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Everything posted by Burkes

  1. I saw him about an hour ago on Lifestyle Food!! Awesome! The story is good too. I was a bit suspicious that he was an actor cos he wasn't covered in dog hair It wasn't till I read this that I realised it was Charch. Congratulations! We record most channels at work so if I see it come up while on night shift tonight I might be able to burn it to disc and send it to you. Can't promise though, with what happened with the Govt today it could be a busy night.
  2. The dogs would both need a handler with them and for specialist dog handlers you are looking at bigger bikkies than just a plain old security guard. You would also need to check with you health dept re having a dog in a supermarket full time. There may be some issues with that. It would probably be a whole lot easier to just hire a guard. Or, if you are really intent on having a dog, look for a company that will do K9 patrols. A trained protection dog will also need ongoing intensive training, something that you may not have time for when running a business. Your public liability insurance will also go up considerably. I would spend your money on a top of the range CCTV system and if you really think you need it, a good security company. Oh, and make friends with the local cops to encourage them to come past!
  3. Ahhhhhh SBT, I LOVE the family portrait! So cute!
  4. THanks Kirislin, I'm still trying to work out the best way to minimise them without them being so small. Any tips would be appreciated
  5. Ooohhhh, I went out today and bought a new Canon 550D with the twin lens kit. So excited. I currently have a darling foster dog called Ruby who is so beautiful but for some reason no one wants her......yet. I figure some new nice photos can't hurt so hence the camera. Don't worry, I have been thinking about one for a while. So here are a few photos that I took this afternoon. Have had no time to edit or do anything except stick it on auto, point and shoot so they are not fantastic but I am so happy with the clarity. Can't wait to have some days off work to really get into it. Oh, and can anyone tell me what the quickest way to resize the images is using the Canon software? Oh, and how to add images without them being in the small black box. Sorry 'L' plates!
  6. Oh, she is gorgeous! I think I want a greyhound as my next permanent dog. Nice photos by the way!
  7. My darling Rotty Sharon has just turned nine. She is full of arthritis and a bit slow but she certainly isn't ready to die yet. Her brain is still very active and she is still as stubborn as ever. In saying that, my GSD had a stroke and died at 8yrs old and my Rotty boy dropped dead of a heart attack at 6. All you can do is ensure they are happy and you enjoy time with them while they are here.
  8. Yaay, I finally got my super large sized Pig in Mud doggie door. Dusty the Lab and Ruby the Crossbreed foster got it straight away. We practiced about 4 times and then they were all over it. Poor Sharon the 9yr old Rotty just doesn't get it. She has worked out how to get outside but doesn't understand that she can come back the other way. Ahhhh, Sharon. Oh, and one of the cats can use it too but the other one hasn't worked it out either. Great investment though. The house is a lot warmer now I don't have to leave the door open in minus 3 degrees.
  9. Ahhhh, I did think that it would probably be big enough for a person. Though I figure if someone is going to go through my locked gates and through 3 super sized dogs to crawl through a dog door then they were probably going to break in anyway I just really want to be able to close the door at night (i'm too lazy to get up so leave it open) and shut the screen door in summer. Hmmm, I wonder the difference in price between them and the ones with the sensor on the collar that allows it to open?
  10. Awesome, I had also been looking at one of these. Unfortunately the super large size I need is not in stock
  11. My two Rottweilers were stolen from my backyard so I am padlocks all the way now. I have also built a separate gate at the back end of the driveway so they can't be seen from the street. The police said they were probably stolen for breeding or dog fighting, apparently they had had heaps of reports. Fortunately both dogs are desexed and soft as butter. A man rang me two days later after finding my number on the pound lost dogs website. They were about 20km away and had just been dumped on the side of the road. They were having a lovely time running around and didn't know what all the fuss was about. Padlocks!
  12. Bahahahaha, you made me cry tears of laughter. I still can't choose my favourite breed. I have had pure Rotties, a GSD and now have a gorgeous yellow lab. But through fostering I have had mastiffs, dobes and all kinds of x-breeds. As long as they are big, I love them!
  13. What about a rescue dog instead? Heaps cheaper and they are saving a life. There is this gorgeous little Cav in Perth at the moment. Pet Rescue
  14. Mantis, did your daughter find a Ridgy pup? ARF have this one listed if she can transport it from Canberra. Only 3 months old and looks very cute! www.fosterdogs.org.au
  15. Ahhhhhh, I also have a beautiful 9yr old Rottweiler called Sharon. Sharon came from the RSPCA after she didn't make the grade as a security dog. She is now the most precious old girl. She also thinks she is a mum and especially loves kittens. Sharon loves it when we get a new foster even though it makes her very tired. She spends most of her time on the couch or in the bed though she does love a slow wander round the block. She always likes to be clean and pretty and doesn't like it when the other dogs get all dirty and then jump on her. But she LOVES swimming! I am also lucky enough to have a gorgeous 4yr old Lab called Dusty. He came to me through rescue almost a year ago. He is a sweetheart. Dusty was locked in a cage on a farm with no human interaction so he has his special traits. When I go to bed at night Dusty will sit at the end of the bed and stare at me. His bed is out in the loungeroom and he must hear my breathing change when I wake up cos he is always there still staring at me. If I let him in the bed he has to have his face right next to mine. Dusty is very smart and knows how to get the lead when its walk time and he will also go and get my shoes. He also does this many other times during the day. Dusty also loves our cats and fosters and is gradually learning how to play. I love coming home to my furry family. They are so special
  16. I blame the yoghurt container! If my dogs are getting cranky over something, its always a yoghurt container.
  17. Yep, definately the best post ever! Are there DOL awards? WINNER!
  18. What an awesome pic! YOu could so put a thought bubble above her head with something like 'how did I get so lucky!'.
  19. Oooh, thats really nasty Goosey. Sorry to hear it. I don't have any direct experience with Parvo but if you go into the Dog Rescue forum there is a pinned thread on Quarantine areas for parvo. This gives some really good tips on ensuring you do not contaminate other areas, dogs etc. There are also a lot of stories in there about peoples experiences with parvo. Good luck.
  20. As a foster carer I certainly wouldn't have any problem with your mums age or circumstances. It sounds like a lovely home. Anyway, isn't 60 the new 40!!! I think it is also more about the dog than the breed. Reputable rescue organisations will help your mum choose the right dog for her lifestyle. I have my own Lab and Rotty who spend more time on the couch than they do anywhere else, but I have had others who would be way too active and strong. Just make sure you ask the carer lots of questions and hopefully they will have a trial period. If she is used to having big boofers but wants something low impact I would go with a greyhound too.
  21. Oh, that is just gorgeous. I am nearly at the point of needing one also. My old girl can make it to the end of the road but thats about it. Sometimes it is all too much and she just has to stop and won't get up again. Not sure whether they make prams big enough for Rottweilers though
  22. How disgusting. Ahhhh, people make me so angry! This also serves as a reminder for people to dob in neighbours who abuse their animals. RIP darling Rotty. I wish I was your family and could have helped you.
  23. Oh, mine keep changing too. The good thing about fostering is you get to try out different breeds. Generally not pure but it gives you some idea. My list would be: Rottweiler (have one now) German Shepherd (used to have one) Greyhound (think this might be my next 'permanent' dog) Wolfhound (have fostered a X) Bullmastiff (have fostered all sorts of X's) Doberman (have fostered) Weimeraner Thats all for now
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