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Everything posted by julzjc

  1. Sorry Kirty I havent looked through all the past posts. Where can I get A/D from? Im going back to the vet later on to pick up the nutrigel to try with him.
  2. Ive tried borrowing friends dogs for 5/6hrs but its had no effect on getting him to eat, prob because he wont eat whilst playing and when they leave, well, he just retreats back to his bed again. He has a FANTASTIC time though, just seeing him play instead of plodding about and sleeping 24/7, cant discribe how much it lightens up our whole household. We are going to have a talk tonight and see what we are going to do in regards to getting another dog. 100% I will syringe feed him if I need to but Indie was a rescue pup and had major fear issues when we got him at 5mths old. He's great with everything else now but he still wets himself in fear when you try to put a collar or lead on him. Having to hold his head to syringe feed him is going to cause him major stress and prob cause his collar/lead issues to worsen so Im desperate to ty getting him eating on his own. Breaking my heart knowing how shocked the vets were at his condition when there is nothing physically wrong with him. I know Sibes are ment to be stubborn at times but come on Indie boy! ps Juice~ Ive even put Bonnnie's Chillydog coat on Indie the past two nights because he has actually been getting cold. Indie says thankyou!
  3. Ok don't know how to edit yet..... *tempt him to eat *advised against anti depressents
  4. Wow, new DOL is a fair bit different isn't it. Sorry, haven't read through any posts since I was last online. All bloods, glucose, radiology tests done. They were convinced he had an underlying problem and said he really can't afford to loose any more weight! He SLEPT the entire to time we were there, even in consult, unless being physically examined his eyes were closed... Just wasn't interested in anyone or any animals. Results are in..... Broken heart... Absolutely nothing wrong with him, just grieving. They said they have never seen a such a case of grief. Giving him untill Friday to temp him to eat and then will look into syringe feeding, unless he gets worse before then. At this time we have been advised anti depressants untill we exhaust everything else first. Have to try temp him with any high energy food and told to feed him "working dog" food but I highly doubt he will eat it. He ate 1/4 BBQ breast on thur morning... ZILCH since then! Please send all your hunger vibes our way guys! Thankyou so much for all the advice, help and good wishes! We WILL get him better, I NOT loosing both my dogs!
  5. F* it! Went to inspect one I had seen earlier (ironically on top of Bonnie's grave). Soft/gooey-ish in parts, realy dark-almost black on the outside , Ive been keeping an eye on his toileting but thats the consistincy I would expect since he is eating so little......squished it with a rock, bright orange on the inside. Ill ask about EPI too when I go. Far out. But they were fine untill Bonnie past away. Raw diet mixed with Royal Canin kibble so very firm and turning chalky within a day or so. Ill take a sample with me.
  6. I know Im going to a good vet but any ideas on what tests I should ask about in particular?
  7. I'm sure they will but make sure the new vet considers looking for intestinal and stomach disorders. It sounds to me like there's more to this than depression. I hope I'm wrong. Praying you are too, but my gut feeling isnt good either. Bah, now Im crying.....anyways, no point stressing till I see the vet.
  8. As for rabbit, Ill try find some, no idea where but I'll try source it. Not convinced he will eat it though. He has been offered it a long time ago and wouldnt have anything to do with it. Same with liver, wont have anything to do with raw liver or any liver treat/taste. I had to go tend to a field mouse on Sunday night that he had caught. Just kept taking it to his mat, letting it go, taking it to his mat, letting it go etc. It was wet with slobber, but went on to live up the other end of the garden. So much for the Sibe prey drive!
