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Unfortunately most places around here arent dog friendly either If i am with my pet and i am not allowed to sit and enjoy a coffee with him then i wont sit, i simply order the coffee and go to a near by park or somewhere we can spend time together. I'd rather be with him then without him.
I am trying to find ways to cope but nothing seems to be working right now. He has been gone from this earth 8 hours now and it already feels like eternity, how i am going to cope without him i dont know. No one to greet me this mornng, no one for me to feed and cuddle and get cuddles from. In my life there's been so much hard times and he was always there for me through it all, when everyone abandoned me he was there offering his love and support and asking for very little in return. How ill go through life without him i really dont know.
So sorry to hear of your loss, car accidents are always a terrible way to lose a beloved pet. He was at the emergency vets and they're the ones i dont trust at all, had he been with my regular vet would've been a different story but i couldnt get to them until tuesday and my man couldnt hold on until then
I dont know what to say but since that phone call at 4am today i havent stopped crying. His blanket is still on my bed and his water bowl beside my bed. This is so hard. He is the only dog ive ever had and the only dog ive ever lost. I just wish he was home in my arms when he passed on and not at the vets where he hated being and me not being there to comfort him.
Omg 3 dogs in a row with seizures, that's just awful. ((hugs)) to you. I am hoping on Tuesday my vet can work around with the dosages and get him on the right one to help him stop having these seizures, he has had several now in total and it never eases me up even though ive seen him have them before, there's such a feeling of helplessness. An awful sight to see. I am so sorry to hear about having to put your cat to sleep, what a brave thing for you to do.
I guess i am just suprised at how one he can be back to himself and then the next this happens. I feel bad about it as it's my fault for putting on the homepathics instead of keeping him on the Phenobarb, i didnt do it without the vets consent of course but i still feel i am to blame, had he continued on with the Pheno he may have never had these seizures this morning The next step now is to get him to my vet so they can play with the dosages of the meds to get the right one. He did mention it had to be a therapeutic dose or else it wouldnt do him much good.
Our cat is on twice daily phenobarb for epilepsy and he has never shown signs of being sedated. He's been in for blood tests regularly to check the toxicity level of the drug and so far his seizures have been controlled so his dose hasn't changed (has been about 18 months). Just checked his pill bottle, he take 15mg per day and he weighs just over 5kg. He's only 3 years old so I'm not sure if the age makes a difference. It's a horrible time to go through, even on medication every time I see a twitch I wonder if a seizure is coming. Our vet told us it can have a sedative effect. They started him on 1/4 tablet twice daily and then dropped it to 1/4 tablet once daily, on the once daily he wasnt so sleepy but couldnt walk or stand without assistance. Vet on Tuesday was talking about starting him on 1/8 of a tablet to see how we go. The vets just called now and said he had another seizure but they were able to control it with valium alone but they said his kidney blood test is showing signs of failing again. SO i am confused how he can be so good on Tuesday and failing badly today (Saturday). The vet said prognosis isnt good (this was a different one to the one we saw this morning). I cant wait for Tuesday to come so i can get my vet to see him. The twitches are always alarming for me and he has had a few of them last night. I dont have his pill bottle with me to check the dosage mine was on if i remember correctly it might've been 40mg but dont quote me on it. I left all his meds with him at the vets. So fingers crossed from here.
Sure am, ive never had so many things happen to me all at once, i am almost on the verge of a break down and not coping. I hope he can be ok until my regular vet can see him. He is responding well to treatment and coping so well, running around, eating, drinking and going for walks just like his old self again.
Hi Everyone, Sorry for vanishing on you all. Ive changed internet providers and it took much longer than i thought it would to hook me up. I was hooked up a few days ago and have been meaning to get on here to give an update. Pepi was doing really well, eating, drinking and walking well and responding well to kidney treatment and having weekly blood test to monitor him. Last Tuesday on our way home from the vet we were involved in a 5 car accident, and my partner and i were hurt but still walking, our little boy was coaxed by me, and suffered some shock but the rest of the injuries i endured protecting him and it was all so worth it. The vets put him on Phenobarb daily to control the seizures and it made him so sedated he couldnt walk or stand to eat, drink and do his business, so with the vets blessing took him off it and tried homeopathic remedies, the vets said if it wasnt working then we needed to come back and see what other meds they could give for the seziures, homepathy seemed to be working...until this morning, 6am i went to take him outside for a wee and he had a seizure, it didnt last long only a few minutes but as a precaution took him to the emergency vet, where he still is, having fluids and being monitored, they told me i should put him to sleep as he was a hands on dog as far as treatment goes and they're busy over this easter break. I demanded they call my regular vet and take it from there. He came out of the seziure on the way there and was alert and responsive and cant believe after all ive done for him they'd tell me to put him to sleep simply coz they're busy. and they were keen to express the bill would top about $2k which isnt a problem for me as long as my baby is ok. Just wait and see now to hear if they can contact my vet, as i know he wont be in for this as on tuesday Pepi had bloods and was making very good progress. My vet doesnt open until Tues morning, so i hope my baby can survive where he is until then.