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Brennan's Mum

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Everything posted by Brennan's Mum

  1. LOL i dont think you will have a problem offloading them here! ;) Yep I agree, make random posts in General, Breed specific forum etc ( Photos thread doesn't add to your post count) Then you get to join us in OT
  2. I bought mine from Pets-station which is same one DJU posted link to and that Pheebs mentions. I've found it pretty good, the lining tray has a crack and will likely look at replacing in the next year or so, but it's been pretty good.
  3. Yay, have been waiting for this thread ever since the good news of Mum and her friends safe return. Congrats on the 8 gorgeous bundles of puppy-joy
  4. So glad all went well, can't wait to see the photo's and video.
  5. Don't get your undies in knot Raz.. I'm working through the customer enquiries. Don't hang up, your call is important to us... so important that we've contracted out handling it to a company in Mumbai.. I still haven't had my queries answered. I don't care how many customers you have waiting, clearly I am the most important. I think I will go to Today Tonight with my story. They love nothing more then a hard done by Aussie battler being given the run around by a cruel multi-million dollar company ( which also outsources Aussie jobs to India). I shall also make full use of my social media skills. There will be a website filled with my complaints, a blog, a tumblr account, a You Tube channel, and of course, an official Facebook hate page. Just so you know I am serious I have included some emoticons- emoticons make everything legit
  6. I am looking at doing it. I know that SkyeK9 has done it, so maybe if you send her a PM. I am friends with her on FB so can ask her to pop in to the thread as well. Otherwise you could always send an email to Steve Courtney himself. According to the Facebook page he is on holidays at the moment until the 19th of September, but I am sure if you email him when he gets back, give him bit of information on yourself, Harper and what you are hoping to achieve so that he could let you know if he thinks the program will be suitable .
  7. A few questions; Can I trade in the puppy I bought last year? it's almost ten months old-- no longer a cute puppy and well to be honest, it doesn't look as adorable. I would like 2 Belgian Malinois please- I've heard they are the 'cool dog to have' and must be in on this trend. Please ensure they come to me perfectly trained in Obedience, Agility, Schutzhund, Flyball and of course house-trained. I really want to try out a few of these dog sports but can not be bothered in putting the energy or the money into doing the hard work myself. Can I pay for these dogs in 5 monthly payments of $29.95? I will pay via direct deposit although will never actually have the money in the designated bank account Lastly, if I do not reach my goal weight with in 30 days can I send them back for full refund?
  8. That's my fear . Agreed-- it's like a nightmare from which we can't seem to wake up from
  9. Sounds like where I walk Brennan. My biggest gripe at the moment is cyclists coming from behind who don't make any effort to let you know they are there. The walking path is shared with a sign saying to keep left. Just a simple 'ding' of the bell or a comment to let me know they are behind me.
  10. Gee why did you do that, GT. She'll see my comment that she has a big bottom. Sorry Julia - you have gorgeous hair, though. Raz you owe me a coffee- I totally just had a coffee splurk moment reading that. Just in case you think I am not serious here is a serious face for you
  11. Stolz, your post just made me cry happy tears once again . I am so glad to hear that the pups are going strong and that with a bit of TLC the girls will be fine. We often complain about some of the quirks of this DOL forum, and have seen our share of forum arguments. Yet when it matters most, this forum and it's members really step up to the plate. This ordeal really highlighted the spirit of the DOL community. Am really looking for to the puppy pictures
  12. Best post yet. PP - please take the advice you have been given and contact the breeder directly. I agree .
  13. A breeder is not a shop. They are not obliged to sell you a pup just because you have the money. Nor are they obliged to give you a refund because you decide that the responsibility of raising a dog is too much for you. Give the dog to the breeder and hope that they can find a home willing to put the work and care into the dog that s/he deserves.
  14. Best news to wake up to . Definitely shedding some happy tears this morning. So glad they are home safe. Now we wait for the puppy pictures :D
  15. Count me in as well. Happy to add my signature. We can not afford to be complacent about this.
  16. I just shared a news story link on the Rottweiler Club of Victoria's Facebook page and have posted a link to DOL for more information. Fingers crossed that they make it home soon.
  17. Flocked, Posted on Facebook. I even had 2 friends from the USA share it on their Facebook walls.
  18. I don't know, but I have deleted a few randoms from FB for sharing too many gruesome pictures. I support the need to prevent animal cruelty, but at the same time, one of these pictures in particular was so 'icky' it still gives me the chills a year later just thinking about it
  19. I am with Pet plan, and pay $40 a month for the standard plan. I am also on the pension. I find it easily affordable although do shop around for the right plan for your needs
  20. I was praying that by the time I returned home tonight it would be good news . My thoughts and prayers are with Stolz, I hope for the safe return of both dogs. As for the person who made a bogus claim- Shame on you . Luckily, I must have the greatest DOLers on my FB friends list because all I am seeing is ''Please Share Missing Dogs'' post. So good on us DOLers for working together to try and spread the word and support our fellow Dog lovers
  21. Thanks RS and Bedazzledx2 for posting links to your videos- I've subscribed to your channels. Will be going over your video's as I progress with Obedience training and classes.
  22. I agree- Shaping is awesome way for them to learn. Pippa is gorgeous RS.
  23. I am 99% sure Toby would think I was shaping licking walls and start offering that Well, I've just had a fantastic Obedience training session with Brennan. Worked on 'Wait' and 'Here' for gate and crate exit. We worked under threshold in the back yard. Luckily there is a gate going from back yard into the front yard ( which is also gated) so had a safe place to practise. We did a fair few ( more then ten) successful repetitions. I had Brennan sit-told her wait, opened the gate, walked out. Then called her. She was rewarded for coming to me and sitting in front of me. We then took it to the Crate. She is really good at going into her crate- just a simple 'Crate' and she will go in. Shut her in, went away for a while, came back, asked for a sit/ wait, opened the crate, stepped away and called her to me. We then decided to work on some getting into heel position. Took her into the front yard where Myf was watching safe from the verandah. I called her to heel and she came. She's starting to get really tight as in she will sit right by my left leg, can feel her against my leg ( though she is not leaning on my leg) and can put my hand on her head without looking down. Was so so proud of her . I can't believe how well she was doing- it was almost like she was another dog. She knows I am super happy with her too- I can tell in the way she is responding- she was so happy to 'work'..even to the point where I ended the 'game' by letting her go sniff a new scent and she didn't want to leave my side .
  24. This is terrible . What breeds fall under the 'Savage breeds' and how long until the list grows to incorporate several loved breeds?.
  25. Andisa-- sorry to hear your daughters driving lesson was interrupted, I hope she does well when she does go for her test. I can see why you are annoyed. I hope this client gets the message that he can not continue to drop by unannounced and have his dog groomed. Maybe make up a polite sign for clients to read reminding clients that you are a busy woman and all services must be booked in advance.
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