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Everything posted by stellnme

  1. I guess it is time that I add my little one's name to this forum. At 16, she has run the gauntlet of the old dog ailments and is now pretty much blind, has had a bout of Vestibular disease, pancreatitis over the years. diagnosed with Kidney disease a few weeks ago and the back legs are not working as well as they should, but she was motoring on as best she could. In the last few weeks her appetite has decreased quite rapidly and her little frame is looking quite bony. Today she has runny motions and is looking poorly. I'm watching and waiting to see if things get worse as all vet clinics are closed today - can call a number for emergency cases only. I can't put her through too much more.
  2. They do that to us, don't they? That's why dogs are so special.
  3. I also admired the photo of Perry with the sheep - what a lovely dog she was. I hope your happy memories of her will, in time, make you smile.
  4. There's just no getting through to some people. Amazed that the owner was there and just watched on. How hard is it to put your dogs on a leash?
  5. They are loving words, Maddy, for a beautiful boy. I'm sorry he had to leave. Most of us know that overwhelming feeling when they are no longer physically with us. Always in your heart and memories.
  6. Sars, try and organise allergy testing so you know what you are dealing with. If it is dust, a vacuum with a bag is much better than a bagless one that you have to shake the dust out of. Also, clean the filter often - filters are the source of a lot of allergens, and are not looked at regularly. OH fixes vacuums and sees filters in the worst conditions! I didn't know spacers came in small sizes - this thread has some good information. Hope you can get some answers and some relief.
  7. Sounds like he had the best life there with you, Moosmum. I'm sorry he had to leave so suddenly.
  8. So hard to make that final call - I'm so sorry you had to go through it. It is for us to help them over that final hurdle with love, and hold their memory deep in our hearts.
  9. When we got our rescue dog we had to change the microchip details. She was still registered in the state she was born in. The NSW Companion Animals Register states that it is the responsibility of the "old" owner - the person selling or giving away the animal - to notify the change. Changes should be notified within 14 days of the change. I've noticed the OP is in W A, so not sure what their protocol is with microchips.
  10. Brilliant post Jules - my thoughts exactly. And I suspect they will unload again when you have a dog like a GSD going stir crazy in a courtyard. In my view their initial decision to re-home was probably right and in the dogs best interests. IMO this is not about the children concerned. Some years ago I had a call from someone who wanted to rehome her westie (for good reasons). But after talking to her I just felt that this was going to be trouble with her letting the dog go. So I said give it six weeks and think hard and long about this as its for good - from my perspective with a surrender there is no turning back and I make people sign a surrender form stating this precisely to avoid this situation. I asked her to ring me back in six weeks if she still wanted to surrender. She did - but my instincts were right. I would still get the odd calls or email from her three years later enquiring about the dog. So yes its fraught with difficulty. Legally as money and papers have changed hands (a clear transaction) and I assume any microchip has been changed or in the process of being changed I suspect the dog is legally yours. But the question becomes not what is best for the children but what is best for the dog. And I think you need to work that out and talk it through with the previous owners and reach an agreement. I'm going to guess that your family is whats best for the dog. Hope that helps. Did the paperwork include a sign over though, or was it just previous information about the dog - and the OP states the microchip hasn't been changed over. That's what is worrying me - that the dog is still officially in the old owner's name.
  11. It's up to the old owner to transfer the microchip details, and there should have been a transfer of ownership done, even if it was just written on a piece of paper and signed by both the old owner and yourself, so there's a bit of a grey area there. When I moved from 5 acres to a town block many years ago, I worried that it would have been too small an area for my large dog at the time, and had the offer to rehome her to a friend's larger property. I did think about it, but couldn't part with her and she lived with me very happily for another 7 years, until she died at 17. We made it work, so I do understand the old owner's change of heart in your situation. I would have a big talk to him, and would give him his dog back.
  12. There's another Pancreatitis thread a few posts down the page which contains some more information you might find helpful.
  13. That's quite a head tilt that Monte had, Anne. Because the symptoms are so similar to a stroke, it makes you wonder if a small stroke is responsible for the vestibular - or if the vestibular causes more problems, i.e seizures. I guess we never know. Stella's eye rolling is better but still has the head tilt and is wobbly, but she has definitely deteriorated since the attack. The night time wandering and confusion is much worse. Taking it one day at a time lately.
  14. I hope that time helps Lily, Mita. After seeing an initial improvement, Stella seems to have come to a standstill. She is "okay", but not herself and I'm wondering if, because of her age and other issues, this is as good as we are going to get with her.
  15. I'm certainly not looking forward to any reoccurrences - it was the scariest thing to see, I really thought we would be saying goodbye to her. It appears that once it's happened there is a strong chance of it happening again. It's a bit cruel that, with all the medical issues that come with old age, our dogs sometimes have vestibular to contend with as well.
  16. It's been about 4 days and Stella has improved quite a lot, although the head tilt is still there. Thank you Lisey, Lisa and Rebanne for your replies on your experience with Vestibular - much appreciated.
  17. Luckily she is a very placid dog who does sleep a lot, so I guess that makes it a bit easier to manage. She does have the eye flick - our vet also said that was the defining factor in the vestibular diagnosis.
  18. My 15 year old was diagnosed with Vestibular disease yesterday after a very worrying night when we thought she might have had a stroke. There is no ear infection or obvious cause, so at this stage it is a wait and see approach and hopefully she will improve. Poor little one has the typical "drunken sailor" gait and the head tilt. We're carrying her outside to toilet and helping with feeding as she is having difficulty as the water/food bowl seems to be moving around! Does anyone have any experience of this, any tips to help her recover or at least, be more comfortable - also how long did it take to recover (I realise that can vary.)
  19. They do take a large chunk of our hearts. It seems your time with Fleming was meant to be and what a lucky dog he was to have found love and care with you. In time the dark days get a bit brighter - may your wonderful memories of him bring you joy.
  20. My going on 16 year old girl was put on Hills I/D food many years ago after suffering attacks of pancreatitis and has always done very well on it. It's a trial and error thing but she can tolerate cooked chicken breast and small amounts of tuna in springwater. For treats she has Dentastix (vet recommended and well tolerated) and a low fat home made biscuits made by a talented friend with a home made dog treats business here. I don't change what is working well for her now.
  21. Mila is of Russian origin and means "dear one". Milena is the longer version.
  22. Oh, Boronia - not Mac too? My heart breaks for you with your three passing so close to each other. I'm sure there is room in your heart for another little one to keep close. Mac, I hope where you are there are lots of pippies to dig, liver treats to eat, magpies to chase, and that you have found your patch of sun with Daisy and Penny.
  23. Such beautiful little dogs and such amazing memories you have to keep, Boronia. It seems they lived a life filled with good times and love with you. May they rest gently in your heart.
  24. I am so sorry to read that Danny has gone. May he live on gently in your heart and may your memories be beautiful.
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