalled a little over what they charge for pet quality.
  10. For Miniature Poodles I would like to see longer muzzles. It's getting harder to find a poodle with correct length, let alone those gorgeous long faces without being too heavy or too fine. I can't really think of anything for Chinese Cresteds other than it would be nice to see them with a little less body hair. But it's a catch 22 there as with more body hair comes thicker, fuller manes and socks. edited for spelling.
  11. Wow, I was making a point, obviously it went over peoples heads.
  12. You could just knock on the door and let them know, or even just write a letter and drop it in their mail box voicing your concern if you don't want to confront them.
  13. Go for a good pair, definitely. I have had a pair of Oster A5's for 2 years now and before that my mum had them for about 8 years.... never had a problem, just regular servicing to keep them in good nick. We always get our blades sharpened at a place in VIC, rather pay the extra postage and have them come back SHARP, than pay a local place to do a half arsed job.
  14. I wish ALL vets would charge a little less... not because I have a problem paying them, but because there are many people out there who are not rolling in money and often, the animals don't get desexed because of how expensive it is. $200 to someone making $400 a week is a LOT.
  15. It depends on how severe the fault it. If it is a disqualifying fault then, yes I do believe asking for a refund is ok, after all you buy a show dog, you should get a show dog. If the fault is not so bad that the dog can't be shown then bad luck... every dog has at least one fault.
  16. I know one of the Bustabones clan got Best in Group (sorry, only know him as Seamus), as did Gr Ch. Am Ch. To-Jo's Cr-Ewe-Z'n For A Br-Ez'n (OES)
  17. Poor little Avatar Please keep an eye out for him and cross your fingers he is found safe and well.
  18. Yep, that was only a small one, blended into the ashphalt really well!!! I stood there for quite a while just watching him (from a safe distance!) A couple of feet of tin around your fenceline usually keeps them out of the yard, but I have seen them get over it before (it's a prevention only, not a complete fix)
  19. I found this bugger last year around this time at the Tailrace in Launceston. Wasn't watching where I was walking and nearly stepped on him as he was sunning himself on the path, thank goodness I didn't have the dogs with me.
  20. I voted no to both. If your dog isn't good enough to win BoB on the day, then it's not good enough, I don't see why someone should leave their dog at home just so the 'lesser' dog has a chance at getting a title. If that dog is good enough it will beat the others eventually, it just depends on the judge and what they are looking for. As for the 25 point BoB's that never really crossed my mind as being unfair and I have shown dogs that have been the only one of their sex here for almost their entire show career.
  21. Thankyou for the warning and RIP Molly, run free over the bridge.
  22. They aren't 'Florida Panthers' anymore, they are cross-bred/hybrids, so essentially, they have killed off the pure Florida Panthers anyway instead of saving them. In relation to dogs, hybrid vigor is a real thing... in the FIRST generation. Once 2 of those cross bred dogs carrying defective genes are put together, the problem rears its head again. I understand why they did it... the cancel out the problems like the heart defects, but wild animals aren't fussy about who their secual partners are and odds are they will double up on those genes and still produce heart problems... 8 new panthers aren't going to fix that, it would have to be on a MUCH larger scale and be controlled.
  23. Oh yep, it's the law here too, but with any breed (greyhounds just were the first one I thought of) I wouldn't necessarily think the worst of the dog just because it had a muzzle on. As I said, not everyone thinks that way though and some might automatically think it's a killer attack dog just because the owner is being responsible.
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