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Everything posted by sithspawn

  1. Well i look at it this way steve: If i were to eat a well balanced diet like that, eg meat, vegetables, fruit and bread based products, i would still need certain vitamins to have a nutritionally balanced day. THe human body does not produce certain vitamins, namely c and e. And we also dont produce enough of the vitamin b complex. So on top of a well balanced diet, humans need to consume thosse three vitamins for a completely healthy lifestyle. Wouldnt it be the same for dogs????
  2. oh, and just another question while im thinking about it. This is for vets, breeders or anyone feeding a raw diet: can dogs take the same vitamins we do? or do they need specially forumlated ones??
  3. Okay guys. I posted on here asking a question about the suitability of the Wendy Volhards Natural Diet. Well no one had heard about it apparently. So heres a link to a site with the recipe on there Natural Diet Its about 3/4 done the page, and is under the heading Option 2. If you could give me your thoughts on whether or not this appears to constitute a good diet, i would be really appreciative (i am aware that the recipe looks better than most of the stuff we humans eat. Its definately better than anything i get!!!)
  4. Im not much of a dog biologist (like...at all) but i personally think the less vaccines a dog gets, the better. There has been a steady increase in things like cancer in dogs, along with the steady increase of vaccines they get. Although, saying that, some are definately necessary in this day and age. I guess its all about finding that line between too much and too little. Since i personally dont have much experience on this matter, i wont bother to give my opinion on which is better. I think veterinary opinions are the most important here. They did, after all, go to veterinary school to learn abotu these sorts of things.
  5. sorry for being ignorant, but can you explain c5 and c7?
  6. You can get specially forumalted doggie paste that they enjoy the taste of (lucky things!!!). And a normal toothbrush is fine, although you can get speically designed ones for dogs.
  7. If he has a build up of tartar, why dont you brush his teeth? After all, dogs are prone to the same mouth diseases as we are, and brushing can easily add three years to your dogs life.
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