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  1. I will throw in my two cents worth, I have three males intact, I have never had fights with my males, however I had plenty with females, I have a no of friends who will tell you the same. I don't think it is about eating first who goes through anywhere first, it is about the personalities of the dogs and you how they live etc. You don't need to be a control freak, you need to be placid and easy to get on with if there is peace an harmony in your house your dogs will reflect that. Males fight because they have to for one reason or another females fight because they are just plain cussed the same in the human world Beagie
  2. it pays to keep anti hystermines in the cupboard at all times (polaramine is a good one) my Beagle got a b sting his jaw quickly became a football, there is a liquid version also if your dog is not used to taking tablets my Beagle and other pointer are used to it but not this boy. Another trick I learned from an old friend if they won't open their mouth and won't eat even is put the tablet against their teeth and push it to the back of the mouth inside the lips of course, just rub gently the tab will disentergrate with the saliva and against their teeth they start to chew and it goes down. He is still a very sick dog and I doubt he will ever be his old wacky self again. Beagie
  3. it comes up like a pimple with a white head on, can then leak white gunk, of course he was licking it and it went into a sore, he still has a way to go, but at least was barking when I came home a good sign although his body has not gone back to normal as yet. It is very scary stuff. Beagie
  4. I don't know if this is relevant, to this forum, however will give it a try. I would like to remind all that it is not just snakes that can bite but also spiders. My lovely old GSP has just come through the worst possible nightmare with a spider bite. He was wrongly diagnosed by two vets and wrongly medicated which caused more complications. I myself found the bite, after he had almost died and I medicated him with polaramine His back leg was swollen one side at the flank caved right in the flank came right down his kneck and brisket three times longer than they should be, in short he looks like he has a blood hounds skin instead of a GSP A lot of this caused by wrong meds being mixed. As to long lasting results who knows, I hope he will return to normal, where was the bite on the back of the sheath where the Willie is, I guess vets don't look there In short if the dog comes up with symptoms that no one can put a name to, take the time to go over it and see if there is a bite somewhere. I hope all your dogs are safe from this horror Beagie
  5. I will be working on Rally when it comes in I have another twelve months with my baby before I intend to put him in the ring Rally will be first. I have just made all the signs etc. for practise, I train in a group where I live all the group will be working on it Beagie
  6. Yes, more photos please people! Thanks for posting yours. I don't have any photos of my girl "in action", but would love to see some others Ruby Star most of the things you need like dummies etc. can be bought from the Secretary of the retrieving club here in WA> a very helpful lady will go to endless lengths to help. Beagie
  7. Yes dogs usualy turn and face you and sit by default, they are not marked on whether they sit straight or not the only marking for obedience is when you are heeling up the race to the start peg. Retrieving is a straight out straight back exercise, (after they have made the pick up that is) you need to be able to direct your dog to go left or right or back so you can use different toots for each thing. Most people use silent whistles, I have always used a shepherds whistle, I think it is a matter of taste. Your dog is going to go on the scent of the bird wherever it has dropped directions are not usualy used until the dog is out of novice it is not like training in obedience the dog needs to be able to work naturaly as a gun dog should Beagie
  8. Yes but not with this little ball of frustration and now I know why!!!!! We are having a few days off where hopefully latent learning will magically appear and when I try again on Saturday all problems will have magically disappeared. Bedazzled is going to read this when she comes home and laugh :D I have been practising saying toloame leaving out the P LOL LOL If you see either Julie or Carolyn at the trial on the 10th. if you have my I Squeeks can you give them to one of them for me as they will phone me when they get home I only leave a couple of streets away from them thanks Beagie
  9. Oh I luv it a new title OC must put that in my memory banks Beagie
  10. I scatter kibble or biscuits (whatever you prefer to call them) all around the patio under the outdoor setting everywhere Billy can get to without destroying anything by the time he has found them all and gone back on a hunt in case he has missed something, I am home, or he will go to sleep. He does have a ten k walk early in the morning before I go anywhere and some training. Billy is a Beagle so very food motivated also. Most toys he can destroy so I do not leave them with him on his own, however he has a paddling pool I throw the non destructable toys in that also, so he gets them all out of the pool and drags them around and plays with them. I read on another site this morning with scent hounds use Cedar, so I bought some Cedar oil to use on the garden lights, however I don't think Bulldogs are scent hounds. Your only other option realy, if you are away eight to ten hours however long you work (and that is a long time in the life of a dog) is to construct a full proof run. Beagie
  11. the reason for using a clicker (which you doubtless know,) is it is an instant and static sound, your voice can change from time to time and dose not register so quickly on their brains, I have totaly clicker trained Billy, I only need to pick it up and I have instant focus, but of course horses for courses whatever suits each individual is what we use. Beagie
  12. As far as I am aware no one at least in WA has to belong to a Club in order to trial, you just have to belong to, in our case, Dogs West, there is nothing in the ANKC that says you have to belong to a Club to trial. Please correct me if I am wrong Beagie
  13. Just as a point of interest, I bought some chicken sausages for my little man, put a piece in my mouth for him to take, it was so so salty, have you tasted yours Billy luves fish, that is his high value treat Beagie
  14. poodle crossed with a GR should be pretty smart. With an older dog that has been taught nothing, first thing you do is cut the food back don't feed for a day so that she gets the idea okay if I can figure out what this human wants bessed I do it real fast if I intend to get fed. That sounds harsh but in reality is not the dog is probably over fed anyway. You can't expect and older dog to switch on like a new pup, especialy if she has been taught nothing. Theory is you need a hungry dog if you intend to food train a dog, that has never even had the concept Beagie
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