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Everything posted by Chocolatelover
Hi Guys, I just spoke to my best friend in Brisbane and she mentioned they were planning on getting a SBT pup around Easter. She mentioned they would probably get it from the paper. She then had to put up with my preaching for the next half hour (in a nice way) and she took it all on board and said she would think about what I had said. She said they had actually applied to a few breeders and had been accepted but the paper was a more affordable option for them. I talked about the health of the parents etc and how a good breeder would provide support but I am not sure what health issues to watch out for with SBTs. So she is open to listening and I said I would start a thread here and then email her the link so that she could see what you guys thought. Also if anyone knows of any breeders they have had a really good experience with could they let me know. The good thing is she is not interested in the "blue" colour, I think good temperament would be more of an issue. Not sure about which sex she preferred either. She has two young children (3 and 5), works a couple of nights a week (husband is home with the kids) and they would let the dog inside, probably with some restrictions (eg carpeted areas) but would like the dog to sleep inside, possibly with her son once the pup is older, toilet trained etc. She had a collie x who she lost a couple of years ago who was around 13 or 14 and loved her to bits. If anyone has any good advice or something to convince her that registered breeder is the way to go, that would be great!!!! Thanks in advance
Hi Indiana beagel, Gorgeous puppy - I forgot how cute they were And I 100% agree with Hilaryo - individual temperament is as much if not more important than breed generalisations. We have a 2 and a half year old beagle who is the quietest and laziest little guy you will ever meet. (My neighbour swears he is a cat trapped inside a dogs body). In fact, I had some blood tests done on him two days ago to make sure he didn't have anything wrong with him - all good. He has never dug or "escaped" - although has wandered down to the neighbours at the end of our court when the kids left the gate open once and ate half a packet of her bread rolls from her shopping bag He never barks, I still don't know what a beagle "howl" is and he doesn't particularly enjoy the company of other dogs - prefers to sleep on his bed He loves to be "near" us but usually does his own thing. I walk him every day though for at least an hour and he does perk up when it comes to food. He loves sniffing and while I do do the Kong thing his personal favourite is having his biscuits/liver treats "hidden" all over the yard so that he has to sniff them out. Usually I save it for when we are going out or heading off to work as he sniffs around long after he has found them all! He is then plum tuckered out and sleeps the rest of the day away. Most people have to work and if you give her plenty of love and attention when you can then she is doing better than many dogs!! And having kids often means being busy with work, school and sporting activities and may not necessarily be a better life for a dog. I know a familiy with four kids where the dogs spend most of their life outside on the patio with little human interaction. You sound like a great dog owner and she's lucky to have you. Don't expect the worst beagle traits from her because in my opinion if you put in the time and the effort a great dog is usually the end result. Oh, thinking back, he did chew a fair bit as a pup - never seemed to be anything less than $50. And he will still steal food that is left within his reach (has been known to eat an entire box of weetbix) and is quite adept at opening a zipped up lunchbox. But that's as bad as it gets really Good luck with your pup - she is lucky to have you
My beagle used to whine pitifully whenever we passed another dog - it wasn't loud but sometimes got the other dog a bit fired up. I used treats (he's not fussy but use something they love) and as we approached the other dog but before his attention was focused on it I would show him the treat and make a big fuss of telling him "good boy" until we were safely past. EVentually he just got out of the habit and I no longer needed the treat.
That is so sad And what are they teaching their kids!!!
Thanks Jed - I guess I am learning as I go too in the questions which I should be asking breeders. I think it works both ways - as much as they are entitled to know what sort of home we will offer, the buyer also has a right to know how the pups will be raised and their breeder's attitudes towards their dogs. But having said that, I believe this breeder may have experienced genuine tough times because we did have some long chats about our dogs and she did seem to genuinely care. I am definitely not turned off and I did point out to OH what great dogs both our boys have been. Never had any issues with either and wouldn't trade them for the world. And he couldn't argue with that And I'm sure like any venture - the bad stories are probably talked more about than the good. Probably just put it down to one of life's learning experiences
Well a glimmer of hope today. I actually sent an email to the sire of my boy just to see whether she knew anything about it and she just replied and forwarded on an email from the breeder's husband saying that he would make sure the pups were registered!!!!! So fingers crossed ;) Not sure when but at least there is hope. Thanks for all your help
Thanks for the replies Will probably pursue the stat dec - although not sure how much good it will do. I don't think I will go the legal avenue - like I said, he is the same to us with or without papers. All for my OH's benefits really Plus I do try and encourage people who mention that they are looking at pups in the paper to go down the registered breeder and to stay away from BYBs and pet shops so feel like I am a bad advertisement at the moment And your right Jerojath - it makes no difference to how much we love him. He still gets run of the house and to bath with the kids........papers or no papers And can I just say that after reading through bits and pieces on this forum it is inspiring to realise there are so many dog lovers out there who treat their animals with the love they deserve. I get so bogged down sometimes by the unfairness of so may animal's lives that I to see on a daily basis that I guess sometimes I forget to look at the postive side and how many lucky ones there are out there. A trip to the dog park usually leaves me feeling down as all I seem to hear is "I'll let her have pups cause she such a good looking dog" or "she really needs a litter to calm her down" or "I don't want to desex him now in case someone wants to use him". Anyway, on a lighter note - thanks again!!
Sorry - few more details I originally phoned the breeder and she said that she was having family issues and she would do it ASAP. I then received emails from other puppy buyers (must have got my email of some group emails the breeder sent) asking if I had received my papers. I phoned the CCCQ and they said to put in a stat dec as they hadn't received any paperwork from the breeder. I held of doing this as I knew she had had family problems. I tried to contact the breeder by phone but was unable so sent a email but didn't get a reply. I then phoned the CCCQ again but they said she has not renewed her registration and there is not much they can do. They have sent her registered mail which she collected but they cannot contact her by phone or email either. So it is back to doing a stat dec but just not sure there is much point. Are there other avenues to chase it up????
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to post but I really need some advice and figured here would be the best place to get it I bought my pup nearly seven months ago from a registered breeder and I still haven't received any papers. I am thinking I will probably have to accept that I got duped but was wondering if anyone knows of anything I can do??? Our last boy was almost three when we found him on his bed one morning - he had passed away sometime in the early hours of the morning An autopsy showed that he had a congenital heart defect and our vet said we should let the breeder know as they would most likely like a copy of the report. We did this but unfortunately she was quite short and told us it was not her fault and we let it be. So when we felt ready for our new boy I had a really hard time convincing my OH that a registered breeder was the way to go and now this has happened ;) Tazer is desexed all ready and we would never breed and it won't change how much we love and adore him if we never get the papers. But I would like to convince OH that a registered breeder is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any ideas of where to go from here?