  9. Bloody hell, just got my hopes up because I heard his steel food bowl moving!!! Fricken birds are eating it as he just lays there watching them
  10. That's my next stop tomorrow avo. I took him to my old vet before as they were the only ones open after 5pm. I know there is a good vet around here somewhere, Canley Vale I think but no idea which one. I'll try googling later on. Vet check again tomorrow and I'll grab the nutrigel whilst I'm there. Just don't know what else to do with him? Canley heights Vet Clinic is the other practice owned by Austral Vet Clinic that so many of us (breeders) use. If possible try to see Jim, Terry or Bill. They are all very experienced vets. Definitely use nutrigel and just wipe a finger full at a time onto the roof of his mouth if he won't lick it himself. I have also used Di-Vetelact made up thick like cream to keep a dog going when it wouldn't eat, but would drink. Food wise the one thing I have found, even the most reluctant eater cannot resist, is cooked, boned rabbit. At this point it would be worth a try. Other than the suggestions already made, anti-depressants are likely to be needed or as a last resort try to borrow another dog for at least a few weeks. Thankyou dancinbcs, thats the one I have been trying to rack my brain for. I'll give them a call soon once I finalise getting someone to watch the kids this avo/night. I was ment to go see another vet this morning but my friend that was ment to take the kids had to cancel. No way can I take him with a 1yr,2yr,3yr and 5yr in tow. No luck with the Rescue remedy guys. He did a zoomie this morning and chased lizards for 10minutes but when I put down a bowl of fresh mince, he just licked it, MAYBE got a teaspoon of it into him then he just went back to bed. Ill try the chicken soup idea later on as he is drinking fin I had a good feel of his rear end last night and got pretty upset, felt like I wanted to be sick. Had a cry earlier when I stupidly googled "emaciated dog" so I could show you what he feels like under his fur....gutted isnt the word! He's not that far off a few of the photos, a tad more covering on his ribs but butt bone/spine/legs wise he is very similar. Reality check just hit me like a brick wall! Just waiting for my OH to call me back so I can gets the kids sorted out and then call up Canley Heights Vet. Which ones better, Canley or Austral? I can get to both, Im near Liverpool. Ive made a list of all your suggestions so I can run through it with the vet. Spoken with my OH, if he doesnt start eating soon, we will foster another dog for a few weeks and see if it helps him (then look for another family member in that time if it does, dont want to go through this again when the foster leaves). Idealy we would like to wait a while longer, we have barely had time to grieve for Bonnie with our concern being focused on Indie. But at the end of the day I will do anything to get Indie better. Dogs, who would have them! Ill post back after Ive seen the vet... WARNING MAY UPSET ~ EMACIATED DOG IMAGE I found a photo that VERY closely resembles what Indie looks like under his fur except he has a little more covering on his ribs. That is EXACTLY what his butt bones, legs and chest are like but his spine and hip bones are worse. Im desperate to go to the vet again now. http://maiapelleg.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/img_0179.jpg Come on Indie, just eat already!
  11. That's my next stop tomorrow avo. I took him to my old vet before as they were the only ones open after 5pm. I know there is a good vet around here somewhere, Canley Vale I think but no idea which one. I'll try googling later on. I went to the late night chemist and have given him rescue remedy. How long should it take to affect his appetite do you think? Got him to eat 1slice of ham and one pasta shell, that's it since Sunday. It's only been the past few days that we have left his bowl down. Otherwise he's closed on the verandah, exact same routine he had when Bonnie was with us and we watch him through the window. Praise him with a pat and "good boy" if we hand feed him but not fussing. With the satin balls, any suggestions on getting him to eat them? I can't even make him eat raw steak or chicken, what dog turns it's nose up at that?! Lamb necks, bones and any chicken part used to be he absolute favourite food. Vet check again tomorrow and I'll grab the nutrigel whilst I'm there. Just don't know what else to do with him?
