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Posts posted by rebeccafromtas

  1. Hi all

    Has anyone ever heard of treating snakebites with just vitamin c (i think there was something else in it as well) injections. My mum is a wildlife carer and one of the other carers wallabies got bitten by a snake and they only treated him with theese injections. The wildlife carer knew of this and told the vet what to give him (the wallaby)

    After 2 weeks the wallaby was fine. Since then the vet has tried it on 3 cats and 2 dogs and all of them have survived. I was wondering if anyone had heard about this at all??


  2. Hi

    Thanks for all the helpful comments. I am going to definitely try swimming, being a newfie she will love that. It is awful to see her back legs shake when ever she tries to sit down and if she runs around too much, she seems a lot older than she is. Hopefully swimming will help her and yes we do get lots of cuddles and slober. My bow newfie weighs about 58kg so i will admit getting her into the car to take her to the vet at 76kg was quite interesting.

    The guy i got her from actually said that she had broke into his freezer at one stage and eaten $140 worth of frozen venison.

    Anyway thanks for all the useful comments.

  3. hi thanks for the suggestions, she did have her bottom half x-rayed and the vet never mentioned any problems. I am uncertain if she had the problem before she came to live with me. She was a special case, she was overweight and not the most cared for when i adopted her when i called her previous owner and told him about the snake bite he said get her fixed and he would go halves with the bill. well that never happened. So i adopted a dog with a snake bite. I am crazy but she was lying on the floor at the vets with those big sad eyes how does anyone say no.

    She does love the water but is definitely not a very energetic dog, i might have to get my husband to coax her in. I am pregnant with 4 weeks to go so i might watch, but i never thought of water and its a good idea.

    I have got her to lose about 11kg and she now sits about 65kg.

    Its not the best picture and you have to pretend you didn't see me.



  4. Hi everyone

    about a year ago ago i adopted a newfoundland she was 2 years old and was called zoe. I picked her up and she lived about an hours drive away, when we got her home she was drooling a lot and breathing quite heavily. At the time i thought she was just a bit stressed from the car, her legs were also quite shaky. The next day she didnt seem to improve a lot and was drinking a lot. So i took her to the vet the next day this was about 48 hours since i picked her up.

    The vet did a blood test and confirmed she had been bitten by a snake, most likely before she had been put in the car. We found the puncture wounds and her front rh leg up near her chest.

    $3000.00 and 2 and a half weeks later she came home, she received 2 lots on antivenon and for a 76kg dog i can tell you thats a lot of antivenom.

    It has now been a year and she is still quite shaky in her back legs.

    Does anyone know if there is anything i can do to help her? She is an adorable thing and the sweetest girl on the planet.

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