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  1. Hi guys, thanks for all the good ideas. Our trips can be quite varied. For example, on Mondays and Fridays, I drive my wife to work, and often take him with me, and there are other, longer trips, some lasting a bit over three hours, where he usually sleeps (except for when he's having a ball, taking in the sights -- like the people in the car next to us at the lights). I dont think completely retraining him is an issue, as he is still for the most part, fine around cars. I will have to try Smoothiegirls suggestion, and try other cars. Hopefully by Friday I will have accomplished this (what, with working and all). I will let you know how it pans out, til then, I will keep him out of my car - just incase something is hurting him.
  2. Hi Jigsaw, He isn't crated or harnessed, but he is on his usual seat. He is 2 years old now, and has never before exhibited any problems around vehicles. I dont recall any unusual noises while in the car; sirens, trucks, horns etc... I had a thought today: I recently took the car to the mechanics for a tune up, and he has only behaved strangely since then. Perhaps there is something... wrong, or off about the car now that he doesn't like? Suspension? a high pitched noise I cant hear? But I find it hard to believe something like that would practically spook him...
  3. If you both work full time, and Henry pees on his bed while you are out, perhaps it is an anxiety problem? I have found with my pooch that he is fine while I am home, he isn't anxious, but until he learned that it's okay to be alone, he would pee all over the place, to make it smell "less scary". A couple of things you could try to console him, is to give him multiple favourite toys to play with while you're away, and a "cuddle toy". A lot of people recommend not letting pups have something of yours, but if you have an old piece of clothing he can cuddle when you're not there, it might help him calm down. (I have repeatedly found my dog, even after toilet training cuddled up with one of my shirts when I walk in the door. He just misses me) Don't fret too much about these accidents, in time, all dogs will settle down, and find their own "rhythm". Your job is to make sure he is comfortable until he does. Hope that's been of some help. Greg
  4. It's disgusting that they think they need allow animals to suffer in order to prove a point, if they ARE trying to get more power. Why must someone / something be made an example in order to prove a point? its sick...
  5. Hi all, My Pooch is usually quite good in cars, he loves ‘em! But lately, he’s been so nervous that sometimes, he actually poops in the car I can’t really explain it. He used to LOVE going for drives. It really made his day, but now, he gladly walks to the car, and hops in, but he is stiff as a board from there on… Has anyone else experienced unusual behaviour like this before? If so, how did you fix it? This is really starting to concern me, any information would be greatly appreciated.
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