  12. Where can I get rescue remedy from? Have a feeling someone said the chemist before or am I making that up?
  13. Sorry everyone, I was in a rush to go pick up the kids from school. Ill go edit my post a bit. He was at the vet in the first week that Bonnie past away, maybe 3 or 4days afterwards? As he hadnt eaten a single mouthfull and was so stressed. It must have been the Thursday as it was the day before good Friday (which was a VERY bad day for Indie (tried throwing himself through a closed window to get to me but thats settled down a bit now). Blood works came back fine. Vet just said not to spoil him/encouage his anxiety, offer him different things, and try exercising him (ie he is a Sibe and without Bonnie to tire him out perhaps he was just self regulating his food intake, not burning fat so not wanting to eat). Dont worry, after what the walk yesterday did to him, which I fell utterly awfull about, I am not taken him letting him exercise atall untill he starts putting weight on. Ive tried bbq chicken, resulted in him eating a tiny sliver of it and me having to sweep up the rest. Tried feeding him when we are out and about, wont even look at it. Tried making him work for it with basic commands etc, takes it in his mouth and drops it on the floor. Ive stolen the neighbours cav x for a play date and a friends jack russel puppy....Indie had the best time BUT still wouldnt eat, when they were there or after they had left. Both dogs ended up eating his food instead, he just went to his bed to sleep. Tranquil Paste, Nutripet, Rescue Remedy Ill go look into all of them! I live up the street a racecourse/riding school etc so Ill drop by the fodder store in the morning (will they have it in there?). I would try anything right now. Ive had a dog on either seditive pills or anti depressents before back in Scotland and hated the effect they had on him so would rather avoid them but Ill deffinatly try them if non of the above work. Honestly, how bad does he look in those photos? Im used so seeing him 24/7 so not sure how shocking or okish he actually looks to everyone else. Cuddling him right now is awfull, almost makes your skin crawl feeling his bones sticking out. I wont let anyone outside family touch him just now, lest I have the rspca knocking on my door.
  14. Hey guys. I (and the whole family) are getting really concerned about Indies weight loss since Bonnie past away two weeks ago. Sorry about the novel..... He has always been a skinny boy but even then he had muscle covering his bones. He has "only" lost 1 1/2kg in the past two weeks but for a 19kg dog thats already skinny, its extremly noticable. Just going to get straight to the point. I know older dogs can die from heartbreak, but can a young, healthy 20mth old? Keep being told "dont wory, he will eat when hes hungry"...well, no, hes not. I want to know how serious the risk is that he could make himself ill? We have tried to feed him EVERYTHING under the sun. His bowl has never been left down for more than 15-20min in the past, so he knows it is a case of "eat it now or never", but the past few days we have left it out in desperation that he will eat eventually. We have tried chicken raw/cooked, chicken carasses/leg/neck, steak r/c, sausages r/c, tuna , eggs r/c, kibble, cat food, dog rolls, toast, peanut butter, sardines, every bone you can imagine, lamb necks, pasta, rice, beef gravey, vitabrixs, ham, every cooked meal we have eaten....he wont have any of it. Hes survived past 2 weeks on 1 rib bone, 3 small chickens legs and one bite of a lamb neck. Friday we discovered he loved sliced ham..managed to get him to eat 2slices of it each day...untill yesterday. He has been at the dog park every second or third day for 3hrs at a time, taken him to the beach twice for half day excurisons (wed and sunday which resulted in nothing to eat wed and 2slices of ham Sunday), trying to make him hungry by excerising him just to see if he just choosing not to eat because hes not burning fat with exercising (self regulation). Thought Id give it another shot yesterday morning and took him for an 1 1/2 gentle-ish walk. WORST thing I could have done..he flat out refused to eat anything yesterday, even trying to hand feed him ham didnt work or a bowl of tuna,pasta and raw meat. He has beome so lethargic since the walk yesterday, just huddled up in a tight ball in his bed or on the grass. Wouldnt even get up to greet us, even with the kids making lots of noise yesterday/today he barley opens his eyes. Its hard to see from these photos how skinny he is beacuse of his fur but they are the best I could get. Ive had a couple people go to pat him and then almost wrech at the sensation of his hips and spine jutting out. Under his "fluffy