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Everything posted by pug

  1. Hello, I have wanted a Boston Terrier for years and have been on several wait lists for quite some time. Unfortunately, after a years wait, I was overseas when a puppy was offered to me and I was unable to take it. I have now lost my place in the wait list. I live in WA and am willing to travel if necessary. If anyone could help just give me a realistic idea of how long I am likely to have to wait for a puppy it would be really appreciated. I am willing to wait but I don't know if my wait could be another year or another 3-5 years. Thanks in advance.
  2. I am looking at getting a pug puppy in the next few months but then also want to get a kitten a few months later as well. I have never had a pug before but have researched the breed quite extensively to make sure it was the right breed for us. We had originally decided on a Boston Terrier but couldn't seem to tear ourselves away from wanting a black pug. I have seen some things online about introducing pug puppies to adult cats but I don't know whether there will be any problems introducing a pug puppy to a kitten. The idea is that we want them to grow up together so that they bond better. Is introducing a pug and a kitten to each other at an early age a bad idea? Do pugs and cats get along? Thanks for your help. S
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