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Everything posted by Flash30Aus

  1. Hi Guys, We don't tow anymore, the horses are on agistment so we ride on the agistment property and thats pretty much it. We sold our float a few years back. By the time we get our own land they will probably be retired!!! So, towing is not really the big consideration. When we finally replace the Corolla we will probably end up with a bigger 4WD again for the husband, which will help with towing in the future. Is the Territory a 4WD? I haven't looked into that one... Thanks, Christie
  2. Yes, probably a nice idea to share abit more about what I'm after... LOL I basically need a 4x4 (we have horses), and it needs to be comfortable in the back seat for my daughter (5yrs old). I'm looking at cars around the $35K mark for a brand newie. Things on the short list were the Nissan Dualis *drool* (but not alot of space in the back for dogs, a Rav4, Nissan X-Trail, and Mitsubishi Triton ($$) or Outlander. A commercial van wouldn't suit as it needs to be a family car/4x4. We also have a Toyota Corolla which is also old But we plan on keeping that as its a great car. Just not good for 2 big doggies Thanks, Christie
  3. Hi Folks, We're thinking about potentially upgrading our old Nissan Patrol with a new car. I was hoping to get something smaller, but still need space for the 2 dogs. I'm thinking 2 doggie crates in the back are pretty big - so what does everyone else have? Any ideas or reviews would be muchly appreciated. Thanks, Christie
  4. Thanks Piper... tough love it is. Well, kind of. I saw the vet, she is happy with him, vaccinated and wormed again so all good. She told me to continue mixing in the euk, increasing each time,with the mince/rice concoction as she said another radical change might throw him out. So I'll keep doing that. She did give me some sensible suggestions for the bone situation and said to give him another few weeks and try him on some super fresh chicken necks or something similar. For big bones not to let him finish it, just to let him have a chew till all the meat is off and throw it out. Otherwise I'm gonna take out shares in pigs ears Thanks all, Christie
  5. Hi All, Thanks again for the advise. I thought the no raw feeding message was a little odd for a dog like Dash. I can understand being cautious - but will speak with my vet about it today as well, and definitely supervise if he gives the go-ahead. Piper - sorry if I wasn't clear, but he only had a runny bum for about 3 days, and has been doing nice solid poos since then. I just can't convince him the kibble is as nice as the chicken, and being a baby I need him to eat. Jules - I've no idea how he ended up there, but his sister was there too. She was a pretty thing with more white than Dash and abit smaller. I'm sure she would have found a nice home. Christie Lucy & Dash
  6. Hi Guys, Thanks for the reply. I got him from the RSPCA and the vet there recommended the Eukanuba. I've no idea what he would have eaten before. The vet I saw was concerned about /bacteria in the bones I think. Also about small sections breaking off and causing obstruction. Told me a nice horror story of surgery on a puppy... hence I haven't fed anything bone like. I'm seeing my normal vet tomorrow, so I'll ask him then. Having said that he is a robust little pup with VERY sharp teeth who could do with an outlet. Lucy our old girl gets chicken wings/necks or lamb/beef bones every couple of days, and I figured if I made sure they were extra fresh I could probably try him on one about his size. 2nd vaccination tomorrow, its a little milestone Thanks, Christie Lucy & Dash
  7. Hi Folks, My new pup Dash has been on a diet of boiled chicken mince and rice for the last 2 weeks due to a runny butt when arriving. He has been producing healthy stools just fine after a couple of days, and the vet cleared him of any issues. He LOVES the cooked chicken and rice, but I'm worried he isn't getting all the right nutrients. We have Euk puppy kibble which he eats if I wet it down with boiling water, but turns his nose up if I feed it dry. I'm starting to add the Euk to his cooked mince/rice concoction, which he eats :D I'm worried that it might be a little rich for his system if I feed it straight again? Could it have caused the problem? He is growing well, and in the last 2 weeks has gone from 3.5kgs to 5kgs. He is solid and healthy and active. I've also reduced the rice in the mix from 1 cup to 1/2 cup to 500 grams mince. If he can scavange some of our old BC girls supercoat breakfast he will! I do feed them seperately and I don't know if its the thrill of the "find" or the actual taste he loves. So I'm wondering, what do people recommend for working dog breeds? I'm anticipating he's going to grow to be a big boy, he has large paws, but I don't want to do the wrong thing. Any recommendations would be great. I'm also after the verdict on raw bones. My vet said I can't feed him any bones until he's at least 6 months. That seems a long time? He loves his chew toys and being a BC any distractions are a blessing! So I'm interested to know what other people do? Thanks in advance, Christie Lucy & Dash PS: For the puppy lovers, here is the latest piccy of Dash
  8. Hi There, I can only go by my experience, but if your dog is also drinking alot of water, get her checked for diabetes. Diabetes can linger for a long time before a stressful situation can bring it out with full force. Symptoms are increased water intack, lethargy, lack of appetite (sometimes the other as well) and weight loss. Its a simple blood test thats worth it, for peace of mind, if it hasn't already been done. Good luck! Christie PS: I wouldn't starve my dogs if this was me, ignoring a symptom of any kind has always bitten me in the bum!