pants", his butt bones are sticking out so sharply, as is his sterum (I can easily put my fingers under his ribcage). I was cuddling him this morning and he is now starting to loose weight from his skull and neck (very noticable difference for me touching him but impossible to see beacuse of his coat). His coat is also starting to look moth-eaten and his teeth are yellowing from not chewing on anything. Im really getting worried about him. Can he possibly starve himself? Ive heard it said that a dog will never let itself starve but Im really starting to question that, especially now he is becomming so lethargic. The photos really dont show how boney he really is (lost more weight since these were taken last week) but you should have seen him after he had a swim on Sunday , it was heartbreaking. Any advise greatly appricated guys. Am I worrying over nothing? Will he eat or can he make himself ill? Is there anything else I can try to make him eat? We really dont want to rush finding another dog just yet but do you honestly think its the only thing to help him? Hes ment to be a young vibrant, energetic Sibe...he's acting more like an old boy on his last legs. He is happy when hes out and about but suffering exhaustion when he gets home. Ive even been putting him away when other kids visit as he is getting uncomforable with kids cuddling, leaning on his back end where he has lost so much muscle. Taken the middle of last week, you can see all along his spine, his hip bones jutting out and he has lost alot of muscle from his hind and front legs. Can see his individual ribs and hip bones. Better photo of his hip bones ETA~ Sorry everyone, I was in a rush to go pick up the kids from school. A bit more info... He was at the vet in the first week that Bonnie past away, maybe 3 or 4days afterwards? As he hadnt eaten a single mouthfull and was so stressed. It must have been the Thursday as it was the day before good Friday (which was a VERY bad day for Indie (tried throwing himself through a closed window to get to me but thats settled down a bit now). Blood works came back fine. Vet just said not to spoil him/encouage his anxiety, offer him different things, and try exercising him (ie he is a Sibe and without Bonnie to tire him out perhaps he was just self regulating his food intake, not burning fat so not wanting to eat). Dont worry, after what the walk yesterday did to him, which I fell utterly awfull about, I am not taken him letting him exercise atall untill he starts putting weight on. Ive tried bbq chicken, resulted in him eating a tiny sliver of it and me having to sweep up the rest. Tried feeding him when we are out and about, wont even look at it. Tried making him work for it with basic commands etc, takes it in his mouth and drops it on the floor. Ive stolen the neighbours cav x for a play date and a friends jack russel puppy....Indie had the best time BUT still wouldnt eat, when they were there or after they had left. Both dogs ended up eating his food instead, he just went to his bed to sleep.
  15. Oh Pers, my heart is just breaking for you. My deepest condolences are with you at this hard time lass, youve had such a rough trot recently. Keep you chin up, we are all thinking of you Pers. You know Tiy will be getting spoiled over Rainbow bridge by your mum, I can just picture your mum smiling down on you from her chair whilst Tiy sits at her side for an ear scratch. Big hugs lass . Rest Easy over the Rainbow Bridge Tiy, you beautiful old girl
  16. Dang. I can't come anymore, last minute birthday invite. I'll be checking in for the next one though
  17. Aww, thankyou Pers, they certainly dont take after my Scottish blood do they?! That was my Favourite photo. Manasa used to love sleeping with her, sucking his thumb and rubbing her ears like a blankie. He has asked for her a few times but he is starting to understand now. I read through everyones messages again last night, and cried, alot! I couldnt sleep untill 3am thinking about her. All your condolences have really touched my heart, Thankyou! Indie is going from bad to worse but we will get him through it. He is good when he is at my side but apart from that, he's just not coping atall. We have a few things to try to help him but in the meantime Im going to have to be with him 24/7. Poor boy is just breaking my heart all over again. Thankyou again everyone, it has ment so much, Julzx
  18. I am so sorry for your tragic loss. My heart is breaking for you all, especially your children. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Rest easy over the rainbow bridge Jazz and Odie
  19. I should manage to make it. Will take me about an hour to get there but really need to get Indie out to socialise with other dogs just now.
