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Everything posted by Shaar

  1. I don't care what "everyone else" is doing, I simply would not do that to my own dogs let alone someone elses! The method of swinging a pup over the table sounds a lot worse than it is. You just lift them an inch above the table and gently rock them, it actually relaxes them and makes it easier to set their legs. Same with letting them drop over the front of back of the table, when I am training I set them up right on the edge of the table so if they take a step back their leg slips off, of course they never actually fall off the table they just know that in future... don't step back!
  2. How to completely wreck a show dog in one easy step. It is going to take a lot of work to get that dog trusting tables and the judge again. I feel sorry for the dog, but I also feel sorry for the owner, if it were me I would probably be too shocked to say anything at the time. edit - Silly this was, the dog didn't even look like it moved before she started hanging it off the table, I thought he was being quite good! I would have loved mine to behave that well as a puppy!
  3. Yep we can enter babies number pending in Tas too, sorry maybe it's just those 2 states.
  4. I find that generally "rare" colors are sold cheaper in a lot of cases (excluding the scammers). Like if you have a litter of Harlequin Great Danes and one if born a merle that is mostly white, some breeders will charge a lot less because it's not a 'show' color. Or breeds that require very distinct markings, if they don't have the correct ones they are sold cheaper.
  5. Guess you haven't heard about how he took one of his BC's for a mating and she wasn't even in season, or how he treated a Great Dane for a bad back with all these injections when she just had a sway topline!
  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gives my rats dog food They love it! That and dried banana, makes them go crazy.
  7. I agree, why is it such a big deal for the GSD people? just get them chipped a week earlier and send off your papers after it's done. They have "number pending" on entries for a reason.
  8. Gaining confidence I used to be the little kid that sat in the corner at shows making teddy bears out of poodle hair. Since getting my own dog and going to a lot of shows by myself I have learnt that yes, there are people out there who can help you, all you need to do is ask! I love the socilizing, I love actually being part of the crowd, not just tagging along with my mum lol and I love when my little moster actually behaves
  9. Well done!!! Mav looks lovely!
  10. I appreciate it, especially if someone comments on something that I can't see in the ring... you can't always tell how well your dog looks on the stack or moving when you are so close to them. Someone commented to me that I needed to move my pup faster because he wasn't moving his best. I took their advice on board and won a class in group at the next show. If they hadn't have told me I wouldn't have known.
  11. I will be doing my first camp show in Feb, I'm really excited about it, wouldn't really care about the cost, I just think camping with the other showies will be a blast, plus apparently they are having a big spit roast.
  12. Agreed Jus, it's more of a pain getting a dog from Vic and then having to microchip it when it gets here.
  13. People who set up RIGHT next to the ring near the race, or under the gazeebo that is IN the race! They then proceed to give dirty looks when you ask them to move or push past them. Trolleys full of yappers right near the ring with no cover over them. I know you can't always stop your dog barking but at least put a trolley surround on so they aren't attacking mine as we walk past. Toilets that are miles away. People who don't set up their gazeebos close to each other. If you are going to get to the grounds at the crack of dawn to get a good spot set up close to other people... there are often big gaps between gazeebos where if people had just moved over a foot others could have fit in. Ag shows - they are just a peeve on their own.
  14. Brody my white poodle had something that looked exactly the same. I used salt water too, about 1tsp to a cup of warm water and bathe 3-4 times daily. It took about a week to dissapear.
  15. A few years ago we had a day that was well in the 40's, doglets were misted with water on ther bellies and feet and layed in front of the fan. (no AC at that time). We had a kids pool for them but they refused to go in even though it was so hot! Our rabbit was the same, moved to the shade and sprayed with cool water every hour.
  16. We get a lot of comments when we go out. "Oh you poor thing" "Well, at least your mum loves you" "Oh that feels weird" (touching his skin) And finally... "You poor thing, how could they do that to you" (when his ears were taped)
  17. We have that 'fake' wood flooring. Where you have a thin layer of real wood glued to a thicker layer of cheap wood. It's the best stuff ever. Doesn't scratch... we have dragged furniture all over it and the dogs enjoy doing 'skids' down the hallway and it still looks like new. Bedrooms all have carpet but those doors stay shut until bed time so the dogs are only in there to sleep.
  18. This might sounds like a crazy idea but... I just brush my dogs... gets all the hair out and gets rid of tangles. Gentler on the ear drums too.
  19. Mum and dad put tin around the bottom of their fences about 2 foot high. It's not a guarantee as JRM's pic shows, they can climb bloddy anything but it does help. The only time one of their dogs has been bitten was when the grass was freshly mowed, if the grass had been a bit longer the dogs wouldn't have seen the snake and left it alone, because the grass was short they made a bee-line straight for the wiggly thing on the lawn.
  20. Rule #264 of dog showing Ishy, put your name on absolutely everything. Although I can understand why someone would want to steal one of Ruthlesses lead sets, they are lovely, I can't understand how someone could do something like that
  21. My mum always follows the old tale about seeing black crows on the way to a show. Seeing 1 on its own is bad luck, but seeing 2 together is good luck. For her it seems to be the complete opposite and whenever she just sees 1 she ends up winning something Me,... I just cross my fingers the little 'darling' behaves on the day.
  22. If they are advertising puppies why not just walk up and knock on the door? Enquire about them and you can see for yourself what the conditions are. Obviously if they are advertising in front of their house they don't mind people coming in or at least coming to the door. Our place looks like a weed bomb hit it. The grass in our front yard was 3 foot high, trees overgrown, and regularly there is rubbish strewn down the driveway. You would drive past our place and think "those dirty buggers" but come and asky us WHY our house is like that and you might understand. The rubbsih down the driveway every bloody week is from our neighbors cats who continually go dumpster diving. The grass is ridiculously long because I have a fear of petrol mowers (sad I know, long story) and my OH works 80+ hours a week. The trees are overgrown because until recently we didn't own any type of saw to fix them. I only report to the RSPCA if I actually SEE something is wrong such as a dog being left with no water or shelter every day. Heck, look at my mum and dads place, that is only half renovated because my dad has a back injury plusthey have different dogs going in and out all the time because mum does some grooming from home.
  23. Black leather here. We got a great deal from Fantastic Furniture. Real leather couch that reclines (and is huge, over 3 seater) and a single reclining chair for $1,300. We have had it nearly 2 years now and it still looks brand new.
  24. You are right, they aren't 100% safe when dry, there is still residue which is why most packages say 'safe for pets and children when dry' but it also usually states 'do not give grass clipping to chickens or other pets' So it's safe to walk on yes, they won't pick it up on their paws and then lick it off, but the grass shouldn't be ingested.
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