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  1. Hello! I've browsed through a few replies here but thought I'd make a thread as well to get a good idea. At the end of the year I am away for 3 weeks and have to board my very lovable 12 month old border collie. He was originally going to stay with my parents up the Sunshine Coast but unfortunately this week their 13 year old border collie received some not so good news from the vet so I feel it's best if we don't put him there as he'll stress her out way too much I am after all your recommendations (and where not tos as well) on boarding kennels in the Brisbane area. I am willing to drive up or down the coast if the place is exceptional. Busta is very loving and very active (loooves other dogs) so would need somewhere that does lots of play time and looottsss of cuddles. It will be his first time at a kennel so was even thinking of sticking him there for a night or two before we go. Thanks in advance! Kate
  2. My 6 month old border collie is terrible. He bounds up to anything and everything at the park and after about 3 seconds of play time he decides to jump on and have a hump He has a thing for small fluffy dogs as well so if he sees one it's a straight beeline for it's backside and he will not leave the dog alone unless I lead him. At present I am enquiring with some trainers to do some off leash work but in the interim I just keep him on the lead at all times now! It's extremely frustrating and embarrassing and while 90% of the people I've encountered have been good (I guess cause he is a cute puppy they think it's funny!) there have been the odd occasions of foul looks and shaken heads. Fairly so though, he is fricken terrible and I swear I've almost thrown him in the river 100 times! I don't mind dogs bounding up to me when I am at the park but then again it's a personal preference, some people only get a small window of opportunity to walk their dogs every day and I completely understand you don't want to be hindered with a humping disobedient border collie!
  3. There is a "Buster" on here but we spell our boy's name "Busta" so have added as an extra! Agro Ali Andrew Andy Angus x 3 Angus Rip Anzac Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie +1 Archer Arkhan Armand Arq Ash Ashke Attila Atlas Axl Bael Bailey x 6 Balki Baloo Balou Bandit x 3 Banjo Bardigrub Barney Bart X 2 Barton Basil Baxter Bean Bear x3 Beau x 2 Bender Ben x 2 Benji x 2 Benny Benson BERT! Billy Bing Blue Bluey Bob Bomber Bond Bongo Lloyd Boo Boof Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Brownie Bruce Brue Bud Buddy Buffy... he came with it Bumble Bundyx3 Busta Buster byron Caleb Cannon Caramel Carl Casey Cash Casper Champ Changwe Charlie x 5 Chester Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Chubba Chops Clancy Clifford Coco Columbus Connor Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Crikey Cruise Cuba Damien Damit Daniel x 2 Dancer Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Denim Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger x2 Dillon Dinky Douglas Dominic Dozer Dude Dumas Duncan Dylan Ebon Echo x2 Eddie Edward Elijah Elliott Elmo Elvis Edge Enuff Ernie Esky Fang Fergus x 2 Finn Fox x 2 FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Fly Flynn Focus Forester Foo Frank Fudge Galahad Gandor Geo Georgex2 Gordon Gossy Grease Lightning Greedy Griffin Grover Guiness mcGuinness Hail Hamish Harley x 2 Harper Harri Harrison Harry Hector Henry Henschke Herbie RIP Hey Dog Hogan Hudson Hugo Ian Ivan Jabi Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James x 2 Jarrah Jay Jay cee JayDee Jed Jethro Jet x 2 Jett Jonsey Jonty Joop Jordan Joshua Joxer Judd Juggie Kahn Kai Kaiser x 2 Kane Kasper Kaos Khan Kiba Kei Kingston Kippy Kirk Kisho Koshi Kuga Kynan Kyzer Leo x3 Lincoln Link Lenny Lexcen Leroy x 2 Lestat x2 Logan Louie Luca Lucca Lucius Ludwig Lughie Luigi RIP Lukas Lukon Luther x 2 Mac X 2 MacKenzie Mandrake Mark (the cat) Mars Mason x2 Maverick Mawson Max x 7 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Maze Mel Merlot Merlin x3 Merry Mickey Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Montgomery Burns Moo Morris Mr Darcy Mufti Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Neo Nicky Nigel Noah Norbert Nova Nudge Nugget Occy Oliver Omar RIP Onslow Oscar x 4 Oz Pal x 2 Payton Pete Phoenix Phantom Piikki Peewee Poco Porsha Puck Punch Quatro Quick Quincy Radar Raffy Ralph Rambo Ramses Randy Raymond Reeve Reagan Reginald Rex Ricky Riku Riley Rimes Ripley River Robbie x 2 Rocks Rodney RIP Roger Rolly x2 Rory Rove Rover Roy Roy Jones Jnr Rudnick Ruff Rumour Rupert Rusty Sam x3 Sampson Sarge Satchmo Scooby Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud x 2 Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tag Tally Tana Tanga Tazz x 2 Teddy Terry Tey Dog Thomas Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x3 Toffee Tolkien Tommy x 2 Tournie Tub Turbo Tusca Tutty Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Wally Watson Wazim Weave Whisky Willow Willy Wilson Wonderdog RIP Woody X2 Wookie Wycomb Yoshi Zac x 2 Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zero Zeus x 3
  4. kated

    Puppy Questions

    Thanks so much for your response! I think youve made some great points, and I definitely will try the long leash and the gate. The biting issue - tried high pitched yelp tonight, got a puzzled look! So might have been successful! Will keep it up. Thanks for your help
  5. Hello I recently purchase a border collie boy named Busta, he turned 12 weeks today. I feel like I'm turning into an obsessive mother (what is he chewing? does he have a tummy ache? Should he eat that?) so any hints, tips or stories to share would be most appreciated! Few questions I have atm We have been trying to take him outside the fence for short little walks but as soon as he passes the gate he stops and wants to go straight back inside. We've tried treats but he pants and squirms a lot, which seems to me he is rather stressed. Anyone else had something similar? He play bites alot, we are trying to teach him "no" while gently holding his muzzle closed. Best way to get the message across? The previous 2 border collies I grew up with were very much about routine, if you changed anything they got a bit strange. Is this normal for the breed? My partner is away for work this week and he has been a bit off his food We bought a pen for him to sleep in at night upstairs. He hardly whinged when he was in it but the past few days whenever he gets put in there he cries and doesn't even want to eat his food, could this be a little bit of separtion anixety? Yesterday when I got home he has white liquid at the end of his thing, is this normal for a pup his age?!?! I searched high and low and couldn't see anything where it would come from. Urine looks normal. I can't wait til he gets his final shots so we can take him to the park, soo much energy that boy needs to burn!
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