  20. Thankyou everyone for all your thoughts, they have ment alot to us. My OH had a look through last night and could barely hold back the tears. He couldnt believe that so many kind hearted people, that never even knew Bonnie, would post their condolences for her, thankyou! I just wanted to share some of my favourite photos of my beautiful girl. We are going to put an album together for her and get the kids to tell us their favourite memories, so they can look back through it whenever they want to. Its funny how its the odd little things that make you teary. I went to water her tree last night, it wasnt the fact that I was hosing "Bonnies Tree" that made me cry but that I was able to use the hose without a water cazy Staffy attacking the water, then targeting the nozzle (head butting more like lol) with her nose to make me spray it again. Daft dog, but we loved her. Heres some more piccys..
  21. MACCASSTAFFS INTENSITY "Bonnie" 04/06/09~18/04/11 My sweet beautiful girl is gone. She was given her wings yesterday, cradled in my arms as she went over the Rainbow Bridge. We were too late to save her from the dreaded Bloat. Our kids have been so amazing, they kissed and cuddled her when I took her home. They just smiled and reminisced about the fun times they had with her. My 5yr old found her collar that I had taken off. She cuddled up on the sofa with it, talking to Bonnie, shedding tears and smiling at the same time; it broke my heart. They chose where to bury her, up in her favourite corner and we each laid one of her tug toys in with her (there were alot ). We planted a Loquat fruit tree with her so it will forever be known as "Bonnie's Tree". It looks beautiful, just like Bonnie. Indie is taking hard, he is either laying under her tree or hiding in my room. It is just so quiet, its feels like there are no dogs atall anymore. We just feel so empty and lost right now. The silence is deafening. Not hearing her nails click-clack along the floorboards, being bruised by her tail, being given presents every time we come in the door(shoes from the shoe box). Even making dinner last night, there were no pleading eyes watching me. We are just crushed, she was just a pup! Rest Easy over the Rainbow bridge my sweet girl, you will never be forgotten! WHEN TOMORROW STARTS WITHOUT ME Author Unknown When tomorrow starts without me, And I'm not there to see; The sun will rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me. I wish so much you wouldn't cry The way you did today, Remembering how I'd lay my head In your lap that special way. I know how much you love me, As much as I love you, And each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too. But when tomorrow starts without me. Please try to understand, That an angel came and called my name And petted me with her hand. She said my place was ready, In Heaven far above, And that I'd have to leave behind All those I dearly love. But, as I turned to heel away, A tear fell from my eye, For all my life I never thought That I would have to die. I had so much to live for, So many sits and downs to do, It seemed almost impossible, That I was leaving you. I thought about our lives together, I know you must be sad, I thought of all the love we shared, And all the fun we had. Remember how I'd nudge your hand, And poke you with my nose? The frisbee I would gladly chase, The bad guy, I'd "bark and hold". If I could relive yesterday, Just even for awhile, I'd wag my tail and kiss you, Just so I could see you smile. But, then I fully realized, That this could never be; For emptiness and memories Will take the place of me. And when I thought of treats and toys, I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you and when I did, My dog-heart filled with sorrow. But then I walked through Heaven's gate, And felt so much at home; As God looked down and smiled at me, From His beautiful golden throne. He said, "This is eternity, And now we welcome you, Today your life on earth is past, But here it starts anew". I promise no tomorrow, But today will always last; For you see, each days's the same day, There's no longing for the past. So when tomorrow starts without me, Don't think we're far apart. For every time you think of me, I'm right there, in your heart.
  22. I would deffinatly be there with Indie. Im out near Liverpool, I can travel but just depends on times/dates for working around the family.
  23. So sorry for your loss Kirty. Rest easy over the rainbow bridge sweet girl. Sweet dreams Phoebe.
  24. Dogs can find ways to get at rat bait, even if you think they can't get to it, they will! Believe me, I almost lost both my dogs to rat bait last year after they got into the garage and got it down from a 5Ft-6Ft high shelf! It was touch and go for a few weeks with my Amstaff. PLEASE DON'T USE BAIT
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