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Everything posted by stellnme

  1. Poncho certainly won the dog lottery when he became your foster failure, and stayed for so many years. Sleep well, little man.
  2. What beautiful things you did - getting so far with rehabilitation and then when the time came, making the hard call and being there at the end for Jess. Thank you for caring, Simply Grand, Jess went out with love.
  3. Sleep well, Askari. A beautiful tribute, Ams, thinking of you.
  4. Twelve months of puppy fun! I think they do come into our lives for a reason and I am glad she has helped you through a tough time. Enjoy every minute and also congratulations on the wedding anniversary!
  5. Rach, I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost Zuess. It never gets any easier to say goodbye, but he had the best life with you. Sleep well, beautiful Zuess, you were loved.
  6. A beautiful girl. The pictures tell the story of a much loved dog. I'm so sorry, Grumpette. Sleep well, Baylee.
  7. For the person who thought Pye was someone else' problem - no words. For you, Kirty - thank you for being the person with the integrity, compassion and ethics to try to help this little one. K9Angel is right, she left this world knowing that she mattered to someone. Sleep well, little Pye, in the end you were loved.
  8. Lucky boy to be with you. He looks so much better already.
  9. Dear (twit), Thank you for your interest in (rescue dog). We have had a number of enquiries for him and we are committed to finding not just the right home, but the perfect one which is why (rescue dog) is still currently with us. Adoption fees do not reflect our belief in the value of the dog, all of our dogs in care are precious to us. Adoption fees assist us in covering vet and associated fees and allow us to continue helping other dogs needing rescue/rehome. Anyone potential adoptee who has a current dog is required to have a meet and greet between the two so we may ascertain if they are suitable. As you feel (rescue dog) would be a big responsibility to you, we suggest he may not be the right companion to introduce into your home. I wish you well in finding a suitable new dog for your family. What Ams said - plus point out that 9 is not old!
  10. Glad Zuess is still with you and going strong, K9A. Your human boys are growing up fast!
  11. Way to go Miah! Waggiest Tail is a good one to win :) Enjoy your little sweetie, Jules, I'm glad she is bringing some happiness for you.
  12. CaseyKay, My two passed on in the same week in October last year, but whenever and however we lose them, the feeling is the same. We never stop missing them.
  13. As someone who lost two of mine in the same week, I understand totally what you are feeling, and am so sorry. Sleep well, little ones, look after each other in doggie heaven.
  14. He's still there in spirit looking after you, Perse. Sleep well, Mr Wilson.
  15. No-one has called you a liar, Alison03. I just get a little tired of the stories that begin "someone I know". There are always two sides to a story and in the retelling of one, often many points are left out or added along the way. I was pointing out that the vet could read the microchip, has access to the registry and that the dog would not need to be taken to the RSPCA at all. I don't like to see people or organisations put down because of second hand stories, no matter who they are.
  16. Why wouldn't the vet read the microchip? No need to send a dog to the RSPCA or anywhere. Another urban myth.
  17. Pencils are used because they are cheaper, they last longer, are more easily stored and less likely to be stolen. Having worked in polling places at elections, it is quite impossible to tamper with the votes - they are put into a sealed box by the voters themselves, then counted in the presence of the scrutineers and the polling official/s, so all above board!
  18. Sleep well, little Joey - what a lovely life you had.
  19. Treasure the moments today, Jules. Also thinking of you as are many others - it is a very hard time to go through but Joey has the best owners to be there with him. Hugs.
  20. Jules, I kept this little piece some time ago and it has helped me with loved and ill dogs along the way. "It can be helpful to bear in mind that this is your animal's journey as well as your own. Eventually we may need to respect the fact that the time has come for us to let go and say goodbye, so each day is to be treasured. Our animal friends live for the moment, one day at a time, - a valuable lesson they can teach us." I hope it isn't time for your boy, but treasure each moment you have with him. Thinking of you and hoping for the best and gentle hugs for Joey.
  21. stellnme


    I'm so sorry, Anna. You give all your dogs such care and love and second chances and Tango was no exception. The time they stay is always too short, but I'm sure it was the best time in his life. Sleep well, little Tango - you were loved.
  22. Hoping for good news for Joey tomorrow, Jules. All fingers and paws crossed here for a good result.
  23. What a lucky boy Navey was to have found you, Anne, and later his adoptive mum. Sleep well, little man.
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