  9. Hey Jules Your puppy must have been too smart to try the escape artist routine!!! I did have visions of my would-be houdini falling off the top of a flimsy metal panel onto the hard wood floor though! Ouch. I think I might give the bunnings panels a go, if they don't work out I reckon they would be useful anyway, and I can always get the extra panels for the roof anyway. The loungeroom might never look the same. Its been such a long time since we had a baby in the house... but its kinda nice Christie Lucy & Dash
  10. Lucky you replied Dancin, I was just about to send my husband to Bunnings! He hasn't learnt to climb as yet, but I can imagine it wouldn't take him long. He's as smart and agile as anything. Typical BC I'll research some more pen options. Thanks! Christie Lucy and Dash
  11. Hey Sheena, Thanks for the tips - I'll go and have a look at Bunnings! And just for you, here is Dash Christie
  12. Hi Folks, We've been looking for a second dog for a few months and finally decided to adopt a beautiful border collie puppy on the weekend. He is settling in nicely and I'm currently crate training him. What I'd like to know, is what do people use as good treats for pups? I don't want to upset his tummy, as I use liver treats for my old BC, not sure they would be good for him? I'm thinking little bits of cooked chicken might be good? Secondly, I'd like to give him more space when we're not around, than what he has in his crate. What do people use as puppy enclosures? I can block off the laundry, but I'd rather he was in the middle of the house, not in the cold dark laundry. A toddler play pen? Any ideas would be great, thanks, Christie
  13. When my aged BC developed diabetes the vet recommended putting psyllium husks into the feed to increase the time it takes to digest the food. More fibre in the diet means the energy is released over a longer period. This allows for a feeling of fullness for longer and stops them getting hungry. I also second the suggestion of feeding a more natural diet of lean meaty bones (at least a few meals per week) which will mean the dog is working harder for the meal, but feeling full due to more chewing. Hope it helps, Christie
  14. Thanks Guys, I have attacked from all angles and the only thing that seemed to bring instant relief was a malaseb wash. I hope it will keep working until I can wash her again next weekend! I can't even go a cortisone jab as she is diabetic and the vet told me in reacts badly. Having said that she is a happier girl since the wash, and I've kept up the antihistamines and fish oil and evening primrose. My husband is sneezing like a banshee at the moment as well, so there is a fight for the clarityne each morning! Thanks again, Christie & Lucy
  15. Thanks Guys, I used to feed her Fish Oil capsules but stopped when we had the cartrophen injections. I'll pick that up again tomorrow for her. Thanks for the shampoo recommendations. I wouldn't be surprised if the bugs are making a pest of themselves. My horse has a case of the itchy's at the moment too, and my hubby has hay fever! LOL Sandra - how much ACV would you put in? She has a 4 litre container - so a table spoon maybe? Also what does it do? I've fed it to my horses also, and its a good all round pick me up for them. Thanks for your help! Christie and Lucy
  16. Hi All, My Border Collie Lucy has been shedding for the last few weeks and appears very itchy. A little history - I found her on the side of a road, no microchip, and no one came forward to claim her with signs and ads around the place. She had terrible flea allergy dermatitis, worn teeth from chronic chewing of her skin, and as it turns out now, diabetes She is at least 10 according to the vet, and they think possibly up to 15 yrs. She is in good condition at the moment, no bare patches on her coat any longer, and being treated with insulin jabs. But she rolls around on the grass groaning and scratching. Some interesting areas of scratching are her muzzle, she has a small raw patch I noticed today and she has always been abit of a paw licker/chewer, as well as her hips. I'm wondering if she has an allergy to something I'm feeding, or is it just "normal" shedding behaviour for her? I give her an antihistermine if I notice its bad, and she is bathed every few weeks. She is always treated for fleas religiously. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Christie PS: I'm also after a good dog shampoo recommendation for itchy dogs, if possible?
