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Little Gifts

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Everything posted by Little Gifts

  1. The power of both good police work and social media!
  2. I had an old stafford girl. I also had her son (both foster fails) and he passed. She aged overnight. Then we ended up with an older pup for temp fostering and she got a new lease on life. A few years on from that we lost a doggo for behavioural reasons and the remaining female dog (who was not old) really struggled being an only dog and started being quite naughty. We ended up taking in another male dog similar in age who needed a home and all the behavioural stuff settled, but the strange thing was when she passed of old age the remaining boy doggo loved being on his own! He did not skip a beat! I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting a pup of course as they will have very different energy levels, but certainly I think some dogs feel safer being part of a pack, while others are just fine. You don't need to rush anything but just keep your eye on how your Jack Russell is coping. You might need to create some new energy around the house and give your boy more focussed attention too. Most rescues are likely to want the dog to be indoor outdoor but it can't hurt to ask them and tell them your situation because they might know of just the right dog for you.
  3. Rescues I know of in QLD are already doing work like this all the time. Sounds weird to me too that an interstate pound has managed to get involved, unless they just happen to have a better transport arrangement for that area or know someone personally in that pound.
  4. Quick Albert update - he is doing great on the Royal Canin. He was so excited to go back to kibble! Weirdo! In another couple of weeks I'm adding fish to see if he still tolerates that.
  5. I've got a dumb story relating to this. We had a big gauge out of our backyard (suburbs) due to a flooding incident. When my stafford boy passed I decided to take him home and bury him in the hole and get it filled back in. I used to live rural prior to that and burying your dogs at home was the norm. Fast forward quite some time and we had foster fail Stussy, also a pied stafford. She was only a couple of months old and came into the house one night with a huge bone. I asked my sister if she'd given it to her (nope) then I worried a neighbour had thrown it over the fence. Then I went all around the yard and found out poor Bundy had risen to the surface over time and she'd dug him up! Never again!
  6. Had a consult with my amazing vet this morning (which he didn't even charge me for!). Given all the info about when the nausea happens, types of vomits, types of poos, overall health, etc, my vet is still feeling it is a developed dietary intolerance (he talked about other symptoms that would usually be evident with both the pancreatitis and bacterial overgrowth). Since he has no issues on the chicken and rice that is a good starting point but it wont meet all his dietary needs. So we will be trialling Royal Canin Anallergenic and every 2 to 3 weeks we will introduce a new protein and just keep building from there. This week I also bought 3 huge chickens on special so I can boil up and keep on hand AND a huge bag of rice so we never run out of that either! I also rang Pet Circle and they worked with me to refund a full/unopened bag of Black Hawk Salmon I still have here (which was nice of them). I have everything crossed that he goes ok on the Royal Canin and we can keep adding things and he stays well! Thank you everyone for all the great advice!
  7. Thank you both so much - that was very interesting reading! I have a vet consult this Thursday to discuss all the suggestions/advice with my vet. I usually have a bit of a gut feeling about things but I still can't get a sense of whether he might have an actual condition or has just developed food sensitivity. Apart from an upset tummy and some unpleasant looking poo here and there he appears happy and healthy, like nothing is wrong. But if the wrong thing is in his stomach and he starts processing it and realises then it wants out again. That makes me think its the food because if it was bacteria or related to an organ not functioning properly you think you'd still see some indications on the chicken and rice. But a day back on that diet and everything is totally normal again. But I really do appreciate all the suggestions to look into (I've made a list!) as it must be awful to repeatedly have an upset stomach. I think we've got whatever it is early too - no noticeable weight loss or ongoing disinterest in food at present (although I don't feel chicken and rice will give him everything he needs). Once I know what he can and can't tolerate I'll be excited to organise a new diet for him (even though kibble with toppings is easier). From what I've now read though this can all take a while.
  8. Coneye I was one of those volunteers for a couple of years. I can still remember when they stopped letting us feed the dogs and pups (for reasons unknown). We were allowed to do the cleaning and socialising. The staff were nowhere to be seen for hours at a time. We'd have done all the cleaning and the pups in particular would be starving and we couldn't do anything about it The refuge would open at like 10am and those unfed pups and dogs were all feral so we couldn't be in there socialising them and noone was interested in them because they weren't being all calm and cute. There was noone we could talk to about our concerns either. This was a while ago now so things will have changed, but the staff attitude towards the dogs at that location was abysmal and that stuff is entrenched. There was also a huge walk in cage up the front for surrenders. People would come in tears giving up their pets. Reception would say all these kind things to them about them getting a new home straight away then black tag them and put them in the cage for immediate euth. They weren't even being assessed and I think that happened at times when they were already full. That's the organisational culture people are donating their money to. To me though are no better than the church run orphanages of old. They just shouldn't exist anymore.
