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Everything posted by stellnme

  1. Thank you - I wish I had read this years ago.
  2. She obviously played a big role in your life, Kirislin. We never forget those special dogs - they live on forever in our hearts.
  3. Sleep well, little sweetheart. So sorry to hear that Sue has gone, Rozzie, she was a little character.
  4. I'm so sorry to read this, Sheridan. Mini has gone where all good dogs go and will live on in your memories of her. Sleep well, little Mini, I'm sure Grumpy has been waiting for you.
  5. Sleep well, little Boof. You were a much loved dog.
  6. I'm so sorry to read this, Anne. Boof was a lucky boy to have lived his life with you and he passed in the arms of love. Thinking of you.
  7. Sleep well, Dennys Dog. Hugs to you Dogbesotted.
  8. Just had my Stella to the vets this morning - she's 14 and has bouts of pancreatitis. She's not eating very much and having some vomiting, so in an effort to get her to eat something, I cooked some turkey mince (well drained) and Basmati rice, which she ate. However, the vet told me this morning that turkey mince is very fatty. Stella does well on W/D dry with me being very careful not to give her anything with over 4% fat, but she will now try I/D food to try and stabilise her funny tummy. Just thought I would pass on about the turkey as I thought that would be okay to give her, but it seems not. Hope Sarah continues to improve.
  9. Westiemum, has the Flagyl made a difference to Sarah? Wondering how it is going.
  10. Happy Paws Training Treats - on website and Facebook. Just the right size for training and lots of variety. Owned by a DOLer whose DOL name escapes me!
  11. Much too soon, Jules. So sorry to hear this.
  12. Sweet little one, you had the very best of owners. Anna, my thoughts and sympathy again.
  13. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual Yes, but this time there are names attached to those who are doing this and indisputable evidence available. It is up to every one of us to make sure it isn't just business as usual - now we all know the truth. Well said Do your research there are plenty of names of trainers all over this country that take greys in to be euthed at greyhound vets every single day. Not one or two half a dozen at a time, that's how got my Maddie. So what's your plan of attack? I'm not being smart it's a genuine question to both of you. This. It's the same thing every time- "The public must act, we'll stop [whatever] from happening" and then Tony Abbott says something stupid again and everyone forgets and nothing changes. What I've noticed (and this is probably going to sound a bit cynical but whatever) is that people get all outraged- because it's no real effort- and then as soon as there's any actual work to be done, like a pack of meerkats who have noticed the shadow of an eagle hovering above them, they disappear in the blink of an eye. It really is quite a magic trick. I can remember that big thing that came up over the destruction of greyhounds- masses of people were horrified by the sheer numbers, the methods used and the cruelty involved when there was an alternative- rehoming. Here was a great opportunity for the public to get behind rescue and make real changes to the lives of real dogs. But curiously.. yeahno. Speaking from my own experience, no increase in donations, adoptions or even interest. Outrage is free, actually helping is not. I've all but given up rescuing because trying to raise enough money to keep going was backbreaking work (for those of us who have ethics, anyway) and yet here are all these people who could make a difference but would rather just talk about it. At the end of the day, it seems like a lot of people just enjoy the communal back-patting and moral superiority that comes along with the outrage so yeah.. I see stuff like this and I can't help but roll my eyes. Maddy, what makes you think that people like me aren't making a difference already. I personally spend a great deal of my time and money doing just that, and have for years. I do understand what you are saying and people do jump up and down without doing anything to help but many people help in all sorts of different ways. Even talking about it on a forum spotlights it.
  14. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual Yes, but this time there are names attached to those who are doing this and indisputable evidence available. It is up to every one of us to make sure it isn't just business as usual - now we all know the truth.
  15. Another image I can't get out of my head is the little girl at the training track watching the animals die. Who in their right mind would think this would be acceptable, and what sort of messages do the children get who are taken along to watch the cruelty? Even if only small things happen to these people, now the general public knows what goes on and surely that should deter those who weren't caught on camera (and there would be many). It is up to those who engage in any sort of greyhound activity on the track to make it totally unacceptable.
  16. Just the tip of the iceberg. The practice has been common knowledge for years and condoned by the money makers. I wish they had spoken more of what happens when greyhounds don't make the grade as racers, but that's another story. When it opened with the woman with 70 greyhounds as "pets", I knew we were going to be told a bunch of lies by the trainers/owners. The greyhound industry is the biggest puppy farm in the country. Sick, cruel people. I hope they do enforce the two years in jail, but won't hold my breath.
  17. stellnme


    What a wonderful life he led and what treasured memories you have of your boy. Sleep well, Appollo.
  18. Redangel, I had a dog in foster care with itchy skin, lesions and a yeasty smell. First vet suggested allergies and put the dog on a special kibble, no treats, malaseb baths (which made things worse). The foster carer is a nurse who strongly suspected it wasn't an allergy and tried gentle, human treatments like oatmeal baths, etc. - a little relief but no cure. In desperation we took the little dog to another vet who took one look at the lesions and diagnosed a Staph infection. One lot of antibiotics and we had a totally cured dog, no smell, itching or lesions after the course finished. The foster carer has since adopted the dog and no further problems one year on. I realise that this may not be the case with your dog, but just thought I would share my experience. Best of luck, it is a frustrating journey.
  19. It wasn't a demonstration, Gruf. It was a peaceful gathering to honour the animals who didn't make it over the years. It was made very clear that the shelter was not to be obstructed and staff not abused as it was a quiet time to gather in dignity and compassion. Edited to add that there was apparently in excess of 500 people there who laid flowers and balloons in memory of the animals who were killed and all was very dignified.
  20. Thank God this has happened. It has nothing to do with shelters having finite space, these dogs (and cats) are being killed for ear infections, skin problems, being "timid". No effort is made to reunite them with owners. Good rescues are refused permission to take an animal, and this has been happening for a long time. They do not operate in Qld anymore - the AWL has been granted the contracts, much to the relief of animal lovers everywhere who know what happens. The cruelty is astonishing. Yes, some owners need to step up and look after their animals properly and I see this all the time, but let's not confuse the issue here - this inquiry is long overdue and much needed. Heartbreaking stuff indeed.
  21. What a wonderful journey she shared with you. Sleep well, sweet Ness, may your memory shine brightly.
  22. So very sad. Sleep well, little Monty.
  23. I can understand why you couldn't part with Poppy, CC. She's certainly special.
  24. I think it was Little Legs rescue and I'm pretty sure they were adopted. Check their Facebook page - they have a beautiful pair in foster at the moment.
  25. Our council pound lends out cat cages for residents to trap cats and does take them into the pound. It depends how wild the cats/kittens are but they do get adopted or go to rescue groups where possible. The best solution is to get them desexed but not always possible. Hope you find someone to help, Dogmad, I know you are very committed already.
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