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Everything posted by GoldenGirl85

  1. Wow hope it gets sorted out ok...poor dog When I was looking for boarding for my two dogs at Noosa, I would have paid $28 a day per dog
  2. I think you would receive some sort of notification to say they had been taken
  3. Hand in there Mindy Aussie I know it will be a long night for you, but try and get some rest hun, you need to save your strength for Mindy
  4. No, my guess is they already have a male 'said breed' and already have plans to 'make back the dogs purchase price'
  5. Odd coincidence, but I have that page open on my browser right now Im looking at it because Lexi doesn't pull, but she does walk in front on a taught lead, I'm struggling to teach her to walk on a loose lead, she also reacts to random cats/dogs/birds on walks and would put chase if she wasn't on lead, I usually struggle to control her until we're past the offending creature
  6. Is it possible to do say 1 meal a day with raw food etc? Definitely at least two meals a day, my almost 2yo still gets two daily
  7. I have my girl on Royal Canin at the moment, but I'll be changing her to Black Hawk as soon as I've used what she has left
  8. Guess it depends if the white ones have 'that mean streak' *insert sarcasm here*
  9. So what...if you cant beat em...join em? Sorry but no, that won't help a bit, the best we can do is keep educating people on the pro's of purebred, and the cons of DD
  10. The "truth", like it or not... is that there is no "designer" crossbreed that can be "created" thats criteria isn't already satisfied by a purebred. obviously this is what a lot of people still think, but I think there are just as people now a days that will beg to differ, sorry. Out of curiosity....do you own an Oodle? FYI, people here don't bag crossbreds, in fact a lot of people own crossbreds, they are simply showing disgust at the 'trend' that is the horrid DD
  11. What to do? sit back and enjoy the zoomies!!! My pup only discovered zoomies a few months ago, I would have loved to see her do zoomies when she was little, but its oh so amusing now that she is a lanky almost 2yo lol
  12. I might be having a totally stupid moment...but I don't get it
  13. Itsmeg! I contacted Amstaffs at the start of Winter and she replied to me, and had her thread bumped...but never heard from her again, a few people replied when they saw the thread bumped and she never replied
  14. Here is what I don't understand You paid a ridiculously high deposit for a dog you then changed your mind on You then agreed to and signed a contract and I quote "because I wouldn't get my deposit back if I didn't sign" yet the contract STATES that the dog will be returned to the breeder FREE OF CHARGE if you can't keep it? That is what I call sheer stupidity
  15. well I did, but I didn't know she was like that. Do some work with this dog, she is obviously bored
  16. Agreed Well...have you done any training with this dog? how old is she? is it possible she is still just being a puppy? Lesson learned, read fine print, and don't assume life will always be rosie
  17. Has it gone up? I could have sworn I only paid $15 for 3 years OT, but who do I contact about starting Lexi in a beginners course at BAD next year?
  18. Aussielover are you doing the K9 Pro TID program? I'm interested to see how Mindy goes with it, I'm considering it for Lexi
  19. Lol, Tess gets called Tessa Rose, and Lexi gets called Lexi Lou Lou Lou.....nicknames go both ways lol
  20. I'll have to look in to the Petrie one. Boonie is too interested in the water at Nudgee so ignores all the other dogs and swims the whole time we're there. The Petrie one got flooded out and hasn't been rebuilt, people still take their dogs there, but it's no longer fenced off and there is no signs saying where the designated dog area is
  21. What park do you go to? I think I'd remember a yellow and black duo - we divide our time between a few parks and runs and swims so it's possible we could be just missing each other. Bracken Ridge most days & Brighton Park near the Hornibrook Bridge for swims I used to go to Bracken Ridge...stopped because there is too many irresponsible people there who don't control their dogs
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