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Everything posted by GoldenGirl85

  1. How long do they usually take to reply to emails?
  2. When my parents were broken into they took the car out of the garage...and conveniently put the roller door back down..lucky because their dogs have free access to the back yard and garage
  3. Yikes that is likely to happen to me! Currently have 3 beds on my order. What did you have in your order LP? Uh oh lol hope I don't have that problem
  4. I've emailed them asking about the jump cups, I'll post when I get a reply lol
  5. Oh no! I'll have to email them and get it changed
  6. Just placed my first...and only (huge) order lol.....lets just say I could have easily placed 4 orders haha But...its not all for me, and I got a bonus on my pay...plus I had some credit on my paypal account...so its not really that bad lol
  7. This might be a Paypal problem...I had the same problem when I ordered something locally, I paid by paypal, the payment went through, and the next day it was showing as cancelled, the lady didn't understand why that happened, they said my payment didn't clear at their end, but that they don't have the ability to cancel orders like that...because I could easily provide proof of payment they filled my order anyway
  8. So far so good with my girls, for once I have one single food for both of them! Tess has an amazing coat, its so smooth and clean Lexi has been cut from 4 cups of RC a day to 2 cups of BH and she is maintaining weight
  9. Can I ask what is it about a blue tongue that makes people think its a snake? do they not even look at it and see its short with legs?
  10. Has anyone ever bought the stretching and body work books? I can't decide
  11. Is it bad that my first thought was "that poor dog needs a walk" lol
  12. Has anyone received their stick in the ground weave poles yet? And damn it...now I've had to put some iSqueaks in my cart for the duck mad retriever lol
  13. Does anyone else in Brisbane want to add to my order? I already have one person, I'm happy to have a few more small orders onto mine
  14. They need to be between 18 months and 10 years for assessment, after 10 they can no longer be assessed, but an accredited dog can still visit and have yearly assessments done until the owner thinks its time to retire
  15. Im trying to convince myself that I don't really need the screw in weave pole bases...
  16. Generally its a Labrador x Golden Retriever...or more commonly these days...a golden labradore You get some who think you have a cross when you say you own a Labrador Retriever. There are a fair few out there who don't realise the full name of a Labrador Retriever! But I never actually say I own Labrador Retrievers I own Labs, good enough for me! Lol, you can't really mistake Golden Retriever, but I often do see Jack Russell Terrier misspelt as Jack Russel Terior
  17. Damn it...I just convinced myself I don't need the socks!
  18. Generally its a Labrador x Golden Retriever...or more commonly these days...a golden labradore
  19. Just go careful with the wooden nina ottosson toys - they could very likely be seized by customs. Ive been talking to a wholesaler about getting them, but there is a customs issue with the wooden ones (plastic is fine) so they can't import them yet. Thanks for the heads up, I never even thought of that!
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