  17. Hi Nadz, I'd leave it while your using the drops. Otherwise you'll be cleaning out all the good stuff as well. Hope it helps! Christie
  18. Also check for diabetes - young dogs can be genetically predisposed I've discovered. Its a simple blood test. Good Luck, Christie
  19. Hi K9A, My old girl has just been diagnosed with diabetes and as I googled the symptoms the other night some seizure activity is common. Along with the opaque eyes and lethargy. Its a fine line between what you expect with old age also, but it might be worth a thought. All the best, Christie
  20. Well, after an extended health check on my old girl, Lucy, the verdict is she has diabetes. Its a daunting idea, having to give her injections twice a day, I hope she takes them well. We're heading back to the vets tomorrow to get her blood sugar levels monitored during the day. I think I need a support group :-), so does anyone have any experience with dealing with this? I guess I'm after some ideas of what to look out for, signs of a hypo reaction and the best types of feeding regime to try. My vet is very good, but I am abit of a researcher myself, so any help would be greatfully accepted. Thanks in advance, Christie
  21. Hi Folks, I'm looking for Royal Canin Medium Mature dog food. I currently feed my old girl RC Medium Sensible, but would much prefer to feed the mature version. I can't find it anyway! I live in Western Sydney, near Quakers Hill, so anywhere around this area would be great. Thanks in advance, Christie
  22. Thanks everyone for your replies! Jules thanks for letting me know I'm not alone! 15 is very old for a Border isn't it? Does your doggie still run around abit? Lucy does, although she is alot slower than young dogs, she still has really good days where she will run after the ball continuously. But the last few days has seen her not quite right, and the tripping over happened 3 times this morning, but not in front of me at all this afternoon. She's going to the vet tomorrow for the ear thingie check up so will ask them to check her over again. Thanks again Christie
  23. Hi Folks, I have had Lucy (Border Collie) for about 5 weeks now, she was a stray, no microchip and no owner, found on the side of a road after being there for hours. We think she was dumped. She's had numerous health ailments which we are slowly working through, but the vet estimates her age to be at least 10 years old, and as high as possibly 15. She has had terrible flea allergy for a long time, her skin around her tail is bare and leathery, her teeth worn down, she has a fatty cell tumor on her side, is mostly deaf, and had a terrible ear infection we're on the last leg of antibiotics for. She is also a little blind. All of these things are either getting better, or not really impacting her happy and sweet disposition. The one that is really concerning me is that she trips over her front right foot. She will be trotting along fine when all of a sudden its as if her foot doesn't work and she lands flat on her face ;) I mentioned it to my vet who suggested it might be nerve related, but didn't have anything helpful to really add. She has a black tumor on that foot which the vet has taken a sample of and said is benign. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of issue? Is she just getting old, could she have nerve damage and will it get worse? Any ideas would be great - thank you, Christie
  24. Can I hijack the thread and ask how you go about retraining a dog to not want to kill the cats? I have an aged rescue I've had 4 weeks now who likes to bark at my puddy cats. She is placid and beautiful in all other ways, but I need to teach an old dog not to bark at members of the family! Any ideas or suggestions? Sorry Christie
  25. The best news ever! I hope we get lots of photos of him looking fat and happy soon :-) Christie
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