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Everything posted by garden_girl

  1. Well I am still trying to decide on a breed of dog, but I took someones advice and had a look at some of the other breeds of hounds, as my ridgeback is such a beautiful natured dog. I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on beagles, and whether they might be a good dog for my situation. Thanks again. GG
  2. Wow. Thanks for all the quick replies. To answer some of your questions: On the 3days the dog would be alone, it would just be the 9-5 thing while I was at work, not 3 whole days and nights, but the ridgeback would not be there on those days. The ridgeback has lived with another dog before. When we got her we already had an adult miniature pinscher, who only passed away a couple of years ago. And up until a couple of months ago she also lived with a cat with no problems either, so after the inital getting to know each other phase I think she would be fine with another animal. And they are unlikely to ever be left alone together either. Adding in 30mins or so of daily exercise would not be too much of a hassell (plus it is good for me as well as them). I had also thought about checking out the local dog obedience club for a bit of extra training and socialisation for the dog after it has finished puppy school. I realise that a lot of the things I mentioned will be as much influenced by the training and relationship I establish with the dog as much as anything else, I guess I just want to make sure I don't get a breed that is totally inappropriate for my lifestyle. And I do realise that pugs don't cope too well with the heat and that is ok as don't cope very well with the heat either so I won't expect them to. It's just so hard to make a decision, all breeds have their fors and againsts. The more I look into it I feel like the more confused I am getting. I'm sure I'll get there eventually, keep the suggestions coming. Regards, GG
  3. Hi everyone, I was hoping to get some advice about which breed of dog would be best for me to get. I have always had dogs (big and small) and have decided to get a new companion. I am currently living full time with my parents and the family rhodesian ridgeback (who is 11yrs old) at the moment. So if I got one now it would not be left by itself while very young. But as of the start of May my parents (and the ridgeback) will be living down gippsland for 4 days a week as my dad is semi-retired and they will only come up a couple of days for his work. So in the long term I need a dog that will be alright left home alone usually 3 days a week. I have a large yard for it to roam in and am planning to install a doggy door in the laundry door to give it access to inside (and it will sleep inside of a night). The yard is secure, but I have a couple of aviaries with budgies and finches and a coop with chickens, so I can't have a dog that is going to be trying to dig into their pens and get at the birds/chickens when home alone. I will also be going to my parents new property in gippsland regularly, which is 8 acres, so it also needs to be ok with that as well and travel good. So what do I want? Well here is my desired criteria: I primarily want a companion, now that I will be living more on my own. Something that is a bit protective and will let me know if someone is coming (warning bark kind of thing) But can be taken out and socialised (I like going to markets and things on the weekends) Doesn't have to go for a run/walk EVERY day Doesn't have big grooming requirements Is relatively easy to train a few basic commands (I intend to take it to a puppy school) Basically something that would be as happy on the beach with me fishing, as following me around the 8acres, as sitting on the couch watching a movie. And while I love my sooky, smoochy, lazy ridgeback, I would prefer something smaller this time. At the moment the two breeds I am thinking about are the jack russell and the pug, but I have questions about each. The jack russell I think would be a good companion and protector, but I am concerned about it being on it's own for a few days. Will it get destructive and try and eat my chickens? And what about on the farm, will it be alright, or try and get out and chase the cows it can see in the distance all the time? As for the pug, well I have always wanted one, for as long as I can remember. But what about the amount of hair that the pugs apparently shed. Our ridgeback sheds alot, is it much more than that? And how long do you have to wait to get a pug from a good breeder? I really don't want to have to wait months or more before I get my new friend. And will the pug give me the warning bark protection that I am after? If people could give me their advice as to which breed you think would be best suited to my situation, or if you think there is another breed that perhaps I haven't considered yet I would be happy to hear the suggestions. I sound very demanding, but I figure the more info I give you the better, as I don't want to get the wrong dog. Thanks in advance.
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