  9. Yes thank you Mairead. I have it written down to talk with the vet about already. Was just wondering about testing options so will add TLI to the list!
  10. As per another topic I have going about specific kibble, it look like Albert has a bigger problem than we thought. A half serve of the Hills Biome kibble with his chicken and rice meant he was sick all last night. We've gone back to chicken and rice today and will call the vet tomorrow. I'm just wondering if anyone has done testing for food intolerances and sensitivities? More for gut issues than skin issues but I assume testing is the same? Did you do it through the vet or did you try a company like this one? The cost seems reasonable to me to just go ahead and organise one for him and use it alongside whatever the vet suggests moving forward, but I was after people's thoughts. Thank you! https://www.testmypetsaustralia.com/
  11. I definitely have to listen to this! My sister and I feel Albert is always trying to tell us stuff!
  12. That's interesting Rascal. I've switched between BH and Canidae for years now without problem, but each dog is different and of course quality of brands can also change over time. Most important for me too is that the dog likes it and does well on it. Albert isn't now so its gone. The challenge now is finding something he will eat and maintain condition on. What have your doggos liked and done well on the best?
  13. We've had problems on the Hills Biome now. No vomiting but upset stomach and scared to eat. We've been to the vet and he thinks he's developed a sensitive stomach, so we are back on chicken and rice then will start reintroducing items to try and pinpoint what he can and can't eat. Luckily he likes chicken and rice but it doesn't keep him as full as kibble.
  14. He is back on the Hills gut kibble without issue and after that runs out I'll open a new back of BH salmon I have here and we'll see what happens. I'm going to go through the open back of BH chicken to see if I can see any contaminants in it but wont be feeding it to him again.
  15. Look at it from the seller's perspective. If they sold you a puppy without issue and you wanted to return it because it has become fearful in your household, why would you sell it back to the same people? Something or someone in your household potentially made the puppy fearful so there would be no point going back to that same environment. I don't know the breed or your background as dog/puppy owners but fears can become entrenched at certain ages. The breeder is trying to act in the puppies best interests now (which is what a good breeder does). If you do get another puppy down the track at least you now have a better idea of their needs. They really do depend on humans and they do need a safe place to settle into a new home after a big change like leaving their mum and learn and be guided by what is expected of them. Patience is also required while they learn. Another good option is a puppy school where they can socialise and you can learn about their needs and how to have a good life together. Chalk this up to a learning experience. And next time be honest with a breeder about your past pet owning experience too because it may just be that you require a pup that is a little more bomb proof than you thought. The aim is to match you with the right pup so it is successful for everybody. Good luck!
  16. Not sure T but you are often more current in your knowledge than anyone else on here. I did a quick Google and we had a new Animal Care and Protection Amendment Bill come in in 2022. In the foreword it said it is to strengthen oversight of the RSPCA in QLD and actively monitor the delivery of their services. Maybe something actually happened? I can't follow RSPCA news as it brews anger inside me that isn't healthy.
  17. Ok - Di Gooding is a recommended NSW breeder - www.rynklsharpei.com And Darcy and Keith in QLD breed under this name - www.ayzsasharpei.com Another is Jacqui Walloscheck Sharboop Shar Pei. I think she might also be in QLD. Rescue who works all up and down the east coast if you are interested in - https://www.facebook.com/groups/397636914077099
  18. I'm a pei person (thank you Pers!). I've been fostering on and off for a while with groups in QLD but I've also seen them in the show ring up here (and have owned several myself but all through rescue). There are only 2 breeders on the east coast that most pei people would recommend. I can find out their proper names for you. At least one is active in the rescue arena too. Given that, they wont have many pups available each year as they are breeding for quality over quantity. If you want to consider rescue then I can give you a link for that too. I'd personally be guided by these breeders on the right dog for you as they are particular about where their pups or older dogs go to. To be honest I'd never take siblings from the same litter with this breed though. I think you could be asking for trouble as they hit maturity. Anyway I'll get some names for you to consider.
  19. My sister was at a shopping centre only yesterday and was accosted by someone trying to raise funds for the RSPCA so they could prosecute more animal abusers and neglectors. He claimed they'd only been able to afford to do 14 prosecutions in QLD last year. My sister said I would be so proud of her. She told him but you have enough money to prosecute more now - have you seen your own profit line? Then she went on in detail about how they use people's emotions to raise money but don't spend it on the animals. If they are too sick or have behavioural issues you put them to sleep pretty quick. The others get farmed out to other rescues to vet and rehome. She said she went on and on and he was trying to find a hole to crawl in to. But maybe he might actually explore the values and achievements of the organisation more and make up his own mind? I think the only way they are going away is if their finances shrink and they can't afford to operate. They only represent themselves these days.
  20. No idea at present Harley but good suggestion for me to look in to. He already has another vet appointment next week for us to discuss where to from here. Thank you!
  21. Since being back on the chicken and rice he has been fine again. I've got some more of the Hills gut kibble (decided against the RC because of the ingredients being more grain heavy) coming tomorrow. After we finish that I'll trial him on some BH salmon and see where things are at. I will get rid of the BH chicken kibble I think as it seems to be the core of the problem. But I guess we will soon know if there is a real medical problem lurking. And due to ongoing water issues I remembered we've got a water filter that was gifted to us a while back and we will install it in the kitchen over the weekend. Hopefully things will settle for all our tummies!
  22. I've got a bit of a question. I've owned and foster shar pei for quite a while. Generally I feed them either Black Hawk or Canidae grain free with no issue. My other dogs have also eaten the same kibble so we buy bigger bags. Albert has lived here for almost 12 months. He's been eating mostly Black Hawk grain free either chicken or salmon, plus other goodies on top. He came to us recovering from Giardia, Coccidia and a situation where his intestines had telescoped in on themselves (a long vet stay). He was not a well boy, but with TLC recovered very quickly and never looked back. Aside from this problem initially when he came in to rescue, he has not been sick or even slightly unwell at all till the week before Christmas. In that week he started being off his food and needing encouragement to eat. Then we had a couple of vomits (partially digested food). He was eating grass on and off so we'd have grass vomits and sometimes just phlegm and water - never any bile vomits. Lots of noisy tummy stuff too. We switched him to chicken and rice and everything settled. The week of Christmas the same started happening again so we took him to the vet who treated him for the previous stuff (in case it was related). No temp, happy and active. They suspected Giardia again (he does love to get in our frog ponds with the still water). He had a nausea injection and they gave us some Hills kibble for gut health and a paste to put on his food to put good stuff back in his belly. Also did a full de-worm. Poo sample was checked the following day and no signs of Giardia or Parvo (we are in a parvo area at present). His weight stayed around the same. So that all went well. He was still a bit sensitive about eating and we had to do some hand feeding each meal to get him going and also stay in the room with him and offer encouragement (which is still needed at times). Once the gut kibble ran out he went back to his old diet. He definately wouldn't eat everything he used to, like say his yoghurt was on its 3rd day opened he wouldn't eat anything at all. Then yesterday he wouldn't eat at all and was in and out vomiting up phlegm. So I boiled a chicken and cooked up some rice. He needed to be encouraged to eat but was so happy after he did. But then half an hour later he was throwing that up and then re-eating it (due to his history if you try to get near his vomit he sees red). No vomits overnight and this morning he had a small meal of chicken and rice and no voms since that I can tell but he is in a snappy mood so obviously not feeling great. Tummy is also noisy. Haven't seen him poo in a couple of days though. Complicating things here is we have had a major water quality problem. I've been sick since before Christmas (I drink about 4 litres of tap water a day), my sister became sick last week and we've heard people's fish have been dying too. We only found out last weekend about it so all switched over to bottled water, including for Albert. We are doing better but given Albert's stomach issue started again after we switched over I don't think I can put it down to that. This morning I googled BH kibble recalls and complaints but found nothing relevant to what I am feeding. But I was just wondering if anyone on here as heard anything or had any personal experiences because I'm thinking it could be the kibble? Alternatively has anyone had any similar symptoms in their dogs where they are nauseous and vomiting but well otherwise? I have had a dog with pancreatitis before but she presented as unwell in several other ways, so don't think it is that. But what other conditions can be linked to his symptoms? If it doesn't settle today he will be back at the vets tomorrow for bloods and maybe scans of course. Bloody hard when they are sick and you don't know why. Any other dog and I'd go to the vet straight away but he is terrified of other dogs, so visits have to be managed a little differently (and are a bit stressful for this human). Thank you
  23. I had a stafford who developed it out of the blue at 6 months of age. His seizures were extreme and he was on the maximum dose of phenobarb. It reduced the number but the severity was the same. Long story short, I had an amazing vet who also did homeopathic work and she worked with someone else to develop drops for him. Over a period of about 2 years of treatment he stopped seizing and was off all meds. We had nothing to lose in trying. He'd spent the first 7 years of his life in a drug induced haze so was quite scared of a lot of things (which we managed) and he lived to 11.5 with no further seizures or health issues.
  24. People are so weird. They claim they love their pets then let their dogs roam freely? Besides the potential of being dog napped or hit by a car, they don't know all their neighbours. There could be people with mental health issues and others who are either scared of dogs or who find them unclean (common in some cultures). It's not up to your neighbours to keep your dogs safe for you either - that's on the owners. Hard lesson learnt of course and it is always the dog who suffers the most when owners don't step up.
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