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Everything posted by Burkes

  1. ARF already have an MOU in place with DAS in relation to temp testing so we've had some practice in it. But Michael has always been good about working rescue so though the arrangements may change I'm sure he won't all of a sudden shut the door.
  2. Rottweiler Rescue of WA have helped before. Last I saw though they were pretty chockers. Poster might help, we've already had a lot of interest in the DAS girl we are taking in.
  3. Eleni this was mentioned briefly at the meeting and Michael said that they would set aside pens for rescue and he wanted the temp testing to continue by ARF, as I said it was just in passing so from here on in maybe we all need to start thinking about what we as rescue in the ACT and others interstate might like to see happen and we can at least go into meetings prepared and with ideas. Maree CPR Good idea Maree. Even though its three years away it will fly by. Either way there will still be the same number of dogs coming through, if not more so there will be plenty of room for volunteers I"m sure.
  4. Will definately be interesting to see how it will all work. If we could get anything close to the fairly new RSPCA facility in Wacol, Qld we will be really lucky!
  5. Are you sure she doesn't want a Rottweiler? THere is a lovely one at DAS - she's dark too so the hair won't show :D Hehehehee
  6. OMG - the poor bugger! If they can't help let me know. May be able to help.
  7. Me three! I've used Ivan ever since I got my first dog. He is now doing rescue work for us as well :D Have used Sandra as well for a dog that was potentially being adopted to interstate flyballers so they wanted her checked by Sandra first.
  8. Hi Daisy.Tea, Our rescue group has used Heike Hahner near Braidwood and had good results. http://braidwoodnsw.com/heike/ (Sorry, link button won't work when I'm at work) We have also used Raelene Koerber though she has been hard to get hold of lately so not sure if she is still doing work in Canberra. http://www.raelenekoerber.com/raelenekoerber/ I've heard good things about Geraldine from Geraldines Training as well but haven't used her myself.
  9. Nawww, I can't believe it either. We would normally be able to say that some new photos would help. Ba bow - not in this case. I'll keep an eye out in the ACT for you.
  10. Perhaps the ribbon is for another party to identify the address. It is possible that the ribbon 'installer' is out and about scouting. Yes but why not just wander around scouting, note down the addresses that have the dogs you want and text those addresses through to the other party? Why hang around in the street suspiciously on two separate occasions if you don't need to? Especially if you're involved in dogfighting which has big repercussions. Have you ever watched 'The Wire' - possibly to avoid traceability? I still think the risk of actually being spotted, either placing the ribbon or looking for it, would be much greater. My curious neighbours would have that spotted in an instant. yeah, and would the stealer really be expected to drive randomly around streets hoping to spot a tiny ribbon thats been hidden whilst in the dark and trying to not look suspicious. I can hardly find a house number when I need to and I know what street I'm looking for. Imagine trying to find a hidden ribbon that could be anywhere in a suburb???
  11. Yaay, that's fantastic. Buy, swap and sell usually makes me sooooo mad.
  12. Potentially one of the best rescue threads ever If only there wasn't a really seriously messed up group behind it.
  13. Thanks Trifecta, I thought of that after I posted it :D I'm not too fazed anyway. Everyone I have spoken to hasn't heard of him.
  14. Presuming they live at the South Coast? We have Sam who is 9yrs old and located in Canberra. ARF Sam
  15. Oh that must have just been horrendous for you, and of course for the mum and pups. Such a hard job, I couldn't do it.
  16. Hi All, Always looking for more options for dog training in and around Canberra. Has anyone heard of or used Train Your Dog - Dog Training run by Scott Borland? Google tells me he is an ex-police dog handler and worked a Nordenstamm Malinois, but I'd more like to know what he is like as a trainer. If anyone has any info it would be appreciated. Dallas
  17. I've already let Frenzied know for temp testing and she can notify the pound in case the owners didn't. The pound will be so stressful for him:(
  18. Same Maree, I've been ringing this lady for months. She rings and wants to surrender so I ask for more info then she says oh its ok now. Then she rang again last week so I've been leaving messages since Sunday.
  19. We put on a TTouch workshop for our foster carers. It was fantastic! It was run by Raelene Koerber who is also a well known dog trainer. We learnt all sorts of stuff about TTouch and also how to use body wraps for anxious dogs and to teach them things like rear end awareness. Well worth it and something different for our carers.
  20. I'd go with a girl, opposites are usually the easiest to deal with. If you can, try and go and meet the dog before you offer to foster it to make sure that it is the right fit for you. It always helps to have an area you can separate as well just in case you have to go out before they are well integrated. When I started fostering and with my new home intros I always take the dogs to a neutral area and just go for a walk together, preferably one person on each lead. Once they are close together walking side by side comfortably I allow them to meet quickly and keep walking. Only once I feel comfortable with it will I take them home and off lead. I always try to keep the first day or two very low key and calm. Once they are home I introduce them to areas of the house and yard slowly and keep them on lead. We usually try to just settle and watch TV or something with not too much excitement. We don't play any type of stimulating games like fetch or tug but we will usually do a few basic sits and treats for looking when you say their name. If they have come straight from a pound, make sure you keep them home in quarantine for approx 2wks so as not to spread disease around the community. Use the two weeks to do basic training and teach house manners, or if they already have them move onto some basic tricks. Get to know the dog well and work out what sort of home it will need. Hopefully you will have a good foster care coordinator or mentor to help you along the way. Ask lots of questions and learn from other peoples mistakes, it will save you making your own - though they are bound to happen. Fostering is rewarding, but can be a really hard slog sometimes. Its not for everyone, but if it works for your situation you won't regret it.
  21. Yep, like Dogmad said there are always plenty of seniors to go around. I've found them fairly easy to rehome as we seem to get a lot of adopters looking for a dog that will fit easily into their home and doesn't need huge amounts of activity and training. My latest was a 10yr old Rotty who was blind in one eye and had a suspicious lump removed from her leg. She went within 3wks. I also had a 11yr old Lab X who went after two weeks. She didn't have many teeth left. I also take puppies who I find very rewarding, but the oldies are just so special.
  22. Its a good point that T has made. As one of groups doing testing on a regular basis we cop a lot of rubbish from volunteers and other rescue groups because we have written what was witnessed on the day and it ends up being different in care or 'well he wasn't like that when I was shovelling treats down his face in the yard'. We copped a spray on a rescue facebook page in the last month because we had noted that a dog had growled at handlers and had tried to bite a ranger. That was then changed to us labelling this poor sick dog as 'aggressive' and not wanting to save it. This was just not true, and just makes us wonder why we give up our time each week to get flogged by other groups. Fortunately most are pretty thankful. Time is another big one since most of the people involved are volunteers with full time jobs. And finding people that are actually interested in learning more and getting better rather than just going through the motions. There are some people who just seem to be there so they can 'gloat', for lack of a better term, and get into the drama and sympathy that comes with the role.
  23. Ohh, our foster carers love these. Will email you. And for the next series.....So Your Dog - Bolts out doors and